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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Thanks for the reply. I must admit that i just tryed to extract the files into the game folder, since i had a back-up ,and it does say 8th of november update in the main menu when i start the game, so i guess everything is good. Im an english user, but i didn´t skip the spanish and russian language folder when i extracted the files, but i guess it doesn´t matter?
It doesn't matter. You can delete them if you like, to save some disc space. They won't affect the game in English. (You'll also find some Polish files. If you're trying to save disc space by deleting foreign language files, you can delete those as well.)
Isn't there the effect that Long Guns count as twice the caliber as the other ones?
I can't remember the details, but there was something along those lines.
Carronades can be bought at double the normal maximum calibre for the ship. The reason is, carronades had relatively short barrels so that they could be made higher calibre while keeping the weight down. So an 18lb carronade is the equivalent in size to a 9lb long cannon. However, looking at "cannons_init.c", it's nowhere near as hard-hitting as an 18lb long cannon. The damage multiplier for a 9lb long cannon is 1.0, for an 18lb long cannon it's 2.2, and for an 18lb carronade it's 1.2.

I assume he bought the named "USS Constitution", which is indeed a Vanderdecken ship.
Reason is simple: Would be quite odd to have a lot of randomly-named ships sailing around randomly, all with "Constitution" written on their stern. :rofl

Vanderdecken has more ships available than just the fantasy ones.
You might want to have a look some day; I think he's got at least... 10 different ones or so?
Yes, Vanderdecken sells anything which has the "CanEncounter" and "CanBuy" attributes both set to false. I'd forgotten that "USS_Constitution" is a special ship which does indeed have them set that way. It also has the "model" attribute set to "Frigate", which it shares with the various "BattleFrigate" types, so you can buy or capture any of those and then repaint them into "USS_Constitution".
Vanderdecken has more ships available than just the fantasy ones.
You might want to have a look some day; I think he's got at least... 10 different ones or so?

Dutchman has a total of 35 ships. Ships states changes randomly. I usually do a quick save and load again & again until I find a proper one. He only dont have a class 2 ship.
Carronades can be bought at double the normal maximum calibre for the ship. The reason is, carronades had relatively short barrels so that they could be made higher calibre while keeping the weight down. So an 18lb carronade is the equivalent in size to a 9lb long cannon. However, looking at "cannons_init.c", it's nowhere near as hard-hitting as an 18lb long cannon. The damage multiplier for a 9lb long cannon is 1.0, for an 18lb long cannon it's 2.2, and for an 18lb carronade it's 1.2.
Thanks for confirming!
Could that explain @FrozenHeart's issue then?

Yes, Vanderdecken sells anything which has the "CanEncounter" and "CanBuy" attributes both set to false. I'd forgotten that "USS_Constitution" is a special ship which does indeed have them set that way. It also has the "model" attribute set to "Frigate", which it shares with the various "BattleFrigate" types, so you can buy or capture any of those and then repaint them into "USS_Constitution".
Yep, exactly that.

I'm perfectly fine with that "free repaint to named version". As long as the player is doing it on purpose, right? :cheers
Thanks for confirming!
Could that explain @FrozenHeart's issue then?
Doubtful. The maximum calibre as listed in "Ships_init.c" and in the shipyard is the biggest long cannon the ship can carry. If the shipyard says it can carry 24lb cannons then it ought to be able to take 24lb long cannons or 32lb carronades. (You can't buy bigger than 32lb carronade except from Vanderdecken, who ought to sell you any cannon you want regardless of the ship's limit. This makes @FrozenHeart's problem even more baffling, if he can't buy big guns from Vanderdecken...)
Hello. Where I can find the code about the fetch quest generation, so I can pu more delay between them? They run too fast, IMO.
Hello. Where I can find the code about the fetch quest generation, so I can pu more delay between them? They run too fast, IMO.
Have a look in PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c .
I think this might be the bit you need:
void AnnounceFetchQuestEvent(String IslandID, string cargoid) //will be moved later
    if(cargoid != "")
        aref tisland;
        makearef(tisland, Islands[FindIsland(IslandID)]);
        tisland.cargos.(cargoid).assigned = "fetchquest";
        int expiredays = rand(28);
        int expiremonths = rand(2)+1; //Changed from 3+2 to 2+1 to have them expire more quickly
        tisland.cargos.(cargoid).expireDay = GetAddingDataDay(0, expiremonths, expiredays);
        tisland.cargos.(cargoid).expireMonth = GetAddingDataMonth(0, expiremonths, expiredays);
        tisland.cargos.(cargoid).expireYear = GetAddingDataYear(0, expiremonths, expiredays);
It's happening in other shipyards. Can buy guns from Vanderdeken but not from others.
I've had a look at your savegame. Something is seriously messed up because your ship has maximum calibre 0! Also, when I return to Vanderdecken, several cannons don't show up properly and several more do not show up at all.
ship_broken.jpg vanderdecken_broken.jpg

Pressing F11 resets a lot of things. It also appears to fix your problems. After I pressed it, your ship has 32 pound cannons (without me having to buy them), and Vanderdecken shows a full range of cannons.
ship_fixed.jpg vanderdecken_fixed.jpg
I was then able to buy 68 pound carronades for your ship.

And then I had a look at the "Crystal Skull" quest. Pay attention to what Growling Bear says, on the way out and on the way back:
warning1.jpg warning2.jpg
The planks can not be trusted. Stay close to the rope and you'll be fine:
By doing this, I was able to cross the bridge safely in both directions and complete the quest.

(Incidentally, for a while I thought I had found a bug. When the Caribs captured me earlier in the quest, the chief said I'd been poisoned. He's supposed to take an officer hostage and only talks about poison if you have no officers. But the Caribs will not take as hostage any officer who is set to be immortal or unremovable. That normally happens to quest officers such as Danielle, who will be protected so that she will definitely still be an officer and therefore be in place for various parts of the main story. You've made all your officers immortal by using cheatmode, and that's why the Caribs can't take any of them as hostage. So it's not a bug, the Caribs are doing exactly what they're supposed to do. ;))
Incidentally, for a while I thought I had found a bug. When the Caribs captured me earlier in the quest, the chief said I'd been poisoned. He's supposed to take an officer hostage and only talks about poison if you have no officers. But the Caribs will not take as hostage any officer who is set to be immortal or unremovable. That normally happens to quest officers such as Danielle, who will be protected so that she will definitely still be an officer and therefore be in place for various parts of the main story. You've made all your officers immortal by using cheatmode, and that's why the Caribs can't take any of them as hostage. So it's not a bug, the Caribs are doing exactly what they're supposed to do. ;)
There is clever and then there's this which is... one kind of clever kind-of cancelling out the other clever, I suppose! :rofl
I hadn't thought about players using cheatmode. But it's possible for all your officers to be protected by a storyline. Hornblower is likely to be poisoned rather than have an officer taken hostage for this reason, for example.
Pressing F11 resets a lot of things. It also appears to fix your problems. After I pressed it, your ship has 32 pound cannons (without me having to buy them), and Vanderdecken shows a full range of cannons.

I will try with F11. But where to press? In general or in shipyard?

Cristal skull quest is done. Point is, in return path character have to be stick with Bear(just on his back). Which I usually don't do. In first round I did not fellow him and nothing bad happened. But in second round character must have to fellow him(just behind him). Other wise...

You've made all your officers immortal by using cheatmode, and that's why the Caribs can't take any of them as hostage.

I did this thing for some reason. For the main character I usually set on/off god mode. But I dont want to loose any officers. They take much time to upgrade. In the middle of the game I dont want to loose any. And you can see I gave them medicine too.

Second reason is, I do lots of fight with Indians in jungle. There are some jungles that can be cut down, but it is actually created for being ambush. Those Indian or whatever are hard to defeat and attack in large numbers. But they carry top class weapons. So its nice for both loot and level up very quickly. I always select a set of officers and do this in jungles for leveling up and looting. Without god mode officers will die.

Problem with Treasure Quest:

Have to find a shipwreck in Truks, going through white reefs. But I think that location was changed as a hideout now! Am I right?
Then what to do? If true then quest will not close and could not take next treasure quests.
And I deleted those old save and way ahead now, so cant go back!
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I will try with F11. But where to press? In general or in shipyard?
Anywhere. Pressing F11 resets a lot of different things; you'll see a list of some of them when you do it. After pressing F11, check your ship stats, where your maximum cannon size should now be 32 (assuming you still have the same frigate, whose normal maximum would be 24 but the "Reinforced Hull" upgrade increases the maximum calibre).

Cristal skull quest is done. Point is, in return path character have to be stick with Bear(just on his back). Which I usually don't do. In first round I did not fellow him and nothing bad happened. But in second round character must have to fellow him(just behind him). Other wise...
You don't need to stay right behind Growling Bear. You do need to remember that he warned you to stay to the side, where the ropes are, and then watch which side he follows. Then stick close to that side. You can see in my screenshot that he's well ahead of me - he's already at the cave while I'm crossing the bridge.

I did this thing for some reason. For the main character I usually set on/off god mode. But I dont want to loose any officers. They take much time to upgrade. In the middle of the game I dont want to loose any. And you can see I gave them medicine too.
I'm the same, which is why I save game regularly. I also give my officers medicines plus good weapons and armour.
Problem with Treasure Quest:
Have to find a shipwreck in Truks, going through white reefs. But I think that location was changed as a hideout now! Am I right?
Then what to do? If true then quest will not close and could not take next treasure quests.
And I deleted those old save and way ahead now, so cant go back!
Have a look through this thread:
Guide - Treasure Quests

In particular, post #3.

(Photobucket has done something nasty, so we probably need replacement screenshots uploaded to the forum. If you're doing the Turks Island White Reefs treasure quest, perhaps you can get the screenshots? Just press F8 to get a screenshot. It will go to your game's installation folder, named something like "seadogs01.tga". You'll probably get several copies of each shot. Then upload them here, and I'll convert them to .jpg format and put them into that "Treasure Quests" thread to replace the Photobucket pictures.)
F11 does not worked for me :( Still showing 'too big calibar for your ship!' and ship's max calibar state is still 0.

About the truk treasure quest:
I already visited there before posting. But after the beach when I take left path (and only one) reached the caravan entrance. Inside is hideout location. No treasure there.
I am doing final missions now. After that will go there again. If I am able to find, I will take screenshots.
F11 does not worked for me :( Still showing 'too big calibar for your ship!' and ship's max calibar state is still 0.

About the truk treasure quest:
I already visited there before posting. But after the beach when I take left path (and only one) reached the caravan entrance. Inside is hideout location. No treasure there.
I am doing final missions now. After that will go there again. If I am able to find, I will take screenshots.
There is another exit from the jungle location. Starting from where you enter the jungle, turn sharply left. The exit is hard to see because of all the extra trees but it is there.

Try loading the attached savegame. Starting with your Bonaire save, I pressed F11 to fix the ship, then sailed straight to Turks Island and landed at White Reefs, then went to the shore with the wreck. There is no treasure quest but that is where the treasure will be in your game. Go from this shore to the jungle, see where you are, find your way back to White Reefs, then see if you can find your way back to the wreck. Also see if your ship has 32 pound cannons.


  • Turks. Wreckage shore. February 8th, 1756.zip
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