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2 thing: when I loot corpses of enemy sailors after a successful boarding the option to fight the captain disappears. It's annoying because I'd like to be able to claim all the good stuff I can.
3rd thing: the game crashes after Alt+Tab. Also annoying because I sometimes need answers for the naval quizAny suggestions?
Thnx mk0 for very useful info. I got some more annoying problemsWhen I engage with someone in cannon battle my stupid cannon crews won't fire even if I'm way closer to the enemy ship than the cannon range. I'm using 24lb culverins on my Light Corvette (which I "took" from pirates XD) and I've recently beat a Battle Corvette. They fired at me from the distance of 500 maybe 550 (meters?) while my idiots stood still even at the distance of 350 (max gun range 650). Can anybody tell me what's their problem? Is the chief gunner too noob to shoot far? Cannon skill at 40, while accuracy at 60. Got a chief gunner with all cannon perks, except master gunner and distant fire.
-how many officers can I get with an authority of 3? I've got 3 authority. I'd like to recruit some other captains and make them my officers but they all refused.
I can't find the book fix 0_0 I'm using GOF 1.1 now. Do I still need the fix? Is GOF 1.2 already released? Someone said about book layers - explain please?
Thnx for the answer, guys. The problem with cannons might be related to being close to land :/ I'll check it further. I'll look behind the rocks on the beachAs for the authority - I can have 6 officers which is nice
I've got 3 guys with multi tasking so no biggie.