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Mod Release Extra Atmosphere Mod v1.1 (Need testing)

Cheers Hylie,

I am in the early game, yes. Since I am a direct only sailer, the early game is prolongued in my case. Playing takes a lot more time this way.

Reputation is not hero of course, but positive.
And about frequency ... I used the tavern to wait the 3 days governor-pirate-hunt-quest cooldown. I used the tavern twice a day, 6 times in total, and had I played the results out, it would have done more loss to my party than all pirate ships I hunted until now. I 've got into a brawl any second time I used the tavern, and lost an officer at least, some times more than one. :guns:

But it's good news to know it will become better ... I'm looking forward to it. :rumgone
The tavern brawls where actually never intended but talking to the guard with the wrong reputation triggers them. problem is the guards sometimes talk to you because of a other mod. When I have time to work on this mod again I will make sure this gets fixed and there is some kind of dialog escape (like exiting the tavern in a minute or so before they attack you depending on your reputation).
Okay, apperently the guards also sometimes attacked you if you where neutral. This shouldn't happen so. they will only attack you 1 in 5 times now if you are an enemy. Will add a delay to it later but please try if this helps first.

Put the included file in the dialog folder.


  • random_guards_group_dialog.c
    3.2 KB · Views: 162
If some people can test this for me that would be nice.
I think the only time I was attacked by guards was at the smuggler's lair in the standard storyline, they too have guards but no uniform.
And the random tavern fights, of course. But I replaced my file with the one you attached from post #43 anyway. :)
Okay I think this should make sure there are no overlapping persons in a tavern. Maybe only on a standing position for a few moments before they start walking. but then its only at the place where the servant is.
Please test this update and see if no other things are missing in the taverns (quest characters mostly).


    10.5 KB · Views: 135
Proper Addressing of citizens and lower ranking officers and regular soldiers/guards (My Rank: Capitan General[Highest] Nation: Spain):
Townfolks: seadogs2_0001.jpg seadogs2_0007.jpg Army: seadogs2_0000.jpg seadogs2_0002.jpg seadogs2_0004.jpg seadogs2_0005.jpg seadogs2_0008.jpg seadogs2_0010.jpg :facepalm


  • compile.log
    21.7 KB · Views: 139
  • system.log
    14.5 KB · Views: 144
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The reason is simple: Those dialogs were written in a very simple way, without regard for rank.
Same how most dialogs will refer to the player as being male, even if you are playing as a female character.
Can someone confirm the gamblers and drunkards aren't generated anymore in the taverns?
At least the stock ones.
I thought those characters were defined in the character init files. So how could they be gone?
Yeah it could be the dialog thing causes it but I'm not sure. I have to look into it. But while making this I disabled a part where things where generated cause it happend double as far as I could see. but maybe in here the other characters where created also... but the barmen etc are generated tough.
Do you know if every tavern has one btw Cause I only checked in two taverns.
Tavern owners and at least a couple of occupants are all defined in PROGRAM\Characters\init\Taverns.c
nevermind they are there. They're just not there for all the day :p and I checked at the wrong time.

This land encounter things is still one big mess. I'm beginning to understand how it works and I will probally revamp it soon cause this is bound to cause more errors soon.

Oh and I think i will give some of the guards the habitue dialog so you can drink or gamble with them when they are there ;).
This land encounter things is still one big mess. I'm beginning to understand how it works and I will probally revamp it soon cause this is bound to cause more errors soon.
If you are looking at that, does that also involve AI groups? Eg. when characters in certain groups get angry with each other and with the player?
Because that could DEFINITELY use some work! :shock
If you are looking at that, does that also involve AI groups? Eg. when characters in certain groups get angry with each other and with the player?
Because that could DEFINITELY use some work! :shock

For some reason its party incorperated in teh AI things and also the AI groups are set there yes. It will take a long time to fix it all but after my tests are done I want to look into it and make sure it's fixed and cleaned up. Will do the same for sea encounters where I made a start already with the worldmap encounters.