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Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

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This engine version is over 5 years old! :rofl

That's not right.
It is true that was written the mathematical structure in 1999/2000. :modding
It is also the basis for POTC and AOP1.

If you want the Era Mod stabilize, they eliminate the
Errors in the system.log, compile.log and appear error.log.

These are bad things here. The cost a lot of memory.
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Ok, I just wanted to say thanks one more time for helping me get set up gentlemen. I hope I wasn't picking at any new scabs caused by the recent drama. I've been a member/moderator of several modding communities over the years that have ripped themselves apart over lesser issues. Considering the age and tenor of this community, I do hope that both sides can take a step back, reevaluate, and precede forward without further damage.
My, how the seasons turn..

Change is coming to the world. Many fear change and will fight it with every fiber of their being. But sometimes, change is what they need the most. Sometimes, change is what sets them free.
Well, my Dropbox has been shut down due to excessive traffic again. It will be up again in a few days.

It is possible that my constant CTDs are not related strictly to the Wicked Wench. I finally thought to take a screenie of the error message that pops up during every battle. I also managed to nearly finish a battle with no ships getting dismasted. Then my ship lost two masts and a few minutes later it CTDed. :shrug
start 2014-02-13 21-09-52-15.jpg

Here are the log files with lots of errors. For some reason today the forum will not let me post them without zipping them first.


  • compile.7z
    26.2 KB · Views: 146
  • error.7z
    323 bytes · Views: 160
  • system.7z
    1.8 KB · Views: 137
That happened to me only once when I was in a storm. the message didn't appear at the beginning but but after leaving my ship in the storm for 10 minits "using god mode of course to increase my navigation skills :p." the message started to apear. but the message didn't appear again neither in normal naval battle nor in storms.
I've been in a few more battles and they all went well, or at least there were no CTDs, until last night when I got intercepted by a fleet led by the Wicked Wench. CTD before I even fired a shot. It is either the WW or that no name ship that always seem to accompany her.
Been getting in more frustrating battles. Maybe it isn't one of the other ships but my ship. I imported the transporte galleon the Felipe1 or more correctly the Apostol Felipe Ver 2 from POTC. It is the same ship but much improved, but I got into a battle where it was the only ship to lose a mast and there was a CTD soon after.

OTOH I just ended a battle that lasted 26 game hours and maybe 3 real time hours that ended with a CTD as I was sailing away, having given up hope of completing the battle. This game is getting frustrating.
Ok, I just wanted to say thanks one more time for helping me get set up gentlemen. I hope I wasn't picking at any new scabs caused by the recent drama. I've been a member/moderator of several modding communities over the years that have ripped themselves apart over lesser issues. Considering the age and tenor of this community, I do hope that both sides can take a step back, reevaluate, and precede forward without further damage.

People have been scarred far worse than a "forum battle".
This is certainly not one of them, Pirates Ahoy! will live on.
I prefer not to express my opinions because it serves no beneficial purpose.
Maybe some battles are just meant to be unwinable. After that marathon that ended with most cannons blown up and then a CTD, today I intervened in what looked to be an easy fight of 4 French ships against 2 Pirate ships.

Imagine my surprise when my little 30 gun galleon spawned RIGHT NEXT to a 60 gun 3rd rate! :8q Yah we took a lot of damage but got far enough away to not get boarded.

Long story short, I boarded and took a Flemish Privateer and then took over the surrendered 60 gun ship. :bonaparte I lost no cannons and actually made it to port with no CTD! :keith
So I am trying to download the mod and when I go to mediafire it tells me that I need the admin's permission to download the game! How do I download it then? Also, because I am a newb, what is TAGES? Thanks.
I'm closing in on where the problem is with the CTDs in battles where the wicked Wench is involved. It is not the WW herself but something to do with the flags or masts.

I am in a battle where I have captured the WW, or what is left of her. There is only one ship left, the VOC Escort Frigate. This is where I am getting constant CTDs now. I am trying to just sail away and get out of the battle if the CTDs will let me.

It is broken and I will have to go back to a save from before the battle. The culprit?
Runtime Error!
R6025 - pure virtual function call
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Is there any way at all for me to download it? I really wish to try it, and J2JonJeremy on youtube was able to get the mod so where did he get it from?
There is no way to get ERAS now. The link was closed last Thursday and only those that got it before then have it.

I suggest you try the GOF2 Mod. It is not as refined but works pretty well.
Is there any way at all for me to download it? I really wish to try it, and J2JonJeremy on youtube was able to get the mod so where did he get it from?

Well maybe at some point in the future, I may be able to remedy this problem and allow downloads, but not without MK's approval.
He is the sole source author and owner.
I think I saved a "basic" reference copy in my archives.

At this point with all the changes and upgrades I have done to my version of this MOD, my AOP2 GOF Eras installation is pushing past the 38 GB point, which would be completely NON downloadable for the average person.
This is even if I could sort out stock from modified which is basically impossible as I made too many game specific upgrades with models, textures, sounds, coding, and files to make the game really sing a pirates "Yo Ho".
Outstanding work my friend! Such a craft of art, I cannot wait to sail seas of that like.

If we ever meet ashore, wine's on my scabbard!

Steady winds!
OK I am not back.....however I am sick of my inboxes filling up with individual requests to download ERAS2 so I have reopened the links against my better judgement. I injured myself a few days ago on the hill so I have almost finished Patch1 and I have actually finally had the breakthrough I was looking for for so long with the lower boarding decks....they now work. I will likely not release Patch1 one separately but as its own complete new GOF Eras2 download with the new capabilities complete, quest bugs fixed, new characters added and new ships added...I will also make a torrent available...details to follow. Mid March to 01 April estimate of release.

This download will be released on another website, or a new website that I launch myself that will be built for my purposes this coming year, OR I will make Keith a VERY good offer to buy Pirates Ahoy! myself.

I find it extremely amusing that some of my posts were deleted....my comments were so offensive LOL...when nothing but the truth was spoken....I will also say for those that understand - that a "static" so called load test means absolutely nothing....the real test happens when things are moving....entity or aggregate based crews are active....cannons are going off and damage is being inflicted...all animations are active: sails, weather, water, crews, guns, explosions, fire and smoke, etc....(I've observed widespread smoke effects alone crash very good engines/sims)....only then can a load test be truly valid....I stand by my professional assessment....The largest battle of the Age of Sail was the Battle of Lepanto with roughly 470 ships and 150,000 men http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Lepanto The second was the Four Days Fight with roughly 160 ships and 80,000 men http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Days'_Battle My team will be simulating both of these battles....


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Small correction to help all GOF Eras players regardless of where they are in the game world.
I should have posted this a long time ago.

It is a simple fix and makes ship fleet management easier.
For some reason the ship trade "victualling" function is missing from GOF Eras, which if I remember correctly was added to GOF 1.2, but its been too long to remember.

Basically it updates food, rum, and costs in real time, when transferring goods and crew from one ship to another.
The function is controlled by transfer_main.ini in the RESOURCE/INI/INTERFACES.
No new game or reinit is required to implement this function, just replace the file.

Photo and file included.

Ship Trade Victualling.jpg


  • transfer_main.ini
    31.4 KB · Views: 159
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