• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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This is how I do a new install etc when there´s a new zip available.

1 copy stock POTC
2 place the installer, the .tar-file and the zip file in a folder.
3 run the installer and adress it to the copy of the stock POTC
4 extract the zip file and adress it to the copy of the stock POTC
I have it in Program (x86), so i have to uninstall all then reinstall stock PotC in another folder than Programs and Programs (x86) then put in the same folder New Horizons and last patch?
then put in the same folder New Horizons and last patch?

It could look like this in the "patch" folder:
and like this in the POTC folder:
Ok this is what i did: create in C: a folder named PotC New Horizons, installed there the Stock PotC, added the installer.exe, the tar file and the zip, then ran the installer pointing it in the PotC New Horizons folder, and then unzip the patch in the same folder, but when launching the game i don't have any change, while if i copy the files of the unzipped file in the PotC New Horizons folder i have the error message when launching the game....
My PotC folder is like this:


  • My PotC folder.jpg
    My PotC folder.jpg
    5.8 MB · Views: 422
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You didn't follow my instructions exactly but on the other hand I can't see anything wrong in what you did.

while if i copy the files of the unzipped file in the PotC New Horizons folder
That should work too, I do it often.
As Pieter mentioned earlier there could be something with globals.c and/or characters.h.
Here are the latest ones that work for me. Try copy in them over the existing ones.


  • just in case.7z
    6.2 KB · Views: 407
Ok, thanks, where to find the globals.c ?
Well i tried, and when launching the game i had this:


  • error.log
    528 bytes · Views: 178
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I tried many times to reinstall the patch but with the same result, there isn't another way to install this patch? or to resolve this character.h and globals.c issue? I would really like to play all the things you added, including being in the Sweden Navy :)
Ok, lets try a last time. Please try to follow it exactly. 2 folders:

Folder 1 is where you want your game to be placed.
(That folder is placed directly under C: Not in the Program folder or the Program (x86) folder.)
1. copy stock POTC here

Folder2 is maybe on your desktop.
2. In it place the installer, the .tar-file and the zip file in a folder.
3. run the installer and adress it to the copy of the stock POTC (folder1)
(you don't have to move any of those 3 files and don't touch the tar file)

4. unzip the zip file here.
5. copy in the unzipped content over the the new game (so it overwrites many files)

Just to be sure
6. copy in my 2 "just in case files" (so they overwrite 2 files in the game too)
Thanks for your assistance, i'm doing what you wrote, only one question: I unzipped the update in folder 2, now where should i copy the unzipped content over the new game? In the folder 1?
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Nothing to do, i still have the message of abnormal termination....I don't know why this, i always installed your updates without problems, but this last one seems impossible to install...I followed your instruction carefully...


  • error.log
    616 bytes · Views: 138
But this is a different error now, right? Anyway it's nothing that I have in characters.c.
I really don't know what's going on here. :shrug
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