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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)

4/5 First dialogue will happen on black Pearl's deck, then player will be transported to the wreck, everything happens in the sea.
So to be sure I get it right. This shipwreck we're talking about IS the Flying Dutchman?
If so there is already the ship FD in POTC and also a cabinFD. Will those be enough or...
So to be sure I get it right. This shipwreck we're talking about IS the Flying Dutchman?
If so there is already the ship FD in POTC and also a cabinFD. Will those be enough or...

Nope, it's just a random shipwreck from which Davey Jones takes survived sailors to join his crew.
FANTASTIC to see this worked on again!

I had some ideas of how to handle certain PotC film scenes from a technical POV as well.
I'll share my thoughts later if I can get to it.

Good thread title, by the way!
Very @BathtubPirate . ;)
FANTASTIC to see this worked on again!

I had some ideas of how to handle certain PotC film scenes from a technical POV as well.
I'll share my thoughts later if I can get to it.

Good thread title, by the way!
Very @BathtubPirate . ;)

Thank you Pieter! Any of your ideas would be great to hear!

Now that @Jack Rackham is helping me out i'm pretty much obligated to finish at least DMC's main quest :D so yes it's gonna happen,
i will post my progress soon for testing and ideas.
Thank you Pieter! Any of your ideas would be great to hear!

Now that @Jack Rackham is helping me out i'm pretty much obligated to finish at least DMC's main quest :D so yes it's gonna happen,
i will post my progress soon for testing and ideas.

As Gray Roger suggested i won't be trying to copy the film's scene's 1 to 1, i will be trying to make it more engaging gameplay wise, and improvise where needed.

Right now i'm thinking about the cannibal island section, instead of getting captured straight away, player will be playing as Will Turner, fighting the cannibals instead, saving the crew around the island and getting them as officers to fight cannibals with them, and escape to the shore, still thinking how to do the Jack's escape part etc. :ship
1 BlackPearl deck. Already in POTC.
2 A shipwreck which I can try find something for you.
3 FlyingDutchman. Maybe the cabin will do. Already in POTC.
1 BlackPearl deck. Already in POTC.
2 A shipwreck which I can try find something for you.
3 FlyingDutchman. Maybe the cabin will do. Already in POTC.

Yes, only the wreck itself is missing, or maybe there is something alike but i couldn't find it myself...
1 BlackPearl deck. Already in POTC.
2 A shipwreck which I can try find something for you.
3 FlyingDutchman. Maybe the cabin will do. Already in POTC.
Oh and about the Flying Dutchman's deck, ive read on the forums that there is a new model for it being worked on... as far as i can see the Dutchman that we have right now doesn't have any specific deck model as the Pearl does... yes the Cabin is nice but deck could be very useful as well... :keith
Oh and about the Flying Dutchman's deck, ive read on the forums that there is a new model for it being worked on... as far as i can see the Dutchman that we have right now doesn't have any specific deck model as the Pearl does... yes the Cabin is nice but deck could be very useful as well... :keith
I'm not sure that there is any work actually in progress on a new model for the Flying Dutchman, and in any case that would be for the ship model, not for the deck.

The Flying Dutchman currently uses "ShipDeck2", which translates to deck model "RESOURCE\MODELS\locations\decks\Udeck1\udeck.gm". I may be able to make a retextured version of that to look more like the deck of the Dutchman. (Or perhaps there's a TEHO deck model which goes with the ship? The current cursed Flying Dutchman ship model was imported by @The Nameless Pirate from TEHO.)
I'm not sure that there is any work actually in progress on a new model for the Flying Dutchman, and in any case that would be for the ship model, not for the deck.

The Flying Dutchman currently uses "ShipDeck2", which translates to deck model "RESOURCE\MODELS\locations\decks\Udeck1\udeck.gm". I may be able to make a retextured version of that to look more like the deck of the Dutchman. (Or perhaps there's a TEHO deck model which goes with the ship? The current cursed Flying Dutchman ship model was imported by @The Nameless Pirate from TEHO.)
About the Dutchman... i have read a thread somehwere on the forum about it and it was quite recent... ill try to find it later, but regardless of that, the actual model we have right now is good, only the deck/deck's we have at the moment could do with some retexturing.... sorry i'm really not familliar with texturing yet. But the actual quest is coming along nicely! I have decided to leave Justine Le Moigne’s Disappearance almost as is for now... imho it could do with some tweaks and re writing here and there, but for now DMC quest starts right after:

case "reload_to_sea_after_davy":
            QuestToSeaLogin_PrepareLoc("FalaiseDeFleur", "reload", "reload_2", false);
             //Dead man's chest start
           SetQuestHeader("Dead mans chest");
           AddQuestRecord("Dead mans chest", 1);
1. I'll search for a shack. A swamp to place it in is easy to fix. For interior maybe the larger indian hut could be used.
2. Will be uploaded soon. The positive thing with this indian village is that the two huts interiors are already imported to POTC.
3. Have to search for something new here...
4. Do you know how to retexture? If not there's a tutorial on the forum.
I started a model of Tia Dalma's shack a while back.....if you want I can try finish it.
@Adamski62. Tia Dalma's shack. I've used the exterior and interior of the larger hut from the TEHO indian village. But if you
come up with something better no problem.
I was trying to recreate the scene from the movie so it could take a while....not done any modelling for a few years.
Hey there!

Unfortunately i didn't have as much free time as i had hoped for, but regardless, if anyone is interested, i'm attaching the progress so far, it's not much yet,
i'm learning some functions as i go, dialogue's will get expanded later as well. It ends on Jack taking course to Turks, any feedback is welcome as always!

Slow but steady i guess :fiddle

You can add these to the console to start DMC quest.

PChar.quest.Tia_to_Davy.win_condition.l1 = "MapEnter";
PChar.quest.Tia_to_Davy.win_condition = "Tia_to_Davy";



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Also, sorry for a somewhat stupid question, but what is the best use of both_reaction, as far as my speculation goes it's used for after quest cleanup and other functioins so the quests_reaction doesn't get cluttered ? Would be great to know for sure so i can use it properly ;)
In "Hoist the Colours", it's used for almost all the sidequests. In "Tales of a Sea Hawk" it's used for some starting quests as well as the stuff about cursed coins; my guess is that this is because the original plan was to allow you to choose to play as Nathaniel or Danielle and "both_reaction.c" was things that could happen to both of them. "Ardent" uses it because I didn't ask that not-so-stupid question, took a guess based on what "Tales of a Sea Hawk" was doing, and put the starting quest in there. :oops: Most other storylines don't use it at all and just have a near-empty version because the game won't work unless "both_reaction.c" exists in the storyline.

Your quests are a continuation of things which happen in "quests_reaction.c". You don't need to use "both_reaction.c" at all. "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" is in "quests_reaction.c" possibly because it was intended to lead into a "Dead Man's Chest" continuation, whereas the other sidequests are just sidequests.
In "Hoist the Colours", it's used for almost all the sidequests. In "Tales of a Sea Hawk" it's used for some starting quests as well as the stuff about cursed coins; my guess is that this is because the original plan was to allow you to choose to play as Nathaniel or Danielle and "both_reaction.c" was things that could happen to both of them. "Ardent" uses it because I didn't ask that not-so-stupid question, took a guess based on what "Tales of a Sea Hawk" was doing, and put the starting quest in there. :oops: Most other storylines don't use it at all and just have a near-empty version because the game won't work unless "both_reaction.c" exists in the storyline.

Your quests are a continuation of things which happen in "quests_reaction.c". You don't need to use "both_reaction.c" at all. "Justine le Moigne's Disappearance" is in "quests_reaction.c" possibly because it was intended to lead into a "Dead Man's Chest" continuation, whereas the other sidequests are just sidequests.

Ah, thank you! I will keep to the tradition and add side quests there, when i will have any that is :rolleyes: