• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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I have a couple of questions about the latest version (May 18th). I recently returned to this great game and am once again impressed with all the hard and really magnificent work being done. I notice that the corsair ship you take at Martinique for the governor has changed. It used to the Marauder a Kreyser class frigate painted with corsair colors. Now it appears to be corvette named fast death. The size of the crew has also decreased. Is this change intentional? Also I noticed that when I uploaded the May 18th version into the game the opening page did not change from May 3, 2018. Did I do something wrong?

Thanks guys for making the game so great.

I have a couple of questions about the latest version (May 18th). I recently returned to this great game and am once again impressed with all the hard and really magnificent work being done. I notice that the corsair ship you take at Martinique for the governor has changed. It used to the Marauder a Kreyser class frigate painted with corsair colors. Now it appears to be corvette named fast death. The size of the crew has also decreased. Is this change intentional?
It is indeed intentional. You'll get different ships in different time periods, the ship being picked as appropriate to each period. You can still get the Marauder by playing in the "Golden Age of Piracy" period. (The ship was originally a corvette in the stock game. So, if you're playing the original "Tales of a Sea Hawk" storyline, which is set in "Colonial Powers", you'll get the original ship. ;)) But this is not new; that quest has had different ships for different periods since last year.

Also I noticed that when I uploaded the May 18th version into the game the opening page did not change from May 3, 2018. Did I do something wrong?
No, I did. There weren't many changes between 3rd May and 18th May and I forgot to change the date in "PROGRAM\globals.c". :oops: (You can see the changes in post #794.)
The new installer is here!
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/Build14_installer_25052018.exe

The new installer contains everything from the "post 31st August fixes" archive, so although it's still there for posterity, you won't need it for the 25th May installer. But no sooner is the new installer out, there's a new update archive to go with it. :D
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip
Included in the update:
  • "Tavern_2", which you'll visit if you go for a drink in Havana or Cartagena, is now properly lit up at night thanks to @Myth
  • Our newest contributors, @Serge Grey and @PaterBrown, have been making their presence felt. Reports of crew wounded, healed and dead are improved, now shown for individual ships instead of one combined total. And a bug whereby sails never repaired fully to 100% but kept draining sailcloth is now fixed.
  • Santiago townhall has been given a complete interior makeover and is no longer a clone of the one in St. Pierre - I imported a model from AoP.
That new interior for Santiago townhall could cause hiccups for the "Ardent" storyline. I'm replaying it and will make adjustments to any scenes which look wrong as I encounter them, but if anyone else is playing the storyline and notices something odd, please post a savegame from before you entered the townhall. (I've put in all the locators used by characters, so scenes ought to work. They just might look odd because the new interior is bigger. So locators may need to be adjusted or scenes slightly rewritten to account for the new layout.)


  • fixes.txt
    558 bytes · Views: 240
How well would the game, including the mod, fare with Windows 10, a GTX 1080 and 16 GB RAM?
I think, it will brilliantly! On my 6 years old HP Pavilion-dv7 with AMD Turion Dual-Core Mobile 2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM and ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 on Windows 7 it is pretty good.
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There have been problems with Windows 10, but generally the game does run. In case of trouble, look at this:
Solved - Windows 10: Low Frame Rates Despite (BECAUSE OF!) Good Hardware

If you can't find your saved games, it may be because Windows 10 has diverted them to a virtual store:
Discussion - Windows 10 getting your saves if game installed in Program Files
This is most likely to happen if you installed the game into "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)", which you shouldn't do because it will cause other problems as well. But I've a vague memory that someone ran into this problem despite putting the game somewhere else, so it's worth mentioning.
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to implement a small wheel icon somewhere on screen showing the position of the rudder, I think it would make it easier to turn
Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to implement a small wheel icon somewhere on screen showing the position of the rudder, I think it would make it easier to turn
Truth be told, there isn't really a rudder angle. The effect is faked in Realistic Game Mode by giving the ships far more momentum than they should have.
There is a better explanation in the Willemstad Builders' Trials in the mod's "Documentation" subfolder.

Effectively, when you press an arrow button, you immediately have full rudder.
If you let go, the rudder is zero.
Besides, a ship's wheel is effectively a star with at least 6 points, often 8. So you won't be able to tell from the appearance of the wheel whether it's been turned 1/2 of a revolution, a full revolution, or several full revolutions.
Besides, a ship's wheel is effectively a star with at least 6 points, often 8. So you won't be able to tell from the appearance of the wheel whether it's been turned 1/2 of a revolution, a full revolution, or several full revolutions.
Also true; ideally you'd want a direct rudder/helm angle indicator. You've got those on modern ships and they are indeed quite useful.
I suppose it would've been possible on a historic ship as well, simply by looking at the actual helm position on top of the rudder.
Truth be told, there isn't really a rudder angle. The effect is faked in Realistic Game Mode by giving the ships far more momentum than they should have.
There is a better explanation in the Willemstad Builders' Trials in the mod's "Documentation" subfolder.

Effectively, when you press an arrow button, you immediately have full rudder.
If you let go, the rudder is zero.

Alrighty then, I was wondering because only now have I tried out the Ironman mode which is exactly what I need from my sailing game : but the compass is small (at least in this Assasin quest) and sometimes I can't tell if I've stopped turning
Alrighty then, I was wondering because only now have I tried out the Ironman mode which is exactly what I need from my sailing game : but the compass is small (at least in this Assasin quest) and sometimes I can't tell if I've stopped turning
The "Normal Compass" and "Enhanced Compass" should give a larger display.
You should be able to buy one of those later as you progress in the game.

    // PB: Compasses -->
    string compasstype = CheckCharacterEquipByGroup(chMain, COMPASS_ITEM_TYPE); // KK
    if (iRealismMode>0 || NAVIGATION_EQUIPMENT)
        switch (compasstype)
            case "":         bRealBattleInterface = true;  break; // KK
            case "compass1": bRealBattleInterface = true;  break;
            case "compass2": bRealBattleInterface = false; break;
            case "compass3": bRealBattleInterface = false; break; // KK
    // PB: Compasses <--
The "Normal Compass" and "Enhanced Compass" should give a larger display.
You should be able to buy one of those later as you progress in the game.

    // PB: Compasses -->
    string compasstype = CheckCharacterEquipByGroup(chMain, COMPASS_ITEM_TYPE); // KK
    if (iRealismMode>0 || NAVIGATION_EQUIPMENT)
        switch (compasstype)
            case "":         bRealBattleInterface = true;  break; // KK
            case "compass1": bRealBattleInterface = true;  break;
            case "compass2": bRealBattleInterface = false; break;
            case "compass3": bRealBattleInterface = false; break; // KK
    // PB: Compasses <--

Oh I see, I only had enough for a cheap one so that's why
Ha, Realism Strikes Back! :cheeky

Or... well... the closest semblance to realism that we could think of at the time... :wp

:D Speaking of which, I'm sailing from Bonaire to Cuba and I'm wondering how long it will take to reach it, what's the actual scale of the islands in the Ironman mode
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