Just out of curiosity, is it possible to mod the inventory interface so it resembles COAS? The current side-scrolling interface makes me dizzy at times.
In theory? Absolutely possible.
Practically...? Unlikely to happen.
Interface coding is one of the harder things to do; especially with the 'plain text trial-and-error' approach you need in PotC.
We have no active modders with experience in (re)building interfaces and this would be quite the difficult thing to do.
If you indeed find PotC modding to be fun and you pick it up quickly, this is definitely something you could do yourself.
I don't recommend starting with it though. I'd estimate the chance of success to be far below average.
That could demotivate you from getting further into it.
But hey, you never do know; if your enthusiasm and perseverance are high enough, there is very little that you CANNOT do.
This holds true for mostly everything in this world (DON'T believe those many people who would claim otherwise!!!), but it is especially true in PotC.
I have seen people (including myself, but especially
@konradk and
@CouchcaptainCharles) accomplish things that in some cases even the original game developers insisted were impossible.
With 'DirectSail' they even kept insisting after we told them we already had it working and invited them to give our approach a try.
They effectively kept believing that we weren't quite telling the truth or something and eventually I stopped bothering to convince them.
At least
we know it works and we've had plenty upon plenty of people who really appreciate this as one of the best features of the mod.
Best part here: This was done by
@CouchcaptainCharles who may have had SOME programming background, but was most certainly nowhere close to being an expert.
He was more someone who was 'unhindered by prior knowledge' and simply
would - not - give - up using his big digital hammer to convince the game to do what he wanted it to do.
His approaches were... unconventional to say the least.
And the results were sometimes quite rough around the edged (*cough*BuildingSet*cough*).
But you cannot argue with his success rate.
We wouldn't have DirectSail if it weren't for him.
Even if the final polishing was done by other people with more actual programming experience, he laid the foundations that those others probably never would've managed.
And all through that little bit of outside-the-box insight of his and a LOT of sheer perseverance.
Basically the same applies to the many awesome features (such as Different Flags, Periods and STORYLINES!) that
@konradk added to our mod.
Those pretty much make up the core difference between Build 13 (which I'd still consider very 'mod-y') and Build 14 aka. New Horizons (which I consider more 'several new games in one').
With one slight exception:
@konradk DOES actually have a background in programming and therefore manages to pull off even more technically complicated feats.
Long story short:
To everyone who ever contributed to our mod here: I salute you all!
(Also... Oops, I might've gotten a bit carried away in writing this post. I hope you'll forgive me.
