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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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It makes more sense to me doing it the other way round. To name the new globals.c (with the higher numbers)
globals.c and the old one for ex globals_old.c Why?

Because otherwise will get new players starting campaigns they want to complete all the time based on the
older globals.c. So when can we then change it?

With my suggestion the players with old campaigns will at some time be zero.

Also, situations like this have occurred many times before concerning the number of locations, items or characters.
And the new numbers have always been updated. So what is the difference this time?
It makes more sense to me doing it the other way round. To name the new globals.c (with the higher numbers)
globals.c and the old one for ex globals_old.c Why?

Because otherwise will get new players starting campaigns they want to complete all the time based on the
older globals.c. So when can we then change it?

With my suggestion the players with old campaigns will at some time be zero.

Also, situations like this have occurred many times before concerning the number of locations, items or characters.
And the new numbers have always been updated. So what is the difference this time?
I agree with @Jack Rackham, this seems like the best option to ensure that people play the latest version.

We should also put this information somewhere easily accessible, so everyone knows about it.
Also, situations like this have occurred many times before concerning the number of locations, items or characters.
And the new numbers have always been updated. So what is the difference this time?
I assume because nobody really thought about it until now?

From my side, I was never too fussed one way or another.
Players can tweak their own globals.c if need be.

I think sometimes I didn't even bother upping the save game compatibility number at all.
Maybe that is an option this time too?
I can't think of any harm in that right now.
I have 2 Spanish officers and 2 pirates captured on my ship. Do I have to go to a Spanish island and a pirate island to collect the money for the bailouts? I say it because they will receive me with gunshots because I am English
If you don't change the compatibility number, or download the new version and then change the number back, you'll be able to load a savegame, play as long as you like, and then the game will crash when you try to save again. This I know from personal experience, which is why I have to change the version number every time @Jack Rackham changes the maximum item or character numbers.

My main concern is that, given the choice between installing the update and then having to lose any previous savegame, or ignore the update and continue playing, people may simply choose to do the latter. People who know what they're doing can rename the newer "globals.c", those who don't can just continue playing regardless. However, since the consensus seems to be to make the incompatible version the default and give the compatible version the changed name, so be it. I'll also add another 100 onto all the "CHARACTERS" variables in "globals.c" as well as "MAX_ITEMS" and "MAX_RANDITEMS" in "PROGRAM\ITEMS\items.h" to give storyline developers even more room. Hopefully that will mean no more changes to either, therefore no more loss of savegames, well into next year.
I have 2 Spanish officers and 2 pirates captured on my ship. Do I have to go to a Spanish island and a pirate island to collect the money for the bailouts? I say it because they will receive me with gunshots because I am English
You can get a greatly reduced ransom by releasing them at any port. You can get a slightly reduced ransom for the Spanish officers and full ransom for the pirates by releasing them at a pirate port. Nevis Pirate Settlement is probably your best choice for this; it has no fort, and Nevis is primarily English so you're more likely to find English or friendly ships there than pirate ships.

If you want to sail into a Spanish port, fly a false Spanish flag. But note that if you've previously been near that port while flying an English flag, the fort will remember you, so get a different ship before you visit the port again. (The fort will recognise you if that ship is anywhere in your fleet, not just under your personal command, so swapping it to a companion officer won't help.)
If you don't change the compatibility number, or download the new version and then change the number back, you'll be able to load a savegame, play as long as you like, and then the game will crash when you try to save again. This I know from personal experience, which is why I have to change the version number every time @Jack Rackham changes the maximum item or character numbers.
Really? Ouch!
Did not see that coming.
Indeed that's not awesome. :(

However, since the consensus seems to be
IS there a consensus?
I can see both sides, but am not sure what would be wisest. :shrug
However, since the consensus seems to be to make the incompatible version the default and give the compatible version the changed name, so be it. I'll also add another 100 onto all the "CHARACTERS" variables in "globals.c" as well as "MAX_ITEMS" and "MAX_RANDITEMS" in "PROGRAM\ITEMS\items.h" to give storyline developers even more room. Hopefully that will mean no more changes to either, therefore no more loss of savegames, well into next year.
Nice @Grey Roger, seems like a really good solution! :thumbs1
My character keeps walking very slowly through the rooms. I changed the resolution to 1600X900, clicked on EXE properties and clicked XP support and always run as administrator. I'm doing something wrong. I have a NVIDA GTS 450 of 1 gb of vram
Are you using windowed mode or full screen mode? Whichever it is, try the other one. If I use windowed mode, my character can walk in a straight line well enough but turns very slowly when in a room; if I use full screen mode, the character moves and turns properly. Some other people find the opposite, windowed mode works better than full screen mode.
The next update is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

New to this version:
@Jack Rackham has made the hatch from the Maltese Abbey to the Maltese Crypt visible.

@GhostOfDeath91 has improved the interface pictures for a couple of characters from the films:

And also added a new Personal flag for the Inquisition:

@Jacob and @konradk have been working on a Polish translation. Like other translations, it's not yet complete but it's a start. Any other Polish speakers who want to help with this, please report for duty!

Storekeeper dialogs have been overhauled a bit, especially those relating to the two quests for Thomas O'Reily. If you take a delivery quest and somehow manage to lose some of the cargo, the receiving storekeeper will remind you what you were supposed to be bringing. Meanwhile, Thomas O'Reily previously wanted you to deliver Silk (import on Jamaica, export on Martinique) and smuggle Ebony (contraband on Jamaica, import on Martinique); he now wants you to deliver Clothes (export from Jamaica, nothing special on Martinique) and smuggle Cinnamon (import on Jamaica, contraband on Martinique). And all those goods are defined by variables, so if you think something else would make more sense, you just need to edit "Thomas O'Reily_dialog.c".

The new version won't be able to use existing savegames so you'll need to start a new game. However, if you want to continue with an existing savegame, there is a way:
  1. In the "PROGRAM" folder, rename "globals.c" to something else, or move it to a different folder, so that you can put it back later when you do start anew;
  2. Rename "globals_old.c" to "globals.c".
That version of "globals.c" will allow the game to read savegames from the previous update.


  • fixes.txt
    13.8 KB · Views: 196
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to mod the inventory interface so it resembles COAS? The current side-scrolling interface makes me dizzy at times. :(
I'd also like to report a bug. I have the white void instead of the sea. Happened after I updated. Both new and old saves are affected.


  • Desktop Screenshot 2019.11.09 -
    Desktop Screenshot 2019.11.09 -
    1.9 MB · Views: 517
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to mod the inventory interface so it resembles COAS? The current side-scrolling interface makes me dizzy at times. :(
In theory? Absolutely possible.
Practically...? Unlikely to happen.

Interface coding is one of the harder things to do; especially with the 'plain text trial-and-error' approach you need in PotC.
We have no active modders with experience in (re)building interfaces and this would be quite the difficult thing to do.

If you indeed find PotC modding to be fun and you pick it up quickly, this is definitely something you could do yourself.
I don't recommend starting with it though. I'd estimate the chance of success to be far below average.
That could demotivate you from getting further into it.

But hey, you never do know; if your enthusiasm and perseverance are high enough, there is very little that you CANNOT do.
This holds true for mostly everything in this world (DON'T believe those many people who would claim otherwise!!!), but it is especially true in PotC.
I have seen people (including myself, but especially @konradk and @CouchcaptainCharles) accomplish things that in some cases even the original game developers insisted were impossible.

With 'DirectSail' they even kept insisting after we told them we already had it working and invited them to give our approach a try.
They effectively kept believing that we weren't quite telling the truth or something and eventually I stopped bothering to convince them.
At least we know it works and we've had plenty upon plenty of people who really appreciate this as one of the best features of the mod.

Best part here: This was done by @CouchcaptainCharles who may have had SOME programming background, but was most certainly nowhere close to being an expert.
He was more someone who was 'unhindered by prior knowledge' and simply would - not - give - up using his big digital hammer to convince the game to do what he wanted it to do.

His approaches were... unconventional to say the least.
And the results were sometimes quite rough around the edged (*cough*BuildingSet*cough*).
But you cannot argue with his success rate.

We wouldn't have DirectSail if it weren't for him.
Even if the final polishing was done by other people with more actual programming experience, he laid the foundations that those others probably never would've managed.
And all through that little bit of outside-the-box insight of his and a LOT of sheer perseverance.

Basically the same applies to the many awesome features (such as Different Flags, Periods and STORYLINES!) that @konradk added to our mod.
Those pretty much make up the core difference between Build 13 (which I'd still consider very 'mod-y') and Build 14 aka. New Horizons (which I consider more 'several new games in one').
With one slight exception: @konradk DOES actually have a background in programming and therefore manages to pull off even more technically complicated feats.

Long story short:
To everyone who ever contributed to our mod here: I salute you all!
:bow :bow :bow

(Also... Oops, I might've gotten a bit carried away in writing this post. I hope you'll forgive me. :rofl )
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