• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Gentlemen of Fortune 1.2 Maelstrom refined Mod

A complete port of magnificent AoP: CT weather system with new sea textures that I have been working on for days coming with new release. Link will be up tommorow.


I'm no playing on GOF 1, does the water texture mod work?

If you playing GoF 1.2, it should work, but even if you are playing COAS, it could work, you will have to try it. There are some little differences that are coded into GoF 1.2 that might cause script conflicts, but you can try.
Hello @Mirsaneli . I have encountered a very annoying bug, there is a major problem with ships encounters:

1)Large ships class 1-3 don't spawn on world map

2)When entering battlemode between two nation ships fighting, either no ships spawn at all, or only one of nation's ship spawn

3)Saving before entering battlemode will completely prevent anyship from spawning

I know this must be an error in one of the scripts but which one? I'm playing GOF 1
Hello @Mirsaneli . I have encountered a very annoying bug, there is a major problem with ships encounters:

1)Large ships class 1-3 don't spawn on world map

2)When entering battlemode between two nation ships fighting, either no ships spawn at all, or only one of nation's ship spawn

3)Saving before entering battlemode will completely prevent anyship from spawning

I know this must be an error in one of the scripts but which one? I'm playing GOF 1

I don't recommend you playing GoF 1.0 since GoF 1.2 is the most stable and complete mod made by this community...
Nvm, I'll heed your advice and go with 1.2 plus patch. Also could you send me the new storm (potc ver) you use?
Umm somehow I cannot replace the vanilla files with gof 1.2... like, it does not work the same way gof 1 and 2 does...? I need help
It's not self extracting, and it still has the winzip logo, do I extract it out or im suddenly confused