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Mod Release Gentelmen of Fortune! v1.2 Full Release Patch 1.0 FAQ/Bugs/Installing

I have Trust issues...
To be specific - i can't find Oliver Trust.

Im am french and he's most definitely not in Tortuga as the walkthrough would sugest. On the other hand - i can't remember to ever meet him in a capital city, regardles of what nation i'm playing.
Is hes appearance altered in this mod? Never had problems before thou...
I have Trust issues...
To be specific - i can't find Oliver Trust.

Im am french and he's most definitely not in Tortuga as the walkthrough would sugest. On the other hand - i can't remember to ever meet him in a capital city, regardles of what nation i'm playing.
Is hes appearance altered in this mod? Never had problems before thou...

No I've run into him playing the Dutch in Curacao just recently with the mod.

Have you spent the night a couple nights? I've noticed with a lot of the problems people have finding specific encounters, that the game sometimes is very finicky about when you are there and doesn't reset itself until you leave (at least one or two setting screens away from the town or sailing away in sailing mode and returning at a different cycle/night or day) and then come back and try again.

I have Trust issues...
To be specific - i can't find Oliver Trust.

Im am french and he's most definitely not in Tortuga as the walkthrough would sugest. On the other hand - i can't remember to ever meet him in a capital city, regardles of what nation i'm playing.
Is hes appearance altered in this mod? Never had problems before thou...

He's been in curacao every single time I've ever played, regardless of what nationality I am.
I´m new here and got some question. Is it normal that the model of the Interceptor is screwed up like this in GoF 1.1? And another question... does it depend on GoF or is it normal that screens are transparent if taken with F8 (depending on alpha channel?)
Would be nice if somebody could help me. :rolleyes:


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I have Trust issues...
To be specific - i can't find Oliver Trust.

He's sometimes in Port Royal :ixi even if you're not English :cheers
I did 3 times the French quest-line, and Oliver Trust was always inTortuga.
I did many times the Dutch quest-line, but only in vanilla game: Oliver Trust was always in Willemstadt.
The evidence to date, Oliver Trust was always in chief town of nation original of character (the flag you have chosen creating the profile; for Blood, always in Port Royal)
A little question: where Oliver Trust if, creating the profile, you choose pirate nation? Not in Bermuda, I think ..
I´m new here and got some question. Is it normal that the model of the Interceptor is screwed up like this in GoF 1.1? And another question... does it depend on GoF or is it normal that screens are transparent if taken with F8 (depending on alpha channel?)
Would be nice if somebody could help me. :rolleyes:

That's the reverse lighting bug. Craiggo has been trying to fix all the ships that have it. He's busy back in school now, but I'm sure he will get to it. I'm pretty sure he's got a list he's working through on these. Don't know on the screenshots. I use an external utility for mine. Looks like you're enjoying yourself though!

Thanks everyone, fount Trust after endless in and out of Tortuga.
Don't know, if i would have found him in another place thou...
Not sure if i ask this in the right thread, but does anyone here know how to fix the camera bug on the Soleil Royal? It's always on top of the main mast everytime I enter 3rd sailing mode, so i gotta zoom in the every time to have to whole view. The ship is amazing except for that damned bug which is really annyoying.
And one more thing, i know maybe i should post this one in the storm engine modelling forum but since our GOF mod is a combination of all cool mods around, so.. The HMS Victory and Endeavour mod made by pgargon for GOF don't seem to have any name plate on the stern while in his post they do: http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/15673-improvement-of-the-hms-victory/ (post #13). So if anyone has the 2 models with the names on the stern, please post a download link or something. I'd be appreciated!

PS: I also downloaded the file for the HMS Victory in pgargon's thread, opened it with GM viewer but no sight of the name plate. I even tried to convert the tx files to tga and view them but nothing either. Gotta say all the files in the downloaded content are quite diffrent from that of the GOF Victory files. Still i'm no coder nor modeller so please help. I just fancy those ships and want them accurate.
...but does anyone here know how to fix the camera bug on the Soleil Royal? It's always on top of the main mast everytime I enter 3rd sailing mode, so i gotta zoom in the every time to have to whole view. ...
Hmm I've playtested the Soleil Royal a while back, though that was the questship/french (with the white blue stripes on the sail) and the camera angel was okay.

So the "SHIP_SOLEYRU" is okay but we have a "SHIP_SOLEILROYAL" vessel ingame so guess that's the one with the camera issue... Thanks for posting I'll check that and confirm that bug so we can fix it.
I got a problem with the Austin's quest line

After i talked to 1 killer on the street and he asked me to see him in dungeon ( I choose St John for 1st place ). Before midnight (around 11:xx) I got into dungeon and searched for him thousands time but none there. I remembered the room where i saw him in COAS but in COF he was not there

Anyone got the same prob ?

Thx in advance
...but does anyone here know how to fix the camera bug on the Soleil Royal? It's always on top of the main mast everytime I enter 3rd sailing mode, so i gotta zoom in the every time to have to whole view. ...
but we have a "SHIP_SOLEILROYAL" vessel ingame so guess that's the one with the camera issue
That's the one i'm talking about, thanks for replying!
Okay I've checked the ship in question and for me all is okay... all 3D view is fine as the screenies show.... well with the zooming some bigger ships have a not optimal point of view due to their size... so sometimes it is needed to adjust the PoV. Guess that is okay.

I've customized the arrow keys for zooming in/out that is much faster then the mouse scrolling, you could try that out.

Muskets have some tricky code attached to them, they aren't as straight forward as the pistols, probably because the Dev's didn't intend on making them useable by players, only NPC's.

Ok... so it is possible to start the game with muskets as items and possibly equipped (I was naming the items incorrectly)...
But even so when you give a new musket to Douglas, he doesn't equip it and remains empty handed.
Also I noted that he doesn't start with 300 bullets as previous. In his inventory he only has a fist

Out of curiosity, when you use Douglas, are you getting via the quest or other means?

Tried first via quest
then tried other means
same effect, the musket would disappear from my inventory and wouldn't go to Douglas inventory

There is also something interesting if you equipped previously the musket and then check the inventory during sharing with another companion. The musket would be still present there even if you do not have it anymore in your inventory.

Something similar was also reported in the bug tracker
I was wandering if it has to do with the changes in the CharacterUtility.c.

I installed vanilla and checked both files, while searching for any references to "mushket 2x2". I was wandering if by any chance with the changes in the mod file the musket was not given to the officer to equip it, which I think it is attributed to the officer in the vanilla (Sorry if this is a mistake just had a quick glance at it).

In the vanilla version after some references to the mushket 2x2 it is written:

if (chref.model.animation == "mushketer")
if (groupName == BLADE_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "unarmed") return;
if (chref.id == "OffMushketer")
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket2x2") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID != "mushket") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID == "mushket") return;
if (groupName == GUN_ITEM_TYPE && itemID == "mushket2x2") return;

chref.equip.(groupName) = itemID;

while in the mod version I couldn't really pick up this...

Any thoughts???

Tested vanilla worked fine, and since I've never played the vanilla version only from CMV 3 and onwards I was quite surprised by the looks of Douglas even (british soldier uniform who would know)

Looked at the Loc.ai/type/ officers.c

and they are similar files in GOF and vanilla apart from naming the character...

Wonder if this might be?


I think I found a solution for this. I edited the file Program\loc_ai\types\LAi_officer.c (line 42) and deleted the exclamation sign (!) that preceeded the function isOfficer(chr):

original -> if (chr.model.animation == "mushketer" && !CheckAttribute(chr, "isMusketer.weapon") && chr.index != getmaincharacterindex() && !isOfficer(chr))
modified -> if (chr.model.animation == "mushketer" && !CheckAttribute(chr, "isMusketer.weapon") && chr.index != getmaincharacterindex() && isOfficer(chr))

I'm not really sure if this will give the double barreled musket ONLY to Humphrey Douglas, but at least he has it and I tested it with some soldiers. I will keep testing it to see if it works.

There is a fix for Douglas in http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/17930-rel-fix-humphrey-douglas-musket/

- o -

You are making the code work the opposite of what it is intended. The original "if" is taken only for non-officers NPCs and ignored for officers; your code is blocking the non-officers and taking only the officers. Dunno what other consecuences may it have.

buho (A).
Hehehehe, Thanks. I didn't find the fix when I searched this thread.

Are you fluent on C? I'll be obligued if you play some with the musketeer code and reports back. It is scattered thru 3 or 4 source files, convoluted, unclear and undocumented.

We have use for every help/clue/opinion you may give.

buho (A).