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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Which installer did you use? It looks like you've mixed two different versions of the mod.

The current one, dated 31st August 2017, can be found by following the links in post #1 of this thread; it is held on the Pirates Ahoy FTP site. You'll also need the Beta 4.0 Part 2.0 Contents Archive file, also linked from post #1 of this thread; that file will come from ModDB. Download both these files, and optionally also my updates archive, also linked from post #1 and held on the FTP site. Re-install the stock game from CD, then run the 31st August installer to add the mod. Then you can unzip the updates archive and copy everything from there into place.
I made the mistake. I was installing the patch and I was copying later the files from the part 2 again in game directory. But thanks for your time my friend.
It's about time I posted another update, so I'm aiming to do it by the end of this week. If anyone has anything they'd like added, please upload it.

Also, unless there are any playable extensions to storylines which are likely to be ready fairly soon (@Bartolomeu o Portugues, @Jack Rackham - I'm thinking of your storylines here ;)), perhaps @Mad Jack Wolfe would like to use this update as a basis for a new installer?
I would very much like to do an upload soon even though it's not anything playable yet. It's easier for me to keep track of file versions
if I'm able to work on the latest update.
If you have something ready to upload, go ahead. The bit about playable extensions referred to the new installer - if you were likely to have something playable in the next few weeks, for example, then it would go into the next update and the installer could be based on that one instead.
PROGRAM\Locations\init\Eleuthera.c: you've changed the loading picture. Is that picture appropriate for Citadel Rock when not playing "Woodes Rogers"? Does the tower appear in all storylines or only in "Woodes Rogers"?

PROGRAM\globals.c: the changes to several variables means this version won't be savegame compatible with any previous update. I'll change the version number to enforce this.
The Tower appears in all storylines but only in WoodesRogers there will be some actions
concerning it. So the new loading screen is good for all cases.
Yes I had to increase the numbers of characters.
It's about time I posted another update, so I'm aiming to do it by the end of this week. If anyone has anything they'd like added, please upload it.

Also, unless there are any playable extensions to storylines which are likely to be ready fairly soon (@Bartolomeu o Portugues, @Jack Rackham - I'm thinking of your storylines here ;)), perhaps @Mad Jack Wolfe would like to use this update as a basis for a new installer?
I will definitely use the update for the new installer. I'll actually (finally!) have time to work on it this weekend.
It's up:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_August31_fixes.zip

The new models for Buccaneers Camp and the jungle outside it, by @Bartolomeu o Portugues, are added. So are armoured variants of several "Danielle" models, along with a new French admiral.
bc_populated.jpg rousselet1.jpg

And sails can now be tan, depicting the dye which was used on the sails of some smaller ships to make them resistant to rot. There's nothing to prevent you from using tan sails on a big ship, but a few smaller vessels are now set to use them by default:
In a related vein - I've made a significant number of changes on my personal setup to correct misspellings, grammatical errors, and just plain odd phrasing. Nothing has changed regarding the intended content, it's just run-of-the-mill copy editing. If anyone would like to review what I've done, I'll be happy to bundle up the modified files for submission.
Yes, please upload the corrections. Though sometimes, if the grammar or phrasing is odd in a dialog, it may be because the character is not a native English speaker and neither is the person who wrote the dialog. In such cases it can help give the character some, well, character. Correct Yoda's grammar, you would not. :D
I made sure to take any character's nature into account and focused primarily on the usual ESL glitches. I'll zip up the changed files and upload them in the next day or two.
I made sure to take any character's nature into account and focused primarily on the usual ESL glitches. I'll zip up the changed files and upload them in the next day or two.
Appreciated! It really helps when all dialogs are similar in quality and that definitely was NOT the case before. :woot
I made sure to take any character's nature into account and focused primarily on the usual ESL glitches. I'll zip up the changed files and upload them in the next day or two.
I need to re-upload the archive anyway because of a couple of corrections to my "Ardent" storyline - one of them critical. If you upload your revised dialogs, I'll see about including them before re-releasing the update.

Meanwhile, anyone who has installed the new update and intends to play the "Ardent" storyline will need to put the attached file into "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\characters\init", otherwise the boarding of the Dauphin Royal near the end of the story isn't going to work.


  • TempQuestEnemy.c
    42.8 KB · Views: 109
I need to re-upload the archive anyway because of a couple of corrections to my "Ardent" storyline - one of them critical. If you upload your revised dialogs, I'll see about including them before re-releasing the update.

Meanwhile, anyone who has installed the new update and intends to play the "Ardent" storyline will need to put the attached file into "PROGRAM\Storyline\Ardent\characters\init", otherwise the boarding of the Dauphin Royal near the end of the story isn't going to work.
I sent you the link to the archive in a private message. I'm sure there were a few files I missed, but it's at least a start.
Thanks! I've had a look through them, and while I haven't used all of them, there's certainly plenty of useful material there. :onya

Where the original appears correct, I've left it as it is, so some files stay entirely as they are and some I've edited to include parts of your revised versions. A few of the originals have intentionally bad grammar because of the character, e.g. "Barbossa_dialog.h" and "Abequa_dialog.h". (I also spotted a few more. "Traveller/Travelling" vs. "Traveler/Traveling" in "Enc_Walker.h". Both are correct; the versions with double "l" are British, while the versions with single "l" are American. Normally I don't correct from one to the other, but it's nice if a dialog file is consistent throughout. There's even one line which had both versions. xD)

"Lucia Montavez_dialog.h" is completely rewritten so I'll leave the choice up to the original author. @Bartolomeu o Portugues, which version do you prefer - your original or the modified version included here?


  • Lucia Montavez_dialog.h
    6.1 KB · Views: 109
"Traveller/Travelling" vs. "Traveler/Traveling" in "Enc_Walker.h". Both are correct; the versions with double "l" are British, while the versions with single "l" are American.
Heh, learned something new today!
While I like and try to write British English, I don't know enough of the exact differences to get it fully right. :facepalm

Normally I don't correct from one to the other, but it's nice if a dialog file is consistent throughout.
Just a question that came up: Should we make some sort of conscious decision on whether we prefer American or British spelling in the mod?
There doesn't seem much point in correcting everything, but perhaps for new additions we could keep it in the back of our minds...?

There's even one line which had both versions. xD
SE-RI-OUS-LY?!? OK, now you've got me curious! Which line was that? :rofl
It's very much a work in progress, mostly done on the fly, so I'm not surprised there are consistency errors. My goal with Barbossa was to bring the later dialogue in line with the film as much as possible while staying true to the character with the rest of it. I'll keep banging away at this little side project as time goes on.

Glad you've found it useful so far!
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