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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Hmm but why does it take so much time to upload a .rar file and an .exe file?

It must be more complex than that i assume
Hello guys... It's been a while, eh? Yeah, my real life has been very busy... I have finished my degree on business and now I'm doing another one about accounting. So that meant I couldn't have time to continue playing the mod and doing some work for it (For example, the spanish translation of the mod).

I haven't lost contact with this amazing mod, by the way... In fact, I downloaded the latest version of the Beta 4.1 WIP. And I have to say, it's incredible how stable the game is. I have never played a version of the mod that was so stable until now. I'm happy with how I can play the mod and have no fear of crashing. And I had a lot of fun again, trying to discover new places and hidden easter eggs. I would like to contribute again as much as possible, by testing the game and finding bugs (Which I have found some, by the way), and doing other stuff in which I could help.

I have one question though. About these crystal skulls (White, rose and blue), do they have a special purpose in game other than selling it? Do they have a connection to the maltese abbey on Barbados? Thanks in advance.

Ahoy mates, I'm back again sailing on the seas! :ship
I'm happy with how I can play the mod and have no fear of crashing.
Do keep saving; just to be safe. :wp

And I had a lot of fun again, trying to discover new places and hidden easter eggs.
Glad to hear it! :woot

I would like to contribute again as much as possible, by testing the game and finding bugs (Which I have found some, by the way), and doing other stuff in which I could help.
Always welcome. :doff

About these crystal skulls (White, rose and blue), do they have a special purpose in game other than selling it? Do they have a connection to the maltese abbey on Barbados?
No connection with the Maltese Abbey, no.
I can't remember if @Jack Rackham worked them into his Apothecary sidequest extension.

If not, perhaps it was @Bartolomeu o Portugues who was planning on using them in one of his storylines at some point.
But that hasn't happened yet.
Do keep saving; just to be safe. :wp

I will do, no worries. I have profiles with a lot of saves (Up to 200 saves, so at those amounts of saves, that is when I have to check if the game continues to work properly).

Always welcome. :doff

I should post them on the Bug Tracker following the rules right?

No connection with the Maltese Abbey, no.

And thanks, then I'm relieved. I thought that it could have some relation with the Cozumel temple, but the description of the skulls are for Mayan rituals, and the temple is from the Incas. So no relation between them too.

The maltese abbey then, what use has, apart for the Church Protection sidequest? I know that you can loot some interesting things there, but it seems that there are limitations on that place (For example, I can't go to the upper level of that maltese crypt). Is that intentional?

And finally I remembered. In Île a Vache (Hispaniola), does that place have anything special? For what I explored, it seems there isn't anything really interesting. Same question goes for the Peninsula of Zapata, on Cuba.
I should post them on the Bug Tracker following the rules right?
That's indeed the best place. :onya

The maltese abbey then, what use has, apart for the Church Protection sidequest? I know that you can loot some interesting things there, but it seems that there are limitations on that place (For example, I can't go to the upper level of that maltese crypt). Is that intentional?
There's an infinite amount of loot and XP to be gained from the Maltese Knight Abbey; that was its original purpose. That, plus just "adding something fun".
That Church Protection sidequest was added later as a "bonus purpose".

Have you entered from the Abbey above yet?

And finally I remembered. In Île a Vache (Hispaniola), does that place have anything special? For what I explored, it seems there isn't anything really interesting. Same question goes for the Peninsula of Zapata, on Cuba.
Might be quest-only locations. @Grey Roger, @Bartolomeu o Portugues or @Jack Rackham, do you guys remember?
Do they have a connection to the maltese abbey on Barbados?
The only Maltese thing I have added is a location in Charlestown (Nevis). Nothing to do with the apothecary quest.
I have one question though. About these crystal skulls (White, rose and blue), do they have a special purpose in game other than selling it?
Welcome back aboard! :aar To the best of my knowledge, the white, rose and blue skulls have no particular significance. There is, however, another skull to be found - and someone in Santo Domingo who is rather interested in it...
And finally I remembered. In Île a Vache (Hispaniola), does that place have anything special? For what I explored, it seems there isn't anything really interesting. Same question goes for the Peninsula of Zapata, on Cuba.
I don't think they're quest-specific locations, though Île a Vache does feature in another new sidequest available only to José Joaquín Almeida, one of the many characters you can play in FreePlay. It also used to be one of the random places your ship could spawn after a Stormy Start, but that was changed because if your ship is there then you can't get to it except by fast-travel, which spoils the fun of searching for the ship after a Stormy Start. And I believe there may be a cave nearby, though apart from random bandits and possibly a sword, that has nothing special either. Finally, it's a possible beach for smuggling.

Peninsula de Zapata is even less interesting. It doesn't appear to be used for any quests, it's no more use for Stormy Start than Île a Vache (for the same reason), and it's not even used by smugglers. It does have a cave, though. (I wonder if smugglers could be persuaded to use Peninsula de Zapata. Judging by its location definition, it could be a very appropriate place...)
Ah ok then maybe it's best to wait until the complete release of beta 4.1 before uploading it on moddb.

One question though what am i supossed to do with the extra fix archive for installing New Horizons?
As previously stated, there will probably never be a complete release of Beta 4.1 - and even if there is, within a couple of weeks there'll be something else to add, even if it's then called Beta 4.2. Anyway, I've already tried to upload the current installer to ModDB.

As for the extra fix archive, you just unzip it and copy the contents into the top level of your PoTC install folder. The structure is the same as that of the game install. Provided that you've copied it to the right place, Windows should then try to merge the "PROGRAM" folder from the archive with the "PROGRAM" folder of your installation, and likewise "RESOURCE", and all their subfolders. The archive is stuff which has been added since the creation of the last full installer in May. And I'm hoping to release a new version of the archive this week, so you may want to wait a bit. ;)
Not in any storylines either?

In that case, they might just have been part of the island models and added to the game, but never given a real use.
Not originally - Windows searches for "Hispaniola_shore_04" and "Cuba_Shore_06" (the game's designations for Île a Vache and Peninsula de Zapata respectively) don't show up anything quest-related apart from @Bartolomeu o Portugues' new "Family Story". I'm going to try adding "Cuba_Shore_06" to "PROGRAM\smuggling.c" just to have some sort of action there.
Alright thanks for your help, i think i'll wait then for the next archive update.

I have not played this mod in a while but the nostalgic urge keeps bringing me back since this game was my childhood also wanted to join the community much sooner but didn't have much to say but since i had that question i was like why the hell not.
POTC with this mod is in my opinion the only really good pirate rpg out there sure you have AC4: Black Flag and soon Skulls and bones but they are not the same.
With the steam summer sale i bought Sea Dogs: To Each His Own and im enjoying that at the moment and besides the translations it's a pretty good game.
I'm going to try adding "Cuba_Shore_06" to "PROGRAM\smuggling.c" just to have some sort of action there.
This proved harder than I thought, mainly because I thought all I needed to do was add a line to "PROGRAM\smuggling.c" to have smugglers allow Peninsula de Zapata as a possible meeting place. But Peninsula de Zapata isn't a beach. It's a port, specifically a clone of the pier at Nevis Pirate Settlement, and that means it doesn't have a "smg.gm" model file for the crates and cart used by the smugglers, nor "smuggler" locators for them to be placed. It also has a thriving civilian population.

There's no reason for them to be there. The only place inland from the port is a cave. So I've copied "smg.gm" from one of the beaches, moved it so that it fits into this scene, and added the needed "smuggler" locators to a revised file. Then I edited "PROGRAM\Locations\init\cuba.c" to make "Cuba_Shore_06" use the revised locator file and commented out the line which allows fantoms, i.e. civilian walkers, to appear. A new game as a Spanish smuggler starting out from San Juan, who then sails to Cuba to sell his initial contraband, and a rigged version of "smuggling.c" to make Cuban smugglers always appear at Peninsula de Zapata, resulted in this:

So it seems to work. Meanwhile, what we have here is a pirate-style jetty next to a cave. Apart from being possibly the most ideal smuggling location in the game, this is asking to be used in a storyline or quest - perhaps some long-dead pirate built the dock and then hid his treasure in the cave, for example.
So I've copied "smg.gm" from one of the beaches, moved it so that it fits into this scene, and added the needed "smuggler" locators to a revised file. Then I edited "PROGRAM\Locations\init\cuba.c" to make "Cuba_Shore_06" use the revised locator file and commented out the line which allows fantoms, i.e. civilian walkers, to appear. A new game as a Spanish smuggler starting out from San Juan, who then sails to Cuba to sell his initial contraband, and a rigged version of "smuggling.c" to make Cuban smugglers always appear at Peninsula de Zapata, resulted in this:
That's really cool!
Do you think it would make sense then to make use of that for Nevis as well?

So it seems to work. Meanwhile, what we have here is a pirate-style jetty next to a cave. Apart from being possibly the most ideal smuggling location in the game, this is asking to be used in a storyline or quest - perhaps some long-dead pirate built the dock and then hid his treasure in the cave, for example.
Sounds fun! :woot
That's really cool!
Do you think it would make sense then to make use of that for Nevis as well?
There's a smuggling agent in the Pirate Settlement tavern. If Nevis Pirate Settlement becomes a valid smuggling destination, it means you have an even chance of being asked to smuggle goods into Pirate Settlement through its own port. :facepalm (If the justification is that the goods are then going to Charlestown, there's a sneakier route already in place. You find out about it in the "Tunnel of Trouble" episode of "Hornblower".)

Besides, the main reason for setting up smuggling to Peninsula de Zapata is to make some use of the location. Nevis Pirate Settlement already has plenty of things going on, including your choice of one of two sidequests.
There's a smuggling agent in the Pirate Settlement tavern. If Nevis Pirate Settlement becomes a valid smuggling destination, it means you have an even chance of being asked to smuggle goods into Pirate Settlement through its own port. :facepalm (If the justification is that the goods are then going to Charlestown, there's a sneakier route already in place. You find out about it in the "Tunnel of Trouble" episode of "Hornblower".)
I was indeed thinking of Charlestown, but:
Besides, the main reason for setting up smuggling to Peninsula de Zapata is to make some use of the location. Nevis Pirate Settlement already has plenty of things going on, including your choice of one of two sidequests.
You're right, of course. :doff
The newest update is now available at the usual place:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

Starting a new game is recommended but not critical - if you continue an existing game, you'll miss some of the new features but it shouldn't crash.

New features include:
  • New interiors for Curacao and Port au Prince town halls;
  • Option in "InternalSettings.h" to give Clint Eastwood a brace of horse pistols in "Arcade" mode (he always gets them in "Realistic" mode);
  • Option in "InternalSettings.h" to allow dumping of cursed coins or cursed albatross without needing to go through the normal procedures to dispose of them;
  • New dialog option to allow offering an honourable surrender to captured captains, and penalties for navy or privateer players who execute prisoners;
  • Peninsula de Zapata may now be chosen as a meeting place by the smuggler agents of Cuba.


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