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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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I want to report about bug. It could be replied already, so forgive me for this. I got it in Bartolomeu storyline. I can't leave location and continue the storyline. These are all recquired fles. The quest called 'A famous pirate'. I am in the jungle, after fighting guy who looks like Nigel Blythe.
That "compile.log" doesn't tell me much, except that you seem to have loaded a savegame while you're in the jungle outside Tortuga, and then quit the game. Can you load a savegame from before you go to the Tortuga jungle, play until the point where you get stuck, and then post "compile.log"? That should then give an account of progress through the quest and I should be able to see where you're getting stuck.

Looking at the quest code, you shouldn't fight the Blythe look-alike, named Christopher Backer, at all. He's invincible. You're supposed to kill a couple of his associates, then talk to him again.
But as said. With norrington rear admiral. He's not recognized at the naval base in game as such so he can't do anything unless till he's the big guy he can do something. What can he do if anything?
I'll have to check that. As a naval officer, Rear Admiral Norrington should certainly be recognised in the store and shipyard. But the port admiral won't have any special jobs for him, other than routine escort quests.

But would it be possible for Beckett or norrington to get a Tory and go thru everything to get where they ate in the movie?
Certainly. Of course, you'll be the one writing the story, so they can do whatever you want. ;) But as writing a storyline takes a lot of time and effort, anyone willing to put in that time and effort probably has their own idea of the story they want to write, so it's unlikely anyone else will write a Beckett or Norrington storyline.
Enemy boarders are usually tough and well equipped. Your guys are probably not all that tough and, unless you've been stocking up the weapons locker, are only carrying basic cutlasses. Merchant crews are generally less tough than naval or pirate crews.

Practice your combat skills in easier situations, e.g. dungeons. As you go up in level, you'll be able to buy better weapons and armour. When you start seeing battle armour, buy up as much as you can. Equip yourself and your party officers, and put some in the weapons locker as well. That ought to shift the odds in your favour.
Thank you much. Hoping more updates soon and Norrington to be recognized. I would assume he could tell people who to sail with him as RearAdmiral or get a fleet almost free
I want to report about bug. It could be replied already, so forgive me for this. I got it in Bartolomeu storyline. I can't leave location and continue the storyline. These are all recquired fles. The quest called 'A famous pirate'. I am in the jungle, after fighting guy who looks like Nigel Blythe.
@Grey Roger, do you have any idea what's up there? Or should we check with Bartolomeu?

But as said. With norrington rear admiral. He's not recognized at the naval base in game as such so he can't do anything unless till he's the big guy he can do something. What can he do if anything?
What naval base? I believe officer Norrington is a regular naval officer, which should work on Antigua.

But would it be possible for Beckett or norrington to get a Tory and go thru everything to get where they ate in the movie?
Possible? Of course. But somebody would need to write it.
Who? You? It isn't going too be somebody else, you can be certain of that.

Much easier to just role play it for yourself.
You can do that right now with no code changes required.

Thank you much. Hoping more updates soon and Norrington to be recognized. I would assume he could tell people who to sail with him as RearAdmiral or get a fleet almost free
Have you tried playing as a naval officer in the game already?
When you're promoted, you get exactly that.
So your request there is already fulfilled. ;)
@Grey Roger, do you have any idea what's up there? Or should we check with Bartolomeu?
See my earlier reply. ;) Basically, I've found the scene in "quests_reaction.c", but without a more extensive "compile.log" I can't see exactly what happened.

Have you tried playing as a naval officer in the game already?
When you're promoted, you get exactly that.
So your request there is already fulfilled. ;)
That was going to be my reply, until I checked "NK.c". Norrington receives Dauntless when he's promoted to Commodore, nothing at Rear Admiral or Vice Admiral (probably because he already has a 1st rate ship, better than what anyone else has received at this point), then he gets a companion in Endeavour when he's promoted to Admiral.

What you can do as a flag rank officer (Commodore or higher) is capture prize ships, then swap among them to pick whichever one you like best and use it as your flagship. Lesser ranks aren't allowed to do that, they can only auction prize ships off and get the prize money. So if Rear Admiral Norrington is going to have a fleet, he's going to have to earn it the hard way. :napoleon
Him as rear admiral. But he is not recognized as such on Antigua or anywhere. Shouldn't he be able to control what people do as in the British Royal Navy
Allowing an admiral to order people around, even on Antigua, would be a major project. What you can do is recruit officers from taverns, buy some uniform outfits from the tailor, then turn all your officers into naval characters. At rank Commodore or higher, you can do what you like with any ships you buy or capture, so you can build up your own squadron.

But the point about not being recognised at all on Antigua is valid. The dialog doesn't take account of professional navy characters so it assumes you're a civilian unless you can produce a Letter of Marque proving you're a British privateer. Naval characters have Letters of Marque, though you don't notice it because by definition a naval character will start with at least the rank of Midshipman, but the Letter of Marque is crucial to the mechanism for getting promotions from governors. So you can tell the victualler that you have a Letter of Marque, then he will allow you to trade.

I haven't had time to fix all the inhabitants of Antigua, but you can try these files for the victualler. Put "Antigua_victualler.c" into "PROGRAM\DIALOGS". Put "Antigua_victualler.h" into "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH". The victualler (store keeper) should now recognise a British naval officer when he sees one.


  • Antigua_victualler.c
    13.1 KB · Views: 145
  • Antigua_victualler.h
    7.1 KB · Views: 125
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So... I finally finished my studies on college, and now I'm officially graduated. Now, I have a lot of free time to play this game again, test new features, and even continue on the spanish translation of this mod, which I left a long time ago.

I'm back again, ready to sail on new adventures in this mod with all of you :)
Yes I've got about 50 files again. I'll be away on another roadtrip, leaving on wednesday. Will it be ok if I upload wednesday morning?
But the point about not being recognised at all on Antigua is valid. The dialog doesn't take account of professional navy characters so it assumes you're a civilian unless you can produce a Letter of Marque proving you're a British privateer. Naval characters have Letters of Marque, though you don't notice it because by definition a naval character will start with at least the rank of Midshipman, but the Letter of Marque is crucial to the mechanism for getting promotions from governors. So you can tell the victualler that you have a Letter of Marque, then he will allow you to trade.
Update: @Jonathan Rivas : this should make the victualler, dockyard, regulating officer and admiral all give you different dialogs if you are a naval officer. Extract "DIALOGS.zip" into "PROGRAM\DIALOGS". Extract "ENGLISH.zip" into "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH".

Privateers can ask the port admiral for a job. They are then asked to escort a merchant who has been annoying the admiral, and have the option to decline. Naval officers aren't asked to escort the merchant, they're ordered to do so, and do not have the option to decline! And as the port admiral is the top man in the Caribbean, even Admiral Norrington has to obey his orders... If you tell your boss that you don't have a job, he'll find one for you. xD


  • DIALOGS.zip
    7.9 KB · Views: 103
  • ENGLISH.zip
    12.5 KB · Views: 100
Privateers can ask the port admiral for a job. They are then asked to escort a merchant who has been annoying the admiral, and have the option to decline. Naval officers aren't asked to escort the merchant, they're ordered to do so, and do not have the option to decline! And as the port admiral is the top man in the Caribbean, even Admiral Norrington has to obey his orders... If you tell your boss that you don't have a job, he'll find one for you. xD
:rofl :rofl :rofl

I think Naval Officers will learn soon enough not to ask then! The guy sends you on the same mission over and over again. On purpose, I might add! :razz
I have uploaded "JRH files 2688 17-07-26" on MEGA again. Mostly WoodesRogers 2 files. Included is the fix in Douwesen town and GoldBug
errors are corrected.

e-mail and password as earlier.

And then out on the roads again.
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