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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Someone would have to check in both_reaction.c, but I think for some variety, it selects a random blade from a range of blade numbers.
Probably the blade names and stats have changed since, so one of those blades happens to be excessively better than the others.
That is indeed due to a random blade assignment during the stormy start setup:
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade"+ (1+ rand(9)) );
That gives you anything between "blade1" and "blade10". The French Admiralty rapier is "blade9". And "blade1" is a sabre, which is a suitably modest blade but which should only appear in the "Colonial Powers" period or later. It might be an idea to change that to:
GiveItem2Character(PChar, "blade"+ (2+ rand(6)) );
That would give you something between "blade2" (rapier) and "blade8" (Maltese Knight sword). Another option would be to replace the simple assignment with a switch which then gives you one of ten suitable starting swords.
I just did this for my mod. Before the barman was an empty stool and behind the counter, too, decided to populate. But we must now slightly refocus the mind of the bartender, or else he only looks at the one who is sitting next to him. Perhaps this little edit will come in handy for you. Locator coordinates are below:



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I intend to upload the latest version of the update archive at the end of this week. It's going to include some new perks, as discussed here:
Mod Release - Special Perks and interface improvements
That's going to require a new game because if you try to use the new perks in an existing game, they won't work and your existing perks are going to be messed up - the "Ship Defence" ones will no longer appear, nor will they have any effect, and others will be out of place in the perks table.

It also means, @Jack Rackham, if you have anything new for "Woodes Rogers", could you upload it today or tomorrow, please? This is because some of your files refer to perks which are replaced by the new ones, so I'll need time to merge what I already have (files from your last update modified to use the new perks) with whatever you upload.
That's going to require a new game because if you try to use the new perks in an existing game, they won't work and your existing perks are going to be messed up - the "Ship Defence" ones will no longer appear, nor will they have any effect, and others will be out of place in the perks table.
Even after a Reinit? I thought @Levis fixed that at some point, but it was very tricky, so it might not have fully worked correctly...
Even after a Reinit? I thought @Levis fixed that at some point, but it was very tricky, so it might not have fully worked correctly...
Hmm... I thought I'd checked that, but apparently not. A Reinit does update the perks list, though of course you won't have any of the new perks, and you'll no longer see or benefit from the original "Ship Defence" perks.

Also, I intend to replace "PROGRAM\STORE\goods.h" with @DeathDaisy's revised version. The goods are supposed to be sorted in descending order of price per cwt, but judging by the values in the comments, they're wrong, possibly outdated. The effect will be that if you have any cargo on board any of your ships, you may have some different cargo after installing the update.

So I'll not enforce a new game by changing the version number, but a new game will be strongly recommended.
The next update archive is out, at the usual place:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

There are some major changes in this one:
  • New "Damage Control", "Rigging" and "First Aid" perks replace the original general "Ship Defence" perks - see the thread Mod Release - Special Perks and interface improvements for details
  • Captains of surrendered ships are less likely to challenge you to a duel, especially if their ship is significantly smaller than yours. But they will definitely duel you if their ship is significantly bigger than yours. (Discussion about this feature can be found here.)
  • Unescorted merchants won't carry big loads of gold or silver, but merchants with a decent escort, especially "single merchant with heavy escort", have a better chance of carrying something valuable.
This means that starting a new game is strongly recommended, though it's not enforced. But if you do choose to continue an ongoing game, you must press F11 to trigger a reinit. Until you do, the perks list will be fouled up.

But when the reinit is done, a revised cargo list will take effect. The original cargo list is sorted by price per hundredweight, but it's based on obsolete prices. The new list is sorted according to current prices. So if you have any trade goods in your hold, you may have different goods after the reinit. Ship supplies such as food, rum, ammo and repair materials aren't affected. But if you were carrying a load of coffee, for example, you may now find yourself carrying mahogany instead.

You may therefore want to sell off any trade goods before installing the update and pressing F11.


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New "Damage Control", "Rigging" and "First Aid" perks replace the original general "Ship Defence" perks - see the thread Mod Release - Special Perks and interface improvements for details
That should really help to add to the realistic feel of the game, I reckon! :onya

  • Captains of surrendered ships are less likely to challenge you to a duel, especially if their ship is significantly smaller than yours. But they will definitely duel you if their ship is significantly bigger than yours. (Discussion about this feature can be found here.)
  • Unescorted merchants won't carry big loads of gold or silver, but merchants with a decent escort, especially "single merchant with heavy escort", have a better chance of carrying something valuable.
And those two should impact the gameplay for the better. Less confusion and frustration from the players, with improved role-playing.

But when the reinit is done, a revised cargo list will take effect. The original cargo list is sorted by price per hundredweight, but it's based on obsolete prices. The new list is sorted according to current prices. So if you have any trade goods in your hold, you may have different goods after the reinit. Ship supplies such as food, rum, ammo and repair materials aren't affected. But if you were carrying a load of coffee, for example, you may now find yourself carrying mahogany instead.
ROULETTE! That'll be fun. :cheeky
That should really help to add to the realistic feel of the game, I reckon! :onya
I'll be watching for feedback. If people try the new perks and don't like them, or if problems show up that aren't easily fixed, I have all the original files ready for a roll-back. But with the effort other people have put into the new perks, with the faults in the basic code fixed and the suspect bits removed, we may as well give them a chance...
I'll be watching for feedback. If people try the new perks and don't like them, or if problems show up that aren't easily fixed, I have all the original files ready for a roll-back. But with the effort other people have put into the new perks, with the faults in the basic code fixed and the suspect bits removed, we may as well give them a chance...
Definitely agreed. Good stuff deserves to be tried. At least occasionally. :cheeky
I downloaded and installed etc. These files seems to be missing. They are in my upload.


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I've no idea how that happened - the files were there, but in the "Jungle_2" folder instead of "Shore_6"! o_O They've been moved to their proper place and the archive re-uploaded.
Another Error sure you guys can figure it out :woot


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