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Need Help Hoist the colors (For the 125431th time)


Storm Modder
Hey there matey's!

I know that this has been brought up and tackled by many (including me back in 2016), and as far as i understand @CaptainMaggee has tried to continue on the amazing Curse of the black pearl quest, but i guess as with many of us real life took over.

After finishing the black pearl quest i was quite inspired and motivated to continue on the film trilogy.

So after some digging i realized that most of the coding has already been done in other quests and storylines, so it would be just the matter of adapting it for the storyline and changing the scripts up a bit, i could also do the basic writing necessary while trying to stay close to the Black pearl's writing style.

1. Maybe we already have some ideas and/or work done for Dead man's chest, i have read some threads on the forum but most of them are quite ancient by now :D
2. I'm quite guilty of not doing Lucas the Admirals Son & Justine Le Moigne quest yet, but as far as i understand this quest is supposed to be leading to Dead man's chest storyline ?
3. I couldn't manage to make ship do a 180 degree flip (Could be useful for At the world's end), but ill just use what we have for Dutchman's submerge for now

Basically i will be doing as much as i can with coding and writing in my free time and if anyone has any work done you are more than welcome to share it,
it would be great to gather all the ideas and information in one place.

Unfortunately this will be time consuming and definitely not fast, but ill try to post my progress here so anyone can correct my code or writing as it goes!

Cheers! :cheers


Good news! :napoleon

I have made some nice progress on the story, it did take quite some time for this short part of the quest, but i have pushed myself to make it interesting (if i can say so myself) and learn some new functions as i go, i will be attaching the files needed for the new story now (everything is updated to the latest version, so should be an easy drop in).

Some parts of the quest such as walking to the dalma's shack are somewhat lazy in their execution, but as i said i want to finish the story leaving some not-so-important bits of it to be expanded later, if i do everything i want to do it will take me a year to finish it. :D

Please let me know of any bugs, but as far as i could test it there should be none, but i didn't play the black pearl questline from the beggining yet after my changes.
And of course i would like some feedback if my writing/gameplay/coding is sufficient enough! :keith

Update 2:

Another update, many improvements and bug fixes here and there, Jack's story now ends on him escaping cannibal island!

Update 3:

Story end with Elizabeth and Norrington joining the crew and heading towards the dead man's chest.

Download Link to jumpshare
Last edited:
Go for it, says I!

The "Justine le Moigne" sidequest does indeed lead into "Dead Man's Chest". It does a bit of a dirty hack at the end in that case "Tia_to_Davy" is triggered by going to worldmap or direct-sailing to another island, then case "Tia_to_Davy1.5" is triggered by being at sea. So you have to sail away from Martinique to trigger the end sequence with Davy Jones and Tia Dalma. But that end sequence finishes with case "reload_to_sea_after_davy" which sends you back to Martinique. I once tried to have it put you somewhere else and it didn't work, so we're stuck with that.

Then there's quest case "At_Shack_Warning". This is not currently triggered at all. There's a trigger for it in "Tia Dalma_dialog.c", case "Take_Tia_to_Shack", currently commented out because it wants to trigger "At_Shack_Warning" when you arrive at location "Tia_shack" which doesn't exist. So about the first thing you'll probably want to do is create "Tia_shack" somewhere, then remove the comment markers from "Tia Dalma_dialog.c" case "Take_Tia_to_Shack". And then quest case "At_Shack_Warning" wants to set Tia Dalma to start a dialog with dialog case "find_the_key", which also does not exist, so you could write some dialog for Tia Dalma about a key.

Or you could disregard all that and do something completely different! You don't need to be bound by what someone else did as a start to "Dead Man's Chest" and then never finished.

Do make sure you have the January 2022 installer and the update archive. Apart from anything else, that will allow you to see the new models of Davy Jones' crew.
Go for it, says I!

The "Justine le Moigne" sidequest does indeed lead into "Dead Man's Chest". It does a bit of a dirty hack at the end in that case "Tia_to_Davy" is triggered by going to worldmap or direct-sailing to another island, then case "Tia_to_Davy1.5" is triggered by being at sea. So you have to sail away from Martinique to trigger the end sequence with Davy Jones and Tia Dalma. But that end sequence finishes with case "reload_to_sea_after_davy" which sends you back to Martinique. I once tried to have it put you somewhere else and it didn't work, so we're stuck with that.

Then there's quest case "At_Shack_Warning". This is not currently triggered at all. There's a trigger for it in "Tia Dalma_dialog.c", case "Take_Tia_to_Shack", currently commented out because it wants to trigger "At_Shack_Warning" when you arrive at location "Tia_shack" which doesn't exist. So about the first thing you'll probably want to do is create "Tia_shack" somewhere, then remove the comment markers from "Tia Dalma_dialog.c" case "Take_Tia_to_Shack". And then quest case "At_Shack_Warning" wants to set Tia Dalma to start a dialog with dialog case "find_the_key", which also does not exist, so you could write some dialog for Tia Dalma about a key.

Or you could disregard all that and do something completely different! You don't need to be bound by what someone else did as a start to "Dead Man's Chest" and then never finished.

Do make sure you have the January 2022 installer and the update archive. Apart from anything else, that will allow you to see the new models of Davy Jones' crew.

Thank you very much for your encouragement! And i will more than likely need some of your help along the way :wp

I will play trough the whole "Justine Le Moigne" quest today and see what can be done to incorporate it into the new questline without much hassle, i wouldn't want to waste any good work that has already been done by someone.

For now my plan is to do the bulk of tedious work with writing and coding, using scenes from the actual movie is a nice way to save up some work in more complicated parts as well, i did like seeing it being used in pearl's questline, if one doesn't overdo it of course.

I will for sure need help with making locations that are not yet in the mod pretty, i lack the knowledge to do that myself, i will make placeholder locations where necessary for now, my goal is to at least bring something playable out, and it can be polished later on, by me or someone else, i think seeing something functional will bring more attention from others as well. :pirates
I have attached the progress with writing so far, most of the lines are directly taken from the movie script. So far the biggest problem is the engine's limitations, especially the whole "canibal island" sequence needs to be re written, so i'm trying to figure out how close we want this quest to resembe the actual movie... as i mentioned above, any ideas are welcome!

I don't want to include too many scenes from the movie, but i feel like we can't portray some of the scenes correctly just by using the game engine... quite a pickle here.

Either it won't be just like the original film story, of there will be too many scenes from the film, which would be the better approach ?
Either you adapt the story to fit the game engine or you adapt the game engine to fit the story. I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to start on the latter!

You may have noticed that "Hoist the Colours" does not follow the film exactly, for similar reasons. There are a few short clips from the film, but not many and not long - it's a game, not a copy of the film. ;) So, feel free to adapt the film story to fit the game. (Did you notice in "Hoist the Colours" that the first scene with Jack Sparrow and Will Turner is actually in the shipyard? That allows more room for the fight. It wouldn't work as well in the game's blacksmith's shop. So the shipyard owner is temporarily removed, the player and Will Turner are sent to the shipyard for the scene, then the shipyard owner is put back in place after you're arrested and sent to prison.)
Either you adapt the story to fit the game engine or you adapt the game engine to fit the story. I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to start on the latter!

You may have noticed that "Hoist the Colours" does not follow the film exactly, for similar reasons. There are a few short clips from the film, but not many and not long - it's a game, not a copy of the film. ;) So, feel free to adapt the film story to fit the game. (Did you notice in "Hoist the Colours" that the first scene with Jack Sparrow and Will Turner is actually in the shipyard? That allows more room for the fight. It wouldn't work as well in the game's blacksmith's shop. So the shipyard owner is temporarily removed, the player and Will Turner are sent to the shipyard for the scene, then the shipyard owner is put back in place after you're arrested and sent to prison.)

Thank you very much for your input!

Yes indeed, i think we can quote Barbossa here - “The code movie's script is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." :aar , ill stick to this mentality then.

You are right about the clips, might as well just watch the movie then :D i will use as few as possible and only where it's necessary.

I'm thinking about the Jack's opening where he escapes the prison on Turks island, it would be cool to show Jack finding the key's drawing in the prison. as we only see him escaping... the issue is that we don't really have anything even remotely close to the said prison, wish i knew how to model locations :eek:

Also back in 2016 Pieter mentioned that...

"And @Jack Rackham prepared a "Jungle Church" location for the end of DMC as well ages ago.
So that is already available. :doff"

Maybe we have something else ready to be put in, or it's already in the game's files just unused ?
Mostly you can just use what's already in the game. You'd probably need to use the standard game prison model, for example. It might be possible to put something on the commandant's desk, otherwise Jack just needs to move to a locator to trigger a quest case in which he gets an item, namely the key's drawing, which will show up in his inventory.
@Sebrian, If you need any other locations you can't find in the game maybe I can import or mod something for you.
Hey there Jack! That would be great help for sure!

You have mentioned before that Indian/cannibal village could be imported from POTEHO.

So far we will need:
Tia Dalma's shack;
Indian/cannibal village;
Jungle Church;
Shipwreck in water with some deck intact (optional, can do without).
Turks prison would be very cool to have...

Maybe we could reskin a standart fort to be a part of the prison on turks ? like make walls darker add some cages, torches etc. i don't know how complicated it could be...
1 What's Tia Dalma´s shack to look like?
2 I can import an IndianVillage from TEHO if you want.
3 Should it be possible to walk the deck of the shipwreck?
4 To retexture a Fort isn't that difficult. Why not use the texture of the standard prison.
Adding stuff takes a little longer but it´s not impossible.
1 What's Tia Dalma´s shack to look like?
2 I can import an IndianVillage from TEHO if you want.
View attachment 40447
3 Should it be possible to walk the deck of the shipwreck?
4 To retexture a Fort isn't that difficult. Why not use the texture of the standard prison.
Adding stuff takes a little longer but it´s not impossible.



2.Yes please, that actually looks perfect for what we need!


4. Actually that's a great idea! the whole point is to make the fort look dark/grim and have prison like elements, i could use the prison that we have now just as
Roger suggested, but it leaves less room for fights and other possible interactions.
1. I'll search for a shack. A swamp to place it in is easy to fix. For interior maybe the larger indian hut could be used.
2. Will be uploaded soon. The positive thing with this indian village is that the two huts interiors are already imported to POTC.
3. Have to search for something new here...
4. Do you know how to retexture? If not there's a tutorial on the forum.
1. I'll search for a shack. A swamp to place it in is easy to fix. For interior maybe the larger indian hut could be used.
2. Will be uploaded soon. The positive thing with this indian village is that the two huts interiors are already imported to POTC.
3. Have to search for something new here...
4. Do you know how to retexture? If not there's a tutorial on the forum.

I have not looked into locations/texturing at all yet, coding is pretty straight forward so far, ill try to research retexturing if i have spare time, the prison is not so high on the priority list. :wp
If you run into some problems with retexturing I'll help you.

1 & 2. Trying to replace the bigger hut in the indian village with a tipi. Then the hut could be used as Tia Dalma´s shack somewhere else.
(As i has an interior)
Here are the three first locations.

1 Indian Village imported from TEHO with the larger hut exchanged for a tipi

2 A swamp with Tia Dalma´s hut (using the larger hut from the indian village)

3 Inside the hut (this location was already imported to POTC, but changed now)

The new locations are placed at the end of QuestLocations.
To test the Indian village place this line at the beginning of console.c
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Indian_Village2", "reload", "reload1" ,"_");

and for the other two instead
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Tia Dalma"), "Tia_Dalma_hut", "goto", "Dalma");
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Tia_Dalma_swamp", "reload", "reload1" ,"_");

Start Sparrow storyline, press F12.

Sorry had to split the upload into two.


  • Sebrian locations part1.7z
    7.2 MB · Views: 128
  • Sebrian locations part2.7z
    4.8 MB · Views: 120
Here are the three first locations.

1 Indian Village imported from TEHO with the larger hut exchanged for a tipi
View attachment 40462

2 A swamp with Tia Dalma´s hut (using the larger hut from the indian village)
View attachment 40463

3 Inside the hut (this location was already imported to POTC, but changed now)
View attachment 40464

The new locations are placed at the end of QuestLocations.
To test the Indian village place this line at the beginning of console.c
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Indian_Village2", "reload", "reload1" ,"_");

and for the other two instead
ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(characterFromID("Tia Dalma"), "Tia_Dalma_hut", "goto", "Dalma");
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Tia_Dalma_swamp", "reload", "reload1" ,"_");

Start Sparrow storyline, press F12.

Sorry had to split the upload into two.

Thank you! Looks great! Ill try them out first thing this evening.
About the shipwreck.

1 What's going to happen here - a fight?
2 Could the action take place in an inside ship location (looking out on a very wreck-like deck?)
3 Would it be better with both a (walkable) deck AND inside locations like cabin, hold etc
4 Should it be seen from land or can it be in the middle of the sea?
5 How do you get to the wreck? Small boat from land, swimming?
About the shipwreck.

1 What's going to happen here - a fight?
2 Could the action take place in an inside ship location (looking out on a very wreck-like deck?)
3 Would it be better with both a (walkable) deck AND inside locations like cabin, hold etc
4 Should it be seen from land or can it be in the middle of the sea?
5 How do you get to the wreck? Small boat from land, swimming?
1. Basically it's a scene location where William Turner first meets Davey Jones, he finds some survivors from shipwreck and is taken on board of flying dutchman, there will be one fight and some dialogue between 5 people with some bystanders.
2.Inside ship deck could work as well as we don't need to stay 100% accurate to the movies.
3.There won't be any transitions between locations, only a single deck.