I was wandering if it has to do with the changes in the CharacterUtility.c.Muskets have some tricky code attached to them, they aren't as straight forward as the pistols, probably because the Dev's didn't intend on making them useable by players, only NPC's.
Ok... so it is possible to start the game with muskets as items and possibly equipped (I was naming the items incorrectly)...
But even so when you give a new musket to Douglas, he doesn't equip it and remains empty handed.
Also I noted that he doesn't start with 300 bullets as previous. In his inventory he only has a fist
Out of curiosity, when you use Douglas, are you getting via the quest or other means?
Tried first via quest
then tried other means
same effect, the musket would disappear from my inventory and wouldn't go to Douglas inventory
There is also something interesting if you equipped previously the musket and then check the inventory during sharing with another companion. The musket would be still present there even if you do not have it anymore in your inventory.
Something similar was also reported in the bug tracker
I installed vanilla and checked both files, while searching for any references to "mushket 2x2". I was wandering if by any chance with the changes in the mod file the musket was not given to the officer to equip it, which I think it is attributed to the officer in the vanilla (Sorry if this is a mistake just had a quick glance at it).
In the vanilla version after some references to the mushket 2x2 it is written:
if (chref.model.animation == "mushketer")
if (groupName == BLADE_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "unarmed") return;
if (chref.id == "OffMushketer")
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket2x2") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID == "mushket") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID == "mushket2x2") return;
chref.equip.(groupName) = itemID;
while in the mod version I couldn't really pick up this...
Any thoughts???
Tested vanilla worked fine, and since I've never played the vanilla version only from CMV 3 and onwards I was quite surprised by the looks of Douglas even (british soldier uniform who would know)
Looked at the Loc.ai/type/ officers.c
and they are similar files in GOF and vanilla apart from naming the character...
Wonder if this might be?
I think I found a solution for this. I edited the file Program\loc_ai\types\LAi_officer.c (line 42) and deleted the exclamation sign (!) that preceeded the function isOfficer(chr):
original -> if (chr.model.animation == "mushketer" && !CheckAttribute(chr, "isMusketer.weapon") && chr.index != getmaincharacterindex() && !isOfficer(chr))
modified -> if (chr.model.animation == "mushketer" && !CheckAttribute(chr, "isMusketer.weapon") && chr.index != getmaincharacterindex() && isOfficer(chr))
I'm not really sure if this will give the double barreled musket ONLY to Humphrey Douglas, but at least he has it and I tested it with some soldiers. I will keep testing it to see if it works.
Now here is a start...
many thanks