I will for sure need bootstrap's fishy model as well. For now i use what we have in Will's freeplay. Do we have any other models for Elizabeth, or only the dress one ?
I'm a bit busy with various things at the moment so I won't be making fishy Bootstrap Bill. For Elizabeth Swann, there's also "lizswann", which is her pirate outfit. You'll see her using it if you play the "Silver Train" sidequest in FreePlay.
For scene 2 i use main gun deck, and add some npcs here and there and set them to LAi_ActorSetLayMode, then for scene 3 i use cargo hold, but as you said i will have to skip both and do everything on main deck for deck4, i was just wondering if there is an easy way to see which ships use what deck model like schooner = deck5 has captains cabin, lower decks / cargo hold (just an example) if there isn't a way to look it up somewhere ill just have to test it all manually.
While it is true that sailors slept in hammocks on the gun deck in reality, the gun deck has no hammocks in the game so you can't have sleeping sailors there, unless you make a duplicate of the gun deck with some hammocks added. Otherwise this is one of many times when the storyline has to be adapted to the game - use the crew quarters, it has beds and it's used on any ship bigger than a tartane.

I'm pretty sure anything bigger than a tartane also has a cargo hold - it must have one because that's where you talk to prisoners, which generally aren't a problem on a tartane because you're unlikely to capture anything while sailing an unarmed dinghy. For other decks, look at the ship's entry in "Ships_init.c". For example, for "Schooner1":
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck4";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 0;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin_small";
For a start, that means we'll need to figure out a different way of checking whether the player is in a tartane because the schooner uses the same quarterdeck, "ShipDeck4". For another, you can see there that the ship has one cargo hold, no gun decks, and cabin type "Cabin_small".
And captain's cabins are different as well with different locators.
True, but there are a few safe locators which are used in all cabin models. I had a similar problem in "Ardent" where there's a scene in the ship's cabin, only I've no idea what sort of cabin the player is using because he's had plenty of time to pirate the ship of his choice and is actively encouraged to do so. So the key character who needs to appear in the cabin goes to "rld\startloc" and the player is teleported to "reload\reload1". (I wrote the story some time ago and didn't account for the possibility of a tartane without a cabin. But at this point in the story, you're about to raid a convoy, so if you previously capsized your ship and ended up in a tartane, you've probably got something better by now.

//Go to Elton Garfield on docks
case "at_turks_port_talk":
//Disable auto run
AlwaysRunToggle = false;
Locations[FindLocation("Turks_port")].vcskip = true;
LAi_LocationFightDisable(&Locations[FindLocation("Turks_port")], true);
SetCharacterToNearLocatorFromMe("Elton Garfield", 2);
Lai_ActorGoToLocator(pchar, "soldiers", "protector2", "reset_player_after_Elton", -1);
So be it, i will do excatly this for Turks in my quest, by the way, as much as i understand there is no way to get around this 32 npc limit ? It is indded a silly restriction in the engine, some bigger towns feel quite empty because of it.
You probably don't need 'AlwaysRunToggle = false'. You're about to put the player into "Actor" mode, at which point he loses all control anyway, and he shouldn't run because you're using 'Lai_ActorGoToLocator', not 'Lai_ActorRunToLocator'. If you do force "AlwaysRunToggle" for quest purposes, be sure to store the old value first. Some of us prefer to switch auto run off permanently and won't be too happy if the story suddenly makes you always run when you've finished talking to Elton Garfield.
And you probably don't need the 'vcskip' for Turks Port. The "Assassin" storyline has a modified version of the "Hard Labours of an Assassin" sidequest in which Pepin Bertillon and his sidekicks are in Turks Port rather than Nevis Pirate Settlement. There's no 'vcskip'. I've played the storyline many times and never had Pepin Bertillon fail to show up. Which means...
To be honest i don't really want to use vcskip in towns, i want to keep them lively and just add the additional npcs that i need, i want to keep it as immersive as i can, of course i can just add npcs in the code after using vcskip, then reset it all and disable vcskip, but as you know it's just some additional work...
... you don't need to use 'vcskip' in most towns. Tortuga has a lot of characters and needs 'vcskip' to prevent random NPC's from taking up the rest of the 32 slots and blocking quest NPC's from appearing. Havana port is another place which sometimes has trouble.
Otherwise, don't bother. If your quest NPC fails to appear, check "compile.log", and if it complains about many characters then that's the clue that you need to use 'vcskip'.
When do you plan to release the next update ? Maybe i can try to hurry a bit and get some DMC stuff into it if you are not against it ? Would be really cool if you could play trough what i have right now if you have any free time, it's not long right now, and allows the player to do whatever he wants after it. As what we have right now is a cliffhanger anyways without my continuation.
Better yet, upload your DMC stuff so that I can give it a try, and maybe so can some other people. If it works, then it can go into the next update. That's going to be the acid test, letting someone else play it. You know what's supposed to happen and will play accordingly. I don't know what's supposed to happen so I'll be relying on questbooks and NPC dialog to guide me. (Especially since I haven't watched the film "Dead Man's Chest" for some time and can't remember much of what happens, so I can't even use that as a guide.) The story doesn't need to be complete, it just needs to be playable to a sort of conclusion, maybe complete a quest or two. Once that part is working properly, it can go into an update, then you can do the next part, which will go into the next next update, and so on.
When I was writing "Ardent", someone else was in charge of updates. The first version of the storyline which I uploaded for inclusion was just escaping from prison, rescuing your crew and returning to town. It would be some time before the full storyline was complete!