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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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So could it be in the merging of any of the "flip files" that other modders also have changes?
Running a WinMerge check:
initItems.c: identical to "JRH files 5158"
items.h: identical to "JRH files 5158"
items.c: identical to "JRH files 5158"​
items.ini: identical to "JRH files 5158"
ItemsDescribe.txt: identical to "JRH files 5158"
Entry for Natividad moved down, as the rest of the ships are in alphabetical order
New entries for ship names "Black Pearl", "Flying Dutchman" and "Crimson Blood" for translations
New entries for "my wife", "my husband", "his", "her", "my son", "my daughter", "my child" for translations
Changed entries for Spanish and Portuguese naval ranks
New entries "totem1", "totem2", "totem3", "totem4", "tipi2", "tipi3" for buildings
"Flip Coin" entry is identical to the one in "JRH files 5158", also in the same part of the file as "Examine" and "Toss" which still work​
flip_coin.wav: identical to "JRH files 5158"
itemsJRH38.tga.tx: identical to "JRH files 5158"​
Those are all the files listed in "flip files.xlsx". In addition, there are extra changes to "initModels.c" and "quests_common.c", and the new code which you put into the various "StartStoryline.c" files is now in "periods.c" - that's for the new cloister in Cartagena, nothing to do with the coin flip.
I can't see anything strange there. :confused:
The only file where other modders have changes is common.ini. But if something
had gone wrong there it would still be a button, but without text.

And thanks for the move of code to periods.c
And now it gets weird.

A new, clean install, starting with a copy of stock PoTC, with the May 2018 installer, a downloaded version of the 20th December update without any of the new stuff in my WIP version, followed by an unmodified version of "JRH files 5158", still does not show a "Flip Coin" button. I even had the idea that perhaps there's something buried in the "Woodes Rogers" storyline code which makes it work, so I tried starting a game with "Woodes Rogers". Howard Pyle can't flip the coin either.

So whatever is breaking it for me is nothing to do with newly added material. And it can't be the engine refusing to accept a new button definition, otherwise the "Toss Item" button wouldn't work either. I can't see anything suspicious in "compile.log" or "system.log", and there is no "error.log".

Attached are "compile.log" and "system.log" in case anyone else can find anything useful. As well as the "GiveItem2Character" line, I added some extra code to "console.c" to dump the attributes of the coin:
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "luckydimeA");
object item;
aref ritem;
i = Items_FindItem("luckydimeA", &ritem);
For comparison, I dumped attributes for "cursedcoin" and "lockpick" as well. The attribute dumps are included in the attached "compile.log".

One change I would suggest is to add the "skiprand" attribute. If that is not set, I suspect that you'll occasionally see Lucky Dimes in random treasure chests.


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Here is the fix for the brown interface.


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Grey Roger can I have all your ekstra fixes ? My game crashed.
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There's enough new material that I hope to have the next update out by the end of this week.

Grey Roger can I have all your ekstra fixes ? My game crashed.
Post "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists. Or wait for the next update, then make a completely new clean install.
The first update archive of 2020 is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

New to this release:
  • New sails for the Queen Anne's Revenge from @QARownsBP - though, as they're available from the "Select Sails" interface, you can use them on other ships as well if you like.
  • @Pieter Boelen makes a welcome return to modding with a new playable character, Piet Hein. Thanks to @Jack Rackham, Piet Hein has a special coin which he can flip.
  • Also from @Jack Rackham, Cartagena now has a second cloister. Though mainly intended for future use in a storyline, the cloister is open to any visitors, so if you want a quiet place to relax or meditate for a while, go and visit it - and try not to think about who is in the graveyard... And as if that wasn't enough, he has also added a landward gate to Cartagena.
  • Outside the city is where I've been busy. From the gate provided by @Jack Rackham, you can walk through jungle all the way to the beach. There's more jungle to explore if you find another path, including a swamp.
  • The translators are still at work. Thanks to @Homo eructus and @Perro Negro, you can play the "Assassin" or "Goldbug" stories in Spanish.
  • Listen to the music. @The Nameless Pirate has imported some of the music from "Hearts of Oak", with kind permission from composers @Jose Cava and @Franco Tempesta. Most of the new tracks are used as background music for towns or fights, while one new track will be heard at the end of... but that would spoil the surprise. :D Suffice to say that one particularly happy sounding track will be heard at the happy end of one particular sidequest.
qar_new_sails.jpg piet_hein_select.jpg cloister2_1.jpg cartagena_gate_guards.jpg colombia_swamp.jpg


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Nice, I will update the ModDB upload now and the Nexus Mods upload later.

Always good to see a new update go up, never fails to lift my spirit. :dance:cheers
Maybe @Grey Roger's write-up could serve as basis for a simple ModDB release article of sorts?
It would just need to be formatted for general audiences.
And probably need an explanation of the ZIP updates in use these days.
You guys can't even imagine how happy I am to see this mod and forum still alive. I'ts about that time of the year I play Build mod again :3

I am however having trouble with the fix archive.

I installed the mod with the following files of moddb:

Build 14 Beta 4.0 Part 2: Contents Archive - Apr 2nd, 2016
Build 14 Full Part 1: Installation Wizard - Jul 3 2018

Apart from the usual modern nvidia shenanigans, the game and mod run super fine. However, when I try to install the fix archive over it, the game crashes on startup and I get the following error log:

COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters.h; line: 46
define redefinition: PASSENGERS_MAX

Am I installing the fix archive over the right version?
Welcome back! :cheers

I believe that the files are fine, though you could try using the files from here.

The one here definitely works.
I will try to download and install the mod from the ModDB upload and see if I get the same error.
Most probably I will do this tomorrow, or later this week.
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Actually it may be the same, the date on the file's name is the same.

Anyway as I said, I will download and test it.
Happy to hear your game is running. :onya
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I just finished installing the mod with only the files from MobDB, and it worked without any problems.

Probably some thing went wrong when @litwin installed the mod.
The reason for the error is that the variable "PASSENGERS_MAX" used to be defined in "PROGRAM\Characters\characters.h" but was long ago moved into "PROGRAM\globals.c". The obsolete version of "characters.h" is still in "Build 14 Beta 4.0 Part 2: Contents Archive" but should be overwritten by the installer, "Build 14 Full Part 1: Installation Wizard".

The current version of "globals.c" is in the fixes archive.

If for some reason the installer fails to overwrite "characters.h" with the later version, and you then copy the fixes archive into place, you have the obsolete "characters.h" and the current "globals.c", each with a definition of "PASSENGERS_MAX".
The next update is now out:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip
Most of the new stuff is Spanish translation.

There's a minor bug fix for the "Artois Voysey" quest; if you have a full set of officers when you rescue him in the Sao Jorge outskirts, he becomes a passenger. (Previously, if you had a full set of officers, he failed to join you entirely.)

And if you play "Tales of a Sea Hawk" as Danielle (or any other female character), you may notice slightly different dialog in a couple of scenes. The original game was planned to allow you to choose to play Nathaniel or Danielle, with a different version of the story for Danielle. A few pieces of dialog from Danielle's story can be found, including some lines in "blaze_dialog.h", which would have been used if you were Danielle and were talking to Nathaniel. So I copied some of this into "danielle_dialog.h" and made it conditional on you being female.

@Jack Rackham: sorry for not giving advance warning. There's a reason for that, which brings me onto the Bad News:

I'll be losing internet access for some time. This is why I had to put out the update today. It does mean that if you don't see anything from me, you don't need to worry that I've been stuck with Covid-19 - that's not the reason for my loss of connection. But it also means this is the last update for a while, unless someone else wants to take over the job while I'm out of touch. I may be able to check in once in a while via wi-fi and a smart phone, but I won't be able to upload anything.

That doesn't mean you lot can stop working on mods. It means that when I return, the next update is going to be a big one!

See you soon, hopefully...


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