Possibly the large start ship characters should have a .minlevel defined in initModels.c to prevent them from being too inexperienced for their ship.Yeh that's fine and indeed Will Turner as swordmaster with the Flying Dutchman does look odd going into a tutorial. Probably any selected "character" and therefore their type should skip (so explorer and merchant should be included in skips too, given Corsair is going to be via Drake?) and then only if you choose an otherwise unused player type do you get the tutorial (as a place setting function) - for which in BBF it should be possible to add another dialogue choice upfront to allow you off the ship when you skip it but also skip all the other cases to avoid shop,tavern,shipyard and spyglass nonsense.
Indeed any player type with an actual custom start can be skipped past the tutorial.
Of course "Rebel/Brave Black Flag" does maintain a copy of the normal tutorial functionality.
I had been thinking of just removing the tutorial from that completely as well.
OR put a GiveShip2Character(pchar.ship.type, ...) and GiveItem2Character(PChar, "spyglass2") line in the skip tutorial dialog section.
It could be that the fix is only in the ZIP and not yet the EXE.I think so I have it as downloaded 1 june which is later than the date of the zip at the top of 14 3.5 WIP (or is there a separate zip somewhere else?) but I'll do another download just to be sure rather than waste your time if it is fixed
You can tell from the StartStoryline.c file; if the fix is there, then there should be a call to GivePromotionReward before the promotion loop.
Never saw that before. Is it a new problem? If so, perhaps there is a recent typo in an INI file somewhere?Agent, Cursed and Navy - I don't know if this is consistent