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CoAS Combined Mod Version

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OP, I would love if we could get ships to strike their colors and like your idea. I didn't spend too much time looking in the old AOP supermod code, but the surrender behavior is in there. I am going to look more at some point. The problem with that surrender behavior was that is was buggy. When you got to a certain level and rep when you went to sail mode, all the ships would just be sitting there with sails up and white flags - every time. No one would try to run or fight and the game instantly got very boring. If we could find that code, maybe we could find a proximity factor. The escort would turn and fight to allow the other ships time to get away, but if you moved within a certain distance of them they would strike.

This one thing would make gameplay so much more realistic!!! :will

No argument on the Navigator idea. I can't think of a better idea. You already know my ideas on officers - making the treasurer into a purser and adding a ships cook to the lineup.

Thanks to Luke159 for figuring out how to increase the item limit :onya

With that said, I have enabled the Poker, Brass knuckles, and Battle Claw. They were previously commented out by the Dev's. Although in retrospect, they don't seem to quite fit in, I'll think about including them or not in a future patch.

What I will include though is an excellent map in the aforementioned future patch.
Thats excellent work Officerpuppy :onya

It would be nice to increase more goods aswell, like chocolate etc that would make the game feel more realistic aswell. Of corse that would require adding pictures for the new goods, i don't know how to add new imagies though. :shrug
Personally I don't see that much point in adding "more" of anything, unless it actually adds something.
This goes for weapons, nations and, indeed, goods. There's a point where new stuff added is "just another [fill in the blank]"... :?
Opening post is definitly better now, Officerpuppy!
I do recommend you use the 7-Zip self-extracting EXE option though.
Saves people who want to use the modpack from having to install 7-Zip first.

Also, I'd suggest you post anything that's finished-ish on the ModDB.
That way, you'll definitly be getting more publicity.
Personally I don't see that much point in adding "more" of anything, unless it actually adds something.
This goes for weapons, nations and, indeed, goods. There's a point where new stuff added is "just another [fill in the blank]"... :?

That is a good point! The more I look at the new weapons the more I wonder if theDev's left them out for a reason. The map on the other hand is more useful than a claw xD:

I'm currently working on a new map based off the Excellent map mod, I hope to have it done by tonight or tomorrow.


The map is ready, it's based off the Detailed map mod by Sordid. I just modified it to give it an old map look. Naturally a map this good is not only expensive but rare ;)
In regards to my comment earlier about replacing the Secret Agent with a new class, I've come up with another suggestion.

How about a Privateer class? With a letter of marque to start the game? :onya I have to figure how how it's possible to give a letter for the nation the player joins. I have a vague idea of how it might be done, I just need to find the line of code I'm thinking of and test it out.

Perhaps for balance purposes I won't give this class any perks since trying to get a letter isn't easy or cheap and this class would start the game with one. What does everyone else think?

I'm testing this idea out but so far it's not working:

case "SecretAgent":
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "blade5");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "blade5");
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "patent_" + pchar.PatentNation);
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "patent_" + pchar.PatentNation);
Items[sti(pchar.EquipedPatentId)].TitulCur = 1; // òåêóù çâàíèå ñáðîñèì
Items[sti(pchar.EquipedPatentId)].TitulCurNext = 0; // ñ÷åò÷èê çâàíèå ñáðîñèì
case "eng_flag_rise":
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "pistol1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Pistol1");
TakeNItems(Pchar, "bullet", 5);
if(CheckCharacterItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1") == 0) GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
pchar.money = 2000;
I only added one nation to test it out but when the game loads, there is no patent in the inventory. If I were to remove the break; after flag england, the game crashes so it's nessary to have it there. If I were to remove the case and flag entry the game starts up fine but there isn't a patent in the inventory. Lastly, if I keep the giveitem and equipchar entries and remove everything else, I don't get the patent either. So either way I can't get it to work.
Try removing the "case "eng_flag_rise":" AND the subsequent "break;" like this:
case "SecretAgent":
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "blade5");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "blade5");
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "patent_" + pchar.PatentNation);
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "patent_" + pchar.PatentNation);
Items[sti(pchar.EquipedPatentId)].TitulCur = 1; // òåêóù çâàíèå ñáðîñèì
Items[sti(pchar.EquipedPatentId)].TitulCurNext = 0; // ñ÷åò÷èê çâàíèå ñáðîñèì
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "pistol1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Pistol1");
TakeNItems(Pchar, "bullet", 5);
if(CheckCharacterItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1") == 0) GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
pchar.money = 2000;
I have no idea what happens when you add cases outside a switch, but it can't be good. That might be the reason why Flag_ENGLAND(); was never executed.
That doesn't work either, the game starts fine but when I get access to the item menu, I don't have the patent. :shrug
Maybe the patent is called something else like the dog of war is called the quest corvette, or maybe adding it to a character without equiping? :shrug
Wait how about this.


GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "patent_eng");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "patent_eng");

That should give you the patent for England. I know you want it to be linked to the nation you choose so if you choose Spain you start with the patent for Spain and the same applies to which ever nation you choose to start the game with using the same character.

Maybe it will require a switch to be added. :shrug
Yeah that would work for sure but if the player doesn't pick England for example, but Holland, we would be giving away free money because then you can sell the patent for a good amount of gold and then it would become an exploit. Oh well, it was a nice idea. Something to think about for the future. In the mean time I'm very happy with the new map, I'll PM you with the link to a screenshot :onya

In addition to the map, something I've added is I've increased the starting amount of gold from 2000, 2500 to account for the larger starting ship. I've also given the player some leather and chocolate as cargo to sell, how much you'll recieve from a merchant depends on the colony, but you should get at least 1000 extra. This I feel should give everyone a decent start for the game.
A selected player nation dependent switch should be quite possible, no?
Something like:
case "SecretAgent":
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "blade5");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "blade5");

if (pchar.nation == England)
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "patent_eng");          
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "patent_eng"); 
GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "pistol1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Pistol1");
TakeNItems(Pchar, "bullet", 5);
if(CheckCharacterItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1") == 0) GiveItem2Character(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
EquipCharacterbyItem(Pchar, "Spyglass1");
pchar.money = 2000;

What does Flag_ENGLAND(); do?
Coming soon:


HMS Victory inspired cabin
I was going to give up on this thing since the way the cabin uses the textures are screwy and it's still not perfect, but overall it's decent. The first two versions of this cabin looked nothing like this screen shot, and Luke could attest to that since he's seen two earlier pictures.
Wow. That's... pretty nice, although carpet texture looks rather uniform to me. Well, I guess it'll look different with shadow maps :)
I think it's also the contrast between the carpet and the walls and ceiling. The room used to be quite dark.

A picture from Victory's cabin.

I'm going to play around with the other large cabin and make it look something like that of the Constitution, though I am having a hard time finding any pictures of the captains cabin; so far I've found only one decent picture.
That looks pretty nice. I like the idea of giving different ships different cabins.
That's actually very easy in the PotC Build Mod. Only problem is the modpack size that'll be going huge. :facepalm
I just wanted to throw in an observation here regarding the previously mentioned white flag for surrendered ships. I played AOP1 with the "Supermod" with this feature and had one particular issue with it. In large battles with numerous ships on each side, it can become difficult to keep track of who is friend and who is foe once the white flags start going up all over the place. Accidentally board the wrong ship to accept their surrender and your reputation with that nation is shot all to hell. Keeping with naval tradition of the time, it would actually make more sense if the jack on the mast was just removed when they surrender, as in lowering their flag. This still doesn't really help the issue of boarding a friendly ship, though. Perhaps when boarding a friendly surrendered ship you can be sent to the instance used when you row over in the Captain's gig. Just a thought.
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