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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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The latest version of the update archive is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_jan7_fixes.zip
A list of all the changes is in the "fixes.txt" attachment in the first post of this thread.

The "Hoist The Colours" storyline has been overhauled, and a new character model for Anamaria created.
I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and tireless dedication to such a fine game, and for luring me back into a virtual life of piracy that I've so dearly missed.
Now, with your blessing, do we declare this a hard cutoff for a final version of Build 14 and leaving the way clear to start on Build 15? If you give the word, I'll get working on the new installer.
Might as well. I'm working on a few ships and a sidequest, but if you're going to wait for me and other modders to finish working, Build 14 is never going to end. xD

So, yes, I say go for it. :onya The sidequest can go into Build 15.
Would it be an idea to wait a little bit with the Build 14 Final release until some extra ship models have been included?
Or is that not worth it?
For one thing, those which I've been grabbing from GoF are a bit experimental in that I've tried to cobble together stats based on what I can copy from GoF's version of "Ships_init.c", or from something approximately similar already in PoTC and then tweaked a bit so it's still a different ship. Whereas what we have in Build 14 now is pretty well reliable and solid. So I'd call it done and then use the new ships as part of what begins to distinguish Build 15 from Build 14.

Also, there's the possible import of more ships, probably more interesting types than what I've been scavenging, courtesy of @yo ho ho and @Jan Marten. Those ships would make a very nice start to Build 15, and also means there's no hint of pressure on the creators - they can release the ships as and when they wish to, and Build 14 can be finalised anyway.

It also means @Mad Jack Wolfe can start on the installer without having to wait for me to finish what I'm doing, let alone wait for the really good ships to show up.
Thanks also id like to reccomend that for cutler beckett, davy jones, norrington some of the old stories id like for it to be back becuase sometimes just free play is boring and as for norrington even being rear admiral i guess dont register in the naval fort and some stuff. Id like more stories basically
id like to reccomend that for cutler beckett, davy jones, norrington some of the old stories id like for it to be back
What do you want to have back? Nothing was taken away. o_O

sometimes just free play is boring
Of course it is. That's why there are storylines, different starting scenario's, sidequests and the career choices that you can swap during the game.

for norrington even being rear admiral i guess dont register in the naval fort
Let's just say it's a shore fort and the soldiers and navy don't get along. ;)

Seriously, if it were peaceful in the forts, what would you do there? It'd be even more boring! :rofl

Id like more stories basically
As far as I'm aware, there is literally no pirate game with more different stories than PotC:NH.
Are you sure you have played all the individual storylines already? :shock
What do you want to have back? Nothing was taken away. o_O

Of course it is. That's why there are storylines, different starting scenario's, sidequests and the career choices that you can swap during the game.

Let's just say it's a shore fort and the soldiers and navy don't get along. ;)

Seriously, if it were peaceful in the forts, what would you do there? It'd be even more boring! :rofl

As far as I'm aware, there is literally no pirate game with more different stories than PotC:NH.
Are you sure you have played all the individual storylines already? :shock

Norrington doesn't have a story nor does Beckett or Davy. They're just free-play you dont go thru everything they have to before lets say norrington is admiral. He should be able to control the fleet but the way its set he doesn't, they dont even reconize him as an admiral at the naval base in Antigua he a "civilian" Beckett doesn't control what hes suppose to either the EICO he doesn't control it like hes suppose too and he doesn't control Port Royale like he does in the movie. There's only 3 stories Horatio Sparrow and Hawk. I wont us to be able to go thru the characters life like we do in those.
Norrington doesn't have a story nor does Beckett or Davy. They're just free-play you dont go thru everything they have to before lets say norrington is admiral.
Who is going to make that happen and do the work required?
Writing stories takes tremendous time and effort.

With any Free Play character, it is up to you, the player, to make sure your character experiences what you want.
If you want to follow the story of Norrington, then all you have to do is to play Free Play as if you were him.
That's the very definition of role playing, after all.

He should be able to control the fleet but the way its set he doesn't, they dont even reconize him as an admiral at the naval base in Antigua he a "civilian"
There are several different versions of Norrington; one of whom is the pirate version from Dead Man's Chest.
Are you sure you selected the navy version of him and not the pirate version instead?
If you did, then you do get the proper navy rank and ship commands.

You can also find a Midshipman Norrington model; if you select that one, then you get to play up to the point where he becomes admiral.
You will then get the correct film ships awarded to you on the correct ranks as well.

As for Davy Jones, if you select him, you do get into his unique situation of not being able to set foot on land.
But when I added that to the game, nobody bothered to provide the feedback I needed, so this may be somewhat underdeveloped.
Unfortunately it is now too late as I myself have no time to spare to improve on it any longer.
Still, it's better than nothing and certainly gives you a challenge that no other character would face.

Beckett doesn't control what hes suppose to either the EICO he doesn't control it like hes suppose too and he doesn't control Port Royale like he does in the movie.
There is no actual EITC in the game because nobody ever added it. Therefore Beckett can also not be in charge of it.
But you can still do massive trading yourself and kind-of build your own trading empire that way.
You could even use the BuildingSet to create "trade outposts" of sorts.

Beckett does start the game immediately in command of the Endeavour, which is a unique situation purely for him.
However, he is of course a civilian with low nautical experience, so this is an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time.
Advantage because he has an awesome ship, disadvantage because you will have a hard time handling her.
So would you in Beckett's shoes try to keep your ship? Or would you sell her and invest the money in some other way?
The choice is yours.

As for Port Royale, Beckett takes control only after the beginning of Dead Man's Chest.
If you assume the Beckett character in the game is the pre-DMC one, it is up to you yourself to capture Port Royale.
That is certainly possible and you do start with a massive ship to help you do exactly that.

That being said, I do believe it would be relatively easy to have Port Royale already captured by the time you start the game.
Should only be a few lines of additional code.

There's only 3 stories Horatio Sparrow and Hawk.
There are also Bartolomeu, Assassin, Ardent, Woodes Rogers and The Gold-Bug.
That makes for a total of 8 fully scripted stories, not 3.
Sounds like you've got plenty of stuff still left to be played! :cheers

I wont us to be able to go thru the characters life like we do in those.
Ultimately, role playing is limited mostly by your own imagination. ;)
Hey there i installed the fixes.txt where do i put it or what do i do with it?
"fixes.txt" is just a list of what has been updated. You can do whatever you like with it. :D

The actual update can be downloaded from here:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_jan7_fixes.zip

Unlike the game installation files, you do extract the files from that zip. The folder structure is the same as that of the game installation, so extract the files to some folder somewhere, then copy the whole lot straight to the game installation folder, and the files ought to find their way to their correct places.
I want to report about bug. It could be replied already, so forgive me for this. I got it in Bartolomeu storyline. I can't leave location and continue the storyline. These are all recquired fles. The quest called 'A famous pirate'. I am in the jungle, after fighting guy who looks like Nigel Blythe.


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But as said. With norrington rear admiral. He's not recognized at the naval base in game as such so he can't do anything unless till he's the big guy he can do something. What can he do if anything?
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