• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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So the reason for so much mutiny is because I have many casualties for boarding only pirate ships?
It's a possible reason. Lots of casualties does reduce morale, and low morale leads to mutiny. Pirate ships are tough to board and don't carry much cargo, so you lose crew, lose morale, and don't have the money to pay to raise morale.
It is that only sail and in a moment they are already mutiny (having food and rum). I have a difficult task with the riots
I do not know how to do it. You mean compress the saves? can i do it with winrar? Or do I have to compulsorily 7zip? Thank you
I do not know how to do it. You mean compress the saves? can i do it with winrar? Or do I have to compulsorily 7zip? Thank you
Yes, you can do it with WinRAR. :yes

Please tell me how I can do it and upload the compressed file
There is an upload a file button, when writing posts, click it and pick the file you want to upload.
I am very new, I hope to do well. Thank you very very much. Please tell me if you have the information you need to help me with the riots


  • Prueba.rar
    8.4 MB · Views: 518
I've had a look at some of the saves in that folder. The only problem I can see is that in all of them, you have very little food or rum. If the rum runs out, crew morale will certainly go down. If the food runs out, morale will go down and so will the number of crew because they're starving to death! You can check the food and rum levels - press F2, click on "Ships", then on "Crew", then there should be a button for rations.

The latest of the saves shows your ship with good morale, and a companion sloop with low morale, probably because it has no food. There is also an active ship-hunting quest. I sold the sloop, went after the ship in the quest, sank it with cannon fire, then returned to the governor to claim the reward. Winning a sea battle improves morale, so the crew's morale went up to 73. After stocking up on food and rum, I sailed the whole way from Jamaica to Barbados. Morale dropped to 72, which is probably your normal maximum with your current "Leadership" skill; it did not drop any further and was still 72 when I arrived at Barbados.

By the way, you have not equipped your compass or clock. You also still have the cheap, nearly useless spyglass. Go to a street trader and see if you can get something better. (In the latest of your saves, the nearest street trader in Kingston port certainly has a better spyglass, as well as an enhanced compass and a chronometer, and when you've sold the sloop, you can afford to buy them as well as a good load of food and rum. This I know because I bought them all. :D)
Thank you very much for all the information. I will do all that. The only question is whether I am playing Horatio's story, because I am playing in free play. At the moment I dedicate myself to the hunting of ships to have money, and if I am playing the story of Horatio, I suppose I would have to go to Antigua to begin the story.

Greetings to all
Gray Roger, I'm not sure if I'm playing Horacio's story, because I chose free play and started a few days ago
Gray Roger, I'm not sure if I'm playing Horacio's story, because I chose free play and started a few days ago
To actually play Hornblower's story, you have to start the game with in the Hornblower storyline.
Free Play as Hornblower won't work. You only look like him and have his name. But that's not the same.
There is one exception. If you keep at the FreePlay long enough, and if you keep attacking plenty of enemy ships, you'll eventually be promoted to Post Captain. Something interesting should then happen...

But if you want the full wedding, as opposed to simply proposing marriage to a random governor's niece, then you'll need to start a new game with the "Hornblower" storyline.
Frigates are warships. Fast merchantmen are merchants. Most other types are similarly clearly named. ;)

If you have a good spyglass, you can see the enemy ship's morale. Though morale will drop as the battle progresses, a ship which starts off with "Poor" morale is probably a merchant, while a ship which starts off with "High" morale is a warship.

Learn the differences between merchant and naval flags.


Note that the French have had their revolution and in the spirit of "liberty, equality, fraternity", all French ships fly the tricolour. You'll have to look at the pennants instead. (The same applies to American ships, though unless random national relation changes have happened, America is not hostile to Britain, so American ships are not valid targets.)
The numbers of characters in "PROGRAM\globals.c" has changed again. That means the version number needs to change as this won't work with previous saved games.
I've been giving this a lot of thought. While I do want to support development of "Woodes Rogers", it's a bit unfair on everyone else to require them to lose their current campaigns when they can't play any of the new "Woodes Rogers" scenes. So I'll include two versions of "globals.c". One, still called "globals.c", will have the existing number of characters, the same version number as before, and be compatible with previous savegames. The other, named "globals_JRH.c", will have the increased character numbers and new version number.

Anyone wanting to do anything with "Woodes Rogers" should rename "globals.c" to something else, rename "globals_JRH.c" to "globals.c", then start a new game. If you want to continue a previous savegame later on, rename the files back again. (Of course, if you do that, any savegames created while using the renamed "globals_JRH.c" will then not work.)
I suppose there's some sense to that; as long as Woodes Rogers 2 isn't ready yet for players to try.

What happens when you start a Woodes Rogers new game with the regular "globals.c"?
Do you 'only' get some harmless error logs or does it go full 'black screen'?
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