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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Here are mine and @Grey Roger's work on Piet Hein combined with each other.
Also included are some modifications I made to @The Nameless Pirate's older files.
Some clever merging will be required, but I'm sure Grey will work his magic on it. :cheers

And special thanks to @Jack Rackham for being inspired by my half-baked ideas to add that Holiday Egg item!
I'll be very curious to find out what you have wrought. :bow


  • Piet_Hein_Character_Files.7z
    9.4 MB · Views: 521
Thanks, @Pieter Boelen and @Jack Rackham!

The stuff in "Piet_Hein_Character_Files.7z" relating to "Hearts of Oak" soundtracks won't be included, the reason being that I'm following the PM conversation about them and will get all the files from there. The version of "initModels.c" in that folder still has the Dutch version of Piet's storyline text, whereas I'll be using the English version, also copied into "storyline_strings.txt" so that it can be translated into other languages. We don't want people ignoring the character because they can't understand his background!

@Jack Rackham: thanks for removing the restriction on build items so that your fine work can get extra value if someone else needs the same items. :onya But I do have to question the addition in all "StartStoryline.c" files of code for the new cloister. Might that code not be better put somewhere central such as in "Periods.c", where there is already code to start various sidequests as well as to initiate the pirate fun in Tortuga? That should mean that it will work in all storylines, including any yet to be written, and it means the same code isn't duplicated across numerous files.
The stuff in "Piet_Hein_Character_Files.7z" relating to "Hearts of Oak" soundtracks won't be included
I made some changes there of my own.
Though I assume @The Nameless Pirate made the same or similar updates by now.

The version of "initModels.c" in that folder still has the Dutch version of Piet's storyline text, whereas I'll be using the English version, also copied into "storyline_strings.txt" so that it can be translated into other languages. We don't want people ignoring the character because they can't understand his background!
Too bad; it was in Dutch on purpose.
I want the character to stand out and confusion generates and surprise CAN get people (*ugh*) 'off their lazy ass'.
I made some changes there of my own.
Though I assume @The Nameless Pirate made the same or similar updates by now.
Exactly so. The files which @The Nameless Pirate uploaded contain all the same updates as yours plus some more.

Too bad; it was in Dutch on purpose.
I want the character to stand out and confusion generates and surprise CAN get people (*ugh*) 'off their lazy ass'.
Don't be surprised if people don't get off their idle donkeys to try a character they can't understand, though. (Especially not the Russians, who won't be able to read it at all if it's not translated because Russian uses a different alphabet.)

Besides, the cartoon style interface picture ought to make the character stand out. However, it's your character, so if you really want the storyline text back in Dutch, I'll put it back.
Giving him the coin was easy enough, I added a bit to "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c" for him. In fact, the part which starts:
if (CharFirstName == "Blackbeard")
... is now a switch on "GetMySimpleOldName(ch)". (In the process, I found a problem with "GetMySimpleOldName". Somewhere else in the character process, a single name like "Blackbeard" becomes the character's last name, so he has no first or middle names. "GetMySimpleOldName" fails there as it only adds a character's last name to the first name. I added a line so that, if the function has not already been able to build a name from first or middle names, it just uses the last name instead.)

And so Piet Hein gets his lucky dime, almost 250 years from the future. xD It shows up in "Inventory", but does not seem to work. Looking at the code, there should be a "Flip" button, but this does not appear. And he does not get the +2 luck bonus. Normally I have "ITEM_REALISM" set to 1 in "InternalSettings.h" so that gems and idols don't give a bonus, but even if I set that to 0 and start again, I don't get a luck bonus from the coin.
Giving him the coin was easy enough, I added a bit "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c" for him. In fact, the part which starts:
if (CharFirstName == "Blackbeard")
... is now a switch on "GetMySimpleOldName(ch)". (In the process, I found a problem with "GetMySimpleOldName". Somewhere else in the character process, a single name like "Blackbeard" becomes the character's last name, so he has no first or middle names. "GetMySimpleOldName" fails there as it only adds a character's last name to the first name. I added a line so that, if the function has not already been able to build a name from first or middle names, it just uses the last name instead.)
Nice one!

And so Piet Hein gets his lucky dime, almost 250 years from the future. xD
And that's the way I like it! :rofl

It shows up in "Inventory", but does not seem to work. Looking at the code, there should be a "Flip" button, but this does not appear.
That's odd.
@Jack Rackham; do you have any clues?
I tested it:
made a copy of stock potc
ran the installer
copied in the december zip
copied in my latest update files (with the flip function)

and it works: flip coin button.jpg

So everything is in there. What has happened?
I tested it:
made a copy of stock potc
ran the installer
copied in the december zip
copied in my latest update files (with the flip function)
Just in case something is messed up in my main install, I did something similar - copied stock PoTC, ran the installer, then copied in my version of the update. That includes your files from "JRH files 5158", a few of them WinMerged to include other people's work, but nothing changed that should affect the coin flip.
no_flip.jpg no_luck.jpg

Then I tried copying in your files, completely unmodified, and that didn't work at all for testing the coin because the version of "initModels.c" in "JRH files 5158" does not include an entry for Piet Hein!

Your screenshot shows the opposite side of the coin to mine, presumably "luckydimeB" because I gave "luckydimeA" to Piet Hein. I tried changing "characters_init.c" to give him "luckydimeB" instead, and that didn't show a "Flip Coin" button either.

The new install has "ITEM_REALISM" set to the default 0, so items such as gems, idols and the dime should give their bonuses. But my "Luck" is unmodified.
This is strange because I'm pretty sure all is in my latest update.
Start any storyline and give the coin from console:


If everything is ok with the flip item type etc but no button
it could be RESOURCE/INI/INTERFACES/items.ini

If everything is ok with the flip item type etc but no text in the new button
it could be RESOURCE/INI/TEXTS/ENGLISH/common.ini
Last edited:
There is no sign of a button. "RESOURCE\INI\INTERFACES\items.ini" is unchanged from your version.

"RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\common.ini" has some extra items added as mine combines your version with some extra lines for variables needed in translations. Your line for "Flip Coin" is certainly in there.


Can someone else please try this as an experiment? Create a new install - put it in a different folder, e.g. "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean - Test", so that it does not overwrite your existing game. Run the May 2018 installer, add in the 20th December 2019 update, then add in "JRH files 5158" from Post #1544 from this thread. Edit "PROGRAM\console.c" to add the line:
Then start a game, press F12, look in the "Items" section of the inventory, and see if (a) you have the "Lucky Dime" and (b) if it has the "Flip Coin" button. (@Pieter Boelen, as this is your idea, perhaps you'd like to test it?) If the "Flip Coin" button appears for other people then I'll have to figure out what I've messed up so that it doesn't appear for me.

Meanwhile, when I next have time to play PoTC, I'll create a new install using the downloadable version of the update archive. That should replicate what anyone else should have. Then I'll add in all files, unmodified, from "JRH files 5158". If that doesn't work, I'm stumped...
A few years ago, I started rewritting ShipModels_Description.txt aiming to make the ship descriptions more standarized and informative, both for the ship selection and the shipyard "appearance" menu. I abandoned it when I was almost finished, but for the last couple of days I've been updating it and here's the result. Take a look, see what you think and if maybe this could be added in the next update.

Both English and Spanish versions included.


  • TEXTS ShipModels_Desc.zip
    21.8 KB · Views: 510
I'm afraid I was never very keen on the standardised ship descriptions - they add little if anything to the game and impose a restriction on anyone who wants to add a new ship later. Also, several of the revised descriptions are inaccurate, e.g.:
PO_Caravel50_Descr{This late type of caravelis larger and features a
forecastle and an aftercastle, like a carrack.
It may have a forecastle and aftercastle, like almost every ship in the game, but they're not like those of a carrack. ;) And "caravelis" is not the only typing mistake in the English version.

If you really want the standardised version in Spanish, I can include that, but I'd much prefer to keep at least the English version as it is now.

There are other translations in the works, and the people working on them will be using the current English version. If that is drastically rewritten then they'll have to start translating "ShipModels_descriptions.txt" over again.
Ok, I did another test exactly the way you suggested, which was identical with my test recently. Started Assassin storyline and gave myself the coin via console.
And it still works.
To be 100% sure I even downloaded "JRH files 5158" from this thread. :shrug

So could it be in the merging of any of the "flip files" that other modders also have changes?
I'm afraid I was never very keen on the standardised ship descriptions - they add little if anything to the game and impose a restriction on anyone who wants to add a new ship later. Also, several of the revised descriptions are inaccurate, e.g.:
PO_Caravel50_Descr{This late type of caravelis larger and features a
forecastle and an aftercastle, like a carrack.
It may have a forecastle and aftercastle, like almost every ship in the game, but they're not like those of a carrack. ;) And "caravelis" is not the only typing mistake in the English version.

If you really want the standardised version in Spanish, I can include that, but I'd much prefer to keep at least the English version as it is now.

There are other translations in the works, and the people working on them will be using the current English version. If that is drastically rewritten then they'll have to start translating "ShipModels_descriptions.txt" over again.
Fair enough. But yes, I'd like it to be in the Spanish version at least as I'm not planning to rewrite it translating the current English version (which deep down is the reason why I've finished now, because the work was already mostly done and it was easier than starting over), and I still think it looks better overall.

The idea with the caravel is that early caravels barely had pronunced castles, and the later large carvels like the one in the game added larger superstructures very much influenced by other ocean-going ships like carracks, but maybe it wasn't phrased in the best way.
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