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Ya know, I have been trying to move from POTC to COAS for some time. I worked with Luke 159 until he left, then quit playing GOF. With MK gone I'm wondering how long The Black Knight will stay around here. Maybe I should go back to POTC.
Nonsense. Since they are on the wrong path "TheBlackKnight".
The Storm Engine 2.8 has a lot of potential. If she can not with her, they get it with the CryEngine 3 not out.
The concept is the same for all engine.
For my part I will hang in here as long as I can giving input.I want this to work because ERAS runs much better on my hardware than POTC does plus it is so rough. There is a lot of work that can be done here.
That said, I have run into a real problem with CTDs which so far looks to be centered on the Black Pearl. There are two versions of the Wicked Wench here, called the Armed English Trader in game which has started appearing. Every appearance so far is accompanied by many errors and CTDs. This could be a game breaker as this ship is suddenly in most every encounter. I lost track of how many CTDs there have been today. 8-12 is a good guess. All I can do is delete any saves with that ship and start over again.
I understand your desire to move to the modern Cryengine and know you can do some real good there. Do what's right by you.