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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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In POTC one can change the sails at any time by clicking "ships" and then clicking on the "sails" icon. Then choose "change sails".

No sail_init.
humm its their mod man , im having serious mad moments with this jaja, i hope they fix it because im feeling no advance in this but will continue trying
which mod are u sing for the potc ??
have really nice text
No clue what you're saying there, matey.

http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons, of course. :razz

jaja no idea man , i was offline of this game many years ago xD

for every one that want to play with the option of paint the sails in the shipyard (pirate one ) have to do this

line 1544 of \Program\INTERFACE\shipyard.c
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).name1 = "resource\Textures\INTERFACES\Disketa_Empty.tga.tx";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName = "Disketa_Empty.tga.tx";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName.Name = "None";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName.Ext = "tx";
after editing
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).name1 = "\RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\SAILS\parus_common.tga.tx";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName = "parus_common.tga.tx";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName.Name = "None";
    GameInterface.SHIP_WINDOW_EMBLEME.(attrNameTmp).FileName.Ext = "tx";
it will pope an error but is no visual bug when using the ship , its the better i get
also have to add this files in the\RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\SAILS


just copy 2 textures ( red and blue of that folder for example)of that folder and rename as those and the colour editor for the sails will work fine , only work with custom sails of the game ( if u root a ship with a special sail it wont be painted)
Methinks I'm done with this mod. :rumgone Six times I left port and six times I got intercepted by the same ship, and six times the battle ended with a CTD. :rumgone
Methinks I'm done with this mod. :rumgone Six times I left port and six times I got intercepted by the same ship, and six times the battle ended with a CTD. :rumgone

I wish I could help you figure out what is going on.

I am not going to jinx myself but making direct statements, but I have repaired most of the coding that caused most of the common errors that have been reported so far including ships errors.

The only thing I can state is there was a pattern of CTD in terms of large fleet battles with certain POTEHO imported ships that were NOT a result of demasting or flags.
I could have been the increase in detail, but I doubt it.

Most of the GOF ships had no problems, except for few that had bad walk files, a couple that still had the cannon bug, and some with the wrong sails which you noted.

However, in many cases of coding I did crosschecks of files, and did imports of updated files that merged GOF 2.0 with GOF Eras, and that fixed the majority of issues, but not all which I had to repair myself.
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what was happening when u get the crash ? its a good start point to start finding a bug xD i was lloking a lot of the files contained in this mod and have various bugs (testing ingame ) and most are for missing line code , if u where trying to board a ship , of a mast goes down , etc etc etc .. maybe its a dead line of a ship , or a missing model etc etc etc ... xD im no the supporter of this mod , but if u state more accuratlly the situation ( ships names and all this shit ) he provably could give u a sollution ( or maybe not ) . ohh and pystof i left u some questions in the modding theme of the flags that we where talking before
if i could help only ask .
Tomorrow i will continue trying to fix the shipyard error but need to know prior how works the emblem sails because im sure that is a missing code error or maybe a folder mistake
I was a bit frustrated before by having several hours of time wasted. :modding Better now.

It is just a simple 5 ship fight. My 4 ( Felipe1, light pinnace, 60 gun escort ship, and VOC escort frigate ) against the Bounty Hunter ship, the Revenge1. It always gets the weather gauge so I have to slowly tack in, taking damage all the way, and when I get close it CTDs. I have captured a Revenge1 one time before and have it stored in a port control. No masts are dropped as we are doing more hull damage than sail damage.

Here are the logs. I am too new with COAS to interpret them well, but one of them has compile errors which I know can cause big problems from when Pieter did it in POTC.


  • compile.7z
    3.8 KB · Views: 211
  • error.7z
    323 bytes · Views: 203
  • system.7z
    1.8 KB · Views: 200
line 1070 to 1073
// itmname_Mineral24_1
  skillN = skillN + SetCharacterSkillByItem
(_refCharacter, skillName, SKILL_FORTUNE, "Mineral24_1",

think this dont have any kind of
but this .....

RUNTIME ERROR - file: items\initItems.c; line: 11156
invalid index 170 [size:170]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: items\initItems.c; line: 11156
function 'InitRandItems' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: items\initItems.c; line: 10424
invalid index 425 [size:425]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: items\initItems.c; line: 10424
function 'InitItems' stack error
seems like a model crash ( like i said before xD )

line 11156 of items init

   rnditem.id = "blade81";

line 10424 to 10440 of same file
   itm.id = "suit_3";
   itm.groupID = CIRASS_ITEM_TYPE;
   itm.Clothes = true;
   itm.name = "itmname_suit_3";
   itm.describe = "itmdescr_suit_3";
   itm.folder = "items";
   itm.model = "8";
   itm.picIndex = 2;
   itm.picTexture = "ITEMS_1";
   itm.price = 150000;
   itm.Weight = 7;
   itm.CirassLevel = 0.0;
   itm.minlevel = 20;
   itm.rare = 0.001;
   itm.ItemType = "SUPPORT";

seems like that , a modeling crash , u was boarding when it crashes ( as i understood) so the enemy loads a pj with a bugged blade , thats it , just try to find the bounty hunters code and see which kind of gear they load , and if its ramdom that blade should be fixed or deleted ( or the suit because it gets an error to that also ), and mainlly this item Mineral24_1 this takes the most part of the error log ( top up of this post ) and again and again and again ....
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
missing '('
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\RPGUtilite.c; line: 1071
Invalid Expression

im so sad for u dude xD the last item has a value of 150000; jajajajaja
indeed im founding this mod little .... incomplete ( without ofence , have very good stuff but this kind of bugs after hours of play touch a little the balls )
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I'd just like to leave a friendly reminder here that this mod is still in Beta and I never once advertized it as being complete. I've said from the beginning that it still needs a lot to be finished. However, please remember that I made this mod pretty much alone with very little help. I released it because so many people wanted it. It's funny because now that I have no time to work on it people are finally becoming interested and offering to help. Looking back, I probably should have kept the whole thing to myself and for my own use alone until it was totally finished.

If some of you want to get together and start producing errata sheets and fix logs, that would really help me when its time to re-release the next version with patch1 applied. Some of these errors are news to me and I had no idea I made that many mistakes. Often I worked very fast or late into the night when I wasn't the most aware, so no big surprises to me. Sorry for wasting peoples time with shoddy work.

My next two entrepreneurial endeavors may be really demanding on my time depending on how things go. If things go well I may even be in head hunting mode if any certain retired military officers might want to join me in an enterprise that could really be earth shaking and ground breaking. That being said I will probably scramble to get everything done over a free weekend and then give it to whoever wants to test it (TBK, Kipper, Hammerman777 or Luke159). Then we can recompile, cut up for torrent, and release.

Once finished, I no longer have plans to continue with Mod3 so it will be shelved unless through some miracle I get a bunch of free time and get really bored. It's more likely that I will be transitioning to and growing my 2nd endeavor at that time - for construction of a new strategic/tactical sea simulation that will make all others before it look like simple play toys. More to follow...

Sorry for wasting peoples time with shoddy work.


This was not "shoddy work", it was a a significant personal achievement.
There is absolutely no way one person could catch all the things that needed tweaked or repaired based on the massive changes you did for the game.
It takes time for any mod to really be properly recognized, Combined Mod/GOF had the same reaction when it was originally released

Granted not every updated fix was included from GOF 1.2 and 2.0, but that is not the point.
The base game is complicated and archaic (and original code written in Russian that was broken), and only a true handful of people know how all the game coding functioned.
Many authors of the original GOF have been not active for months, even years.

"A good writer always needs a proof reader in order to have a impartial critical eye on his work".
I am still willing to assist in testing.
I was a bit frustrated before by having several hours of time wasted. :modding Better now.

Here are the logs. I am too new with COAS to interpret them well, but one of them has compile errors which I know can cause big problems from when Pieter did it in POTC.

I took a very quick look at the logs and made some notes regarding mariners observations.
There are errors regarding bounty hunter generation in your game.
Bounty hunter code was updated by MK.
If item generation is the culprit, that makes sense.
Mineral24_1 is a new item, but I do not believe this is the one that is CTD.
Suit 3 might, as this items was removed from the game, and there may remnants of GOF code there.
I will crosscheck items generation as crashes may be related to array errors.
marinero86: I did not attempt to board in the first fights. It just CTDed.

I worked around the problem last night by letting the Bounty Hunter follow me into San Juan port. The fort changed their mind and they turned to sail off and I set off in hot pursuit, boarded, and took her without ever firing a shot. She is now part of my fleet and all is well.
start 2014-02-27 21-33-46-83.jpg

MK: :ahoy No one ever expected this mod to be perfect. Other mods with teams working on them have all had lots of errors that take time to work out. POTC had a team working on it for 6 months on a daily basis with patches coming out weekly, and it still has bugs in it.
It is amazing that ERAS works as well as it does since you worked on it all by yourself.
I can only repeat what Hylie Pistof and TheBlackKnight have said, but I am absolutely convinced that nearly all people very much appreciate your work.
Don't take the findings as personal criticism. It happens to the best of us, despite our efforts.

No reasonably thinking person would expect the initial release of anything to be perfect to start out with. And that doesn't matter.
Those same reasonably thinking people would be very much appreciative of your efforts to fix those things that are still found.
Remember that the fact that people report them at all, means that they care! :onya

So once more, I want to thank you for all the hard work you have put into this.
And while I am currently away at sea without much of any spare time, once I return I would certainly be willing to do what I can to support you again. :doff
Very nice mod, but what's wrong when many textures don't show up (appear gray)?
MK made a mistake and accidentally left some textures out of his original release. He then released the fix and it is in his first post.
Very nice mod, but what's wrong when many textures don't show up (appear gray)?

If they are NOT related to "locations", please report them.
I upgraded a bunch of textures that are not related to my released mods, and this may be useful for bug reporting.
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