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CoAS Combined Mod Version

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I seem to have a few problems with the mod. I started a new game, the Blood one and when i finaly left the island i headed to martinique when i got there i was followed by 2 pirate ships i got them in the harbor right beside the fort and they never shot once(the fort that is), ther was also 2 french ship they where shooting but never moved an inch (sails where down the entire time), since i couldn't dock since the pirates where in the harbor i had to sink them.

After a long fight i finaly docked and Blood had reverted to is vanilla look :(

Any ideas, or is it a bug

Thanks Mak
Officerpuppy here are some lines of code that i found while trying to fix RTBL since its far more easier to sink other ships then it was. They might be of some use to you.

utils.C in Program\scripts
/// 1-2 ïèðàòà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_PIRATE_SMALL]);
rEnc.MinRank = 1;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "sloop";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 1, 2);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, ENGLAND);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, FRANCE);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, SPAIN);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, HOLLAND);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1, 0, 0, 5, 7);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 5, 7);

/// 1-4 ïèðàòà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_PIRATE_MEDIUM]);
rEnc.MinRank = 3;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "sloop";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 1, 4);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, ENGLAND);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, FRANCE);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, SPAIN);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, HOLLAND);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 2, 0, 0, 3, 6);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 3, 6);

/// 2-6 ïèðàòà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_PIRATE_LARGE]);
rEnc.MinRank = 4;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "bark";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 2, 6);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, ENGLAND);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, FRANCE);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, SPAIN);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, HOLLAND);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 3, 0, 0, 2, 6);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 2, 6);

/// 2-3 âîåííûõ êîðàáëÿ 3-4 êëàññà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_SQUADRON]);
rEnc.MinRank = 4;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "frigate";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 2, 3);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, PIRATE);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 4, 0, 0, 2, 4);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 2, 4);

/// 3-5 âîåííûõ êîðàáëÿ 2-4 êëàññà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_FLEET]);
rEnc.MinRank = 6;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "manowar";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 3, 5);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, PIRATE);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 5, 0, 0, 1, 4);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 1, 4);

/// 3-7 âîåííûõ êîðàáëÿ 1-3 êëàññà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_ARMADA]);
rEnc.MinRank = 9;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.Chance = 30;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "manowar";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 3, 7);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, PIRATE);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 6, 0, 0, 1, 3);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 1, 3);

/// 2-4 âîåííûõ êîðàáëÿ 1-3 êëàññà
makeref(rEnc, EncountersTypes[ENCOUNTER_TYPE_PUNITIVE_SQUADRON]);
rEnc.MinRank = 7;
rEnc.MaxRank = 1000;
rEnc.Chance = 30;
rEnc.worldMapShip = "manowar";
Enc_AddShips(rEnc, "War", 2, 4);
Enc_ExcludeNation(rEnc, PIRATE);

Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 6, 0, 0, 1, 3);
Enc_AddClasses(rEnc, 1000,0, 0, 1, 3);	

Trace("Init encounters complete.");
As you can see the pirate code lines are seperate maybe adding them with the other nations would help not sure though.

I found this very interesting. rigging in, RESOURCE\INI
PortugalFlagTex = 3

Hope they help some how. I've done some big changes to try and make RTBL as good as it can be and i hope now that the changes made will be good enough. This is why i said it would take a while to put right because the new calibure of guns added made the RTBL unballanced again.
I was just about to take a look at the file, it seems to control the level at which you encounter ships. I think there is also a single ship ecounter but it either isn't working or they just never finished it. I'll play around with it.

Speaking of curious finds, I found some MP options while digging around. I wonder why they cut MP out.


I'm still having problems with the Pirate nation. The solution I thought I had didn't work after all, so I've disabled the feature for now untill it works properly.

I've changed the "master" occupation to "carpenter". "Master" and "merchant" are essentially the same thing, both get the same perk.

Obviously, as a carpenter, you now the get the carpenter perk.
Yes i've seen the folder called NET which has some files for online multiplayer mode. A shame it was never finished because that would have been a nice feature and i think this game with fixes would have been a great multiplayer game. I wounder why they stopped maybe POTBS was coming out. :shrug

I think i've got RTBL to work again, i just have to play with somethings but so far the testing is going well. Sadly though its been a full restart from ship to ship combat then to the fort. I just need to reballance the guns and test it all to make sure not too much damage is done too quick but at the same time a lucky shot can demast a ship or do ample amount of damage.

Once all thats back up and running i can focus on the 68 and 92LBS and fix those and then the forts damage ratio. In my first tests before starting over this was the out come of a fort battle which wasn't like that before adding it to COAS CM V1.

After only a few day's preperation the fleet is ready to set sail from Charlestown. Tasked with the mission of attacking a fort that has 128, 92LBS cannons. The fleet consists of.
Light Man O War (100, 42LBS. Flag ship)
Man O War (102, 48LBS)
Man O War (102, 48LBS
Man O War (102, 48LBS)
Man O War (102, 48LBS)

See bellow for the picture of these ships in harbour and ready to go at Charlestown.

The log entery will be hourly from when we arrive at our destination till then thanks for reading.

We arrived at Santa Domingo, the fort here has 128, 92 pounder cannons and is perfect for testing the fort battle out. I ordered all ships to attack the fort, i raised my sails and started to turn so we could fire a broadside at the fort and comence our attacks.

All ship stats are
Light MOW
Guns: 100
Hull: 9755
Crew: 1086

Guns: 102
Hull: 9658
Crew: 1068

Guns: 102
Hull: 9995
Crew: 998

Guns: 102
Hull: 9539
Crew: 944

Guns: 102
Hull: 10481
Crew: 911

The fort was still looking strong, no cannons was destroyed and from the looks of it not much damage had been done to it.

I wish i could say the same about my ships, some ships had taken for more damage than other's and a crew aboard one ship was been sloughtered so i started moving towards that ship trying to give another target to the fort in the hope to save the ship from loosing all her crew. So here are the ships stats after just 1 hour.

Light MOW
Guns: 100
Hull: 9748
Crew: 1086

Guns: 102
Hull: 9461
Crew: 1039

Guns: 102
Hull: 8533
Crew: 642

Guns: 102
Hull: 6278
Crew: 435

Guns: 102
Hull: 7649
Crew: 468

It looks like the forts are too strong and need there damage multiplier lowering alot otherwise i will loose all my ships within 6 hours or so.

Battle abourted, the mod needs fixing.

If i was to post the battle tests i was doing before porting it into COAs CM V1, then you would clearly see the fort battle took much longer before any sagnificant happened such as guns falling out or fort guns been destroyed. Thats like 3 hours or so, i know what messed RTBL up and that was adding new cannons which ment there damage multiplier was set higher and ment ship to ship combat was more or less back to Vanilla standards. I haven't changed anything apart from the cannon multiplayer so once thats all fixed we're back up and running and i don't think adding more guns is a good idea now since we have the following.

48LBS (ships & forts)
68LBS (forts only)
92LBS (forts only)


I think thats more then enough guns. :will
Ok, I made a clean install, added the mod ver1 with no others, started a Blood story everything went well till i left and got to Martinique, Blood reverted back to vanilla again. Didn't get to test the forts yet. Hope it helps

Ok, I made a clean install, added the mod ver1 with no others, started a Blood story everything went well till i left and got to Martinique, Blood reverted back to vanilla again. Didn't get to test the forts yet. Hope it helps


I found the problem, if the fix doesn't make it into version 2. It will be included in a future patch. Any other bugs you may find, please report them here:

RTBL is getting there, the ship battles now last longer with AI guns been destroyed. In the battle i tested RTBL out i was in the Constitution a 54 gunner ship with 42LBs mounted. I had upgraded all but the cannons and crew at bermuda and entered a battle with the French (allies) and the Spanish (enemy). The Spanish has 4 ships, and the French had 3. Anyway to cut a long story short i was down to 17 guns after some fell out and other's fell out due to heavy damage from the broadsides. There was a few problems in the test like cannons falling out would show after going to the ship tab after pressing F2 as guns fall out the compass is ment to reflect that and which side the gun fell out from. That didn't happen so i made a mistake in my editing there. I won't have much time for testing tomorrow so i will do as much editing today so i can take advantage of the spare time i do have for testing and not spent editing. The good news from all of this is its getting there, RTBL is almost fully working again. The cannons HP needs to be increased a little more and a few other small little edits need to be made but its almost there. :will
Nice work Mates :onya , I wouldn't have had the patience to build seperate vanilla values. I admire your drive Luke. My thoughts are that RTBL is a good effort and if folks wanted different they could just change it themselves. You know I haven't been in total agreement on all your values, but that's OK I just changed the ones I wished. Getting much better culverine performance! Havent had much time to play but had a really nice LONG lasting battle today with over two dozen ships involved. Really enjoyed myself. And I haven't even downloaded the new bundle yet. :onya

Here is the latest ships init file. My apologies that there were so many messed up. I tweaked a bunch and changed 6 ships dramatically. The three most notable are the Lydia, the Barque, and the 12 gun cutter.

I don't know how I missed the 12 gun cutter. It looked so bad with the earlier values that the men were wading on deck when its loaded with cargo. That ship has issues anyway and needs fixing by an experienced modeller. I have only gotten through my first semester on-line with 3d modelling and I have a nice little medieval Cog coming along, but I don't plan introducing it to the game for obvious period reason. The next one though.... ;) Nevertheless my attempts to fix the cutter just made it worse. The jibsails are not attached to the mast and the bowsprit is completely free floating. Looks pretty goofy. Also it should be called a 10 gun cutter, cause it only has ten guns. I think if it can't be fixed we should consided taking it out. Maybe Superchango can teach me some stuff.

Here's the link to the new file. http://www.filefront.com/15165803/Ships_init.c

Awesome, V2 is almost ready, just waiting for Luke159 to finish on his changes. If your file doesn't make it into V2, you'll see it on the patch ;)

I'm already working on the patch, currently it has some fixes to the Blood quest and some new sinking values. It's still in Alpha so theres plenty of time to stuff things into it.

@ Luke159

I just discovered Beta mod for the game, it's kinda like Dev mod but a little different. I suggest you try it if you haven't already. The shipyard has all the ships in the game in that mode and you'll see a ton of them either don't have pictures or are messed up. I figured since ships were up your alley, you could take a look at it.
Luke, Nice work on the forts mate! :onya

One consideration I think worthy of thought. 92 pounder Mortar placement would have been ONLY atop towers that could support their weight, high ground that the fort was built around, or behind the walls on the ground allowing the mortars to fire over the walls. They would NOT have been mounted inside the walls. I guess what I'm tryin to say here, is there would be a balance. Maybe a mortar mounted atop the walls on each corner and four down below on the ground. Maybe an outcrop in the center that would have a couple. So we're talking about only 12 to 18 maybe and the rest being other smaller regular cannon sizes.

Here's a couple of illustrations showing my point. Notice the heavy reinforcing structure below them. This shows why a regular ship could not mount these. I had never noticed the rotating assembly before which I find fascinating. Kind of shows the early evolution of the modern gun turret. Here's a great link on the bomb ketch: http://www.flyinglab.com/pirates/shipguide/Ketch/MiddleLeftFrame.htm

Also take a look at this at this absolutely fantastic link to the history of the Rock of Gibraltar (excellent historic paintings and photos here). http://neville-chipulina.blogspot.com/ It was not unusual to have CUT gun emplacements into cliffs, if the strategic importance dictated. Most good sized harbors historically did not rely on a single fort to defend it. There might be a main fort, but often you find batteries or even single cannon strategically placed in certain advantageous areas around the harbor. What would be neat is to have a really big harbor with a fort on either side. I'm curious now if there are historical examples (either surviving or just illustrated) of comprehensive fortifications of colonial harbors that we could draw from.



  • mortar ketch.jpg
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  • French Bomb Ketch 1692.jpg
    French Bomb Ketch 1692.jpg
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  • Ince\'s teeth Gibraltar.jpg
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I don't know how we can set how many of each calibure a fort can have and the mortar was originally for the forts but was never made available for some reason. I added 92LBS spacifically for the forts to make them more challanging (i couldn't unlock the mortars). If you feel the 92LBS take the game into a more fiction based way then i could give the forts 68LBS and increase those guns abilities and remove the 92LBs altogether. I just thourght it would be nice to seperate the forts guns from the ships. that way the forts guns could be given increased stats and the fort battles would be more realistic.

That would be a big help later on, where is that line of code Officerpuppy? in _mod_on_off?
I saw another thread before where it was asked if the ships could somehow use more than one size gun simultaneously. I wish we could. :modding It seems like this really shouldn't be that hard. :shrug What I'd love to see is deck layers. When you open the gun menu and see the ship top view and number of guns on each side, it would be neat to see the screen split to show two decks simultaneously. Another string could be added to where it would be almost like a ship inside a ship. Obviously you couldn't vary the type of cannon on a single deck just as now. But deck one could have 32 pounders and deck two could have 18 pounders, etc. I would love that. So on the forts we could have a lower layer with 48s and the upper layer with a few 92s.

The way it stands now Luke I don't think you should change anything. Leave the 92s in. It's good work and gives some better realism in an environment that's very limitted in our ability to tailor it to simulations level fidelity. :onya I just would like everyone to think about what would be more desireable and what we should strive for as we grow in capability.

The one thing I would say though is that we think about the numbers of guns mounted. If the fort is mounting 48s out the turret openings, then we should give the fort as many guns as openings. But if the fort is mounting Mortars, I'd say 12 to 18 is the figure and oh by the way, those 92s should be almost impossible to kill because they are behind embrasures and breastworks canted at a 45 degree angle. So unless the ships have bomb ketches, they're not gonna kill them unless they collapse some walls. Guess we could give them some attritional/cumulative credit for that after a while. Again, its too bad we don't have rubbling like Unreal would bring. Those mortars and crews are work for the Marines or huge pirate mob/Army storming the walls.

Currently, for version 2 we have the following:

Tenochtitlan (Modded COAS quest)--------------Officerpuppy
La Bella Isabella (Modded COAS quest)---------Officerpuppy
POTC-COAS voices------------------------------Officerpuppy
Historical Flag Mod---------------------------Officerpuppy
Various other changes-------------------------Officerpuppy
COAS Characters mod (Spain)------------------------Metazot
Katana Mod (Haubegen retextured)---------------------SPRUT
Updated RTBL---------------------------------------Luke159
New Shipsinit file---------------------------modernknight1
Modded ShipAI file, new sinking effects added
Fixed a bug in the Herodescript file.
Updated "Danielle" texture and model. Now uses COAS danielle model instead of POTC model.
Easier to see keys for Layton Dexter quest.
Fixed bug in the itemsint file in which the expenssive curiass would disapear.
Various changes to the Blood quest line, includes updated dialogue, new model pirate,new model Col.Bishop. Also a bug fix in which Blood would revert to another character
after completion of the quest.

And currently, WIP, is updating the store signs for France, Spain and Holland. No more English signs on all colonies!
COAS CM Version will be out later today, watch this space!

@ Luke159

Could you change the title of the thread in the first post plus add the link?

@ modernknight1

I was going to use your shipsint file, but after getting Luke's files, he had another version so I had to use his since I assumed you made yours with the shipsint file from version one. If you would like to have your shipsint flle included in the patch (sometime next year) then use the shipsint file from version two.

I hope everyone enjoys Version two, we have put a lot of time into and hope everyone will support the mod well into 2011. :onya
I'm curious now if there are historical examples (either surviving or just illustrated) of comprehensive fortifications of colonial harbors that we could draw from.

Check HERE !
Also HERE are a few maps dated... 1633 !

About helping with the ship... wish i could... but so far i could'nt even get my first properly ingame due to locators exporting problem, ZarethPL said something about writing a tutorial... but that's it... once i get my ship to work i plan on making a new one, the poltava, with a step by step description on how i do it from scratch... perhaps the ones that know nothing about 3d want to get hands on Blender... to familiarize so following along later is easier...

EDIT: BTW, i'm trying hard to get the bitmaps out of those flash frames... if anyone can, please let me know how!
COAS CM Version will be out later today, watch this space!

@ Luke159

Could you change the title of the thread in the first post plus add the link?

@ modernknight1

I was going to use your shipsint file, but after getting Luke's files, he had another version so I had to use his since I assumed you made yours with the shipsint file from version one. If you would like to have your shipsint flle included in the patch (sometime next year) then use the shipsint file from version two.

I hope everyone enjoys Version two, we have put a lot of time into and hope everyone will support the mod well into 2011. :onya

Sorry Officerpuppy the thread was started by MK so he needs to change the title. The Ship_Init file was to be included in the next update reason for it been left out this time was because it was introduced too laste work on getting it ready for the next version is well underway. MK has put alot of time and effort into fixing the ships waterline and how they sit with different weights had the release of the new Ship_Init file been released before V2 and RTBL was fine i could have ported it over. Anyway MK it will be included in the next part/patch. :onya

I have the following ready for the next update.
cannon sounds by-------------------------------------Dread_Pirate
removed the crosshairs from the spyglasses by--------Dread_Pirate
New cannon crosshair by------------------------------Dread_Pirate
Some fixes to RTBL by--------------------------------Luke159

Further work is been done with RTBL, the only part tested so far is the ship to ship combat, fort battles have not been tested and won't be tested till i'm happy with ship to ship combat is fixed. The current problem is with the cannons falling out too soon. More changes have been made to try and improve the amount of damage a cannon can take before it falls out but its still to be tested. ;)

Thanks SuperChango. :onya

They will come in handy if new islands are added to the game, and when the period mod is ported over one day that might mean new islands if they haven't been added before then. :will
Just dropped in to say the Ship_Init file MK updates is now ported over and will be ready for upload once i'm happy with RTBL which has had its fixes made and hopefully will see the cannons not falling out as quick as they was. :onya
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