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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Um, what exactly is new? The build I had in my bug-thread was from April 2016. Or what exactly is different regarding the installer?
The new stuff is in the new installer.
See the opening post for the change log.
Oh well, time to sink another 100 hours in...

Okay, one thing though:
That Extra Fix Archive, do I copy its contents simply into the game folder?

EDIT: Also, is it intended that you can't discover a town by being near it in the world map anymore and instead have to port in 3D-sailing first?
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Oh well, time to sink another 100 hours in...

Okay, one thing though:
That Extra Fix Archive, do I copy its contents simply into the game folder?
Yes, that's exactly how to use it. It's structured the same way as the game installation so Windows will ask if you want to merge its sub-folders with the existing sub-folders, you tell it to do that to all of them, and Windows should then put everything where it is supposed to be.
EDIT: Also, is it intended that you can't discover a town by being near it in the world map anymore and instead have to port in 3D-sailing first?
It's been like that for a long time. You can also buy maps of the various islands and if you have a map for the island you're visiting, all ports and beaches should be visible without needing to visit them in 3D sailing first.

You can also edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h", find "DISCOVER_SAIL_TO", and set it to 0.
Also, is it intended that you can't discover a town by being near it in the world map anymore and instead have to port in 3D-sailing first?
For Sail-To, you mean?
That's a feature for Realistic Game Mode.
Just wondering:

Can it be that you removed the custom-music which was included before, likely for copyright-reasons? I'm having the stock-PotC-soundtrack again.
Just wondering:

Can it be that you removed the custom-music which was included before, likely for copyright-reasons? I'm having the stock-PotC-soundtrack again.
dont think so!:fiddler could you upload your logs? and, if you wanna be proactive, can you chk if the music files are still in RESOURCE\Sounds\MUSIC and if theyre still listed in music_standard.c in PROGRAM\sound\ALIAS? :p idk if youve been into the .c files before, but they can be opened with regular windows notepad if not
What logs do you need?

Or let me ask this way:
In the music -folder are tracks, which have the change date of 2002, meaning that they should be from stock-PotC. So, everthing with years after that, is the custom music, right?
What logs do you need?

Or let me ask this way:
In the music -folder are tracks, which have the change date of 2002, meaning that they should be from stock-PotC. So, everthing with years after that, is the custom music, right?
system.log, compile.log and error.log if you got one :)

and yeah thats right, the 2002-2003 ones are all prob stock potc, newer ones should be from the mod
Alrighty then, here.

Also, two minor mistakes in ship-naming:
The Centurion is called a fourth rate, while it's actually a third rate in PotBS. The Fleuron (Where did you get that name from, if I might ask?) is a third rate here, but a fourth rate in PotBS, as it's the Valiant there.


  • compile.log
    167.3 KB · Views: 156
  • system.log
    3.3 KB · Views: 147
  • error.log
    166.3 KB · Views: 180
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Can it be that you removed the custom-music which was included before, likely for copyright-reasons? I'm having the stock-PotC-soundtrack again.
Pretty sure there is still custom music in the mod.
There are also separate music packs, but most of them are no longer properly compatible.

Also, two minor mistakes in ship-naming:
The Centurion is called a fourth rate, while it's actually a third rate in PotBS.
@Armada, @Hylie Pistof or @Grey Roger, you guys have any clue?

The Fleuron (Where did you that name from, if I might ask?) is a third rate here, but a fourth rate in PotBS, as it's the Valiant there.
As far as I'm aware, that was the name of the model files that the creator gave us.
But I'm not sure...
Isn't the ship rating dependent on the crew size? It seems to me that one version of a ship with a small crew could be in one class while another version of the same ship with a large crew could be in another class. For example, French ships tend to have large crews while Spanish ships tend to have small crews.

Fleuron? Isn't it from Master and Commander?
Isn't the ship rating dependent on the crew size?
You're probably thinking of the ship "Tier", which is indeed automatically assigned based on maximum crew.
But some ships have a Rate includes in their "SName".

Fleuron? Isn't it from Master and Commander?
In the film, it is HMS Surprise versus Acheron.
Don't know about the book; probably different there, since I think that one has a US enemy instead.
Okay okay, is it intended that once a ship of a group surrenders, that everyone else turns neutral, so attacking them will cost you a lot of reputation?
Because why should the rest of the fleet stop attacking you, just because one had enough of fighting?

Unfortunately, it isn't rare that one ship far away from the fight surrenders while my cannonballs are flying, and my reputation turns for the worst. :(
Also very annoying when I'm assaulting escorted merchants, only for the (unharmed!) merchant to surrender, so I can't capture the precious warships anymore.
Okay okay, is it intended that once a ship of a group surrenders, that everyone else turns neutral, so attacking them will cost you a lot of reputation?
Because why should the rest of the fleet stop attacking you, just because one had enough of fighting?
See the fifth in the list here:
Engine Limitation - List of Known Bugs that Cannot be Fixed

If I recall, if it happens and you make a save, relations should make sense again after loading the save.
Don't ask me why; I haven't a clue and it's weird. :facepalm
Indeed, that really helps a lot, THX 11-38. :D

But now I'm having the #town_port-bug again, making me afraid that I broke something again. :(
I decided to start a new game to look into these new perks and there is something very wrong with the governor's dialog. It hangs and sticks when I try to talk to them, I can not bribe them, and one time it even crashed.


  • compile.log
    31.6 KB · Views: 122
  • error.log
    19.7 KB · Views: 155
  • system.log
    2.8 KB · Views: 139
But now I'm having the #town_port-bug again, making me afraid
Did you use that console trick to fix it already?

I decided to start a new game to look into these new perks and there is something very wrong with the governor's dialog. It hangs and sticks when I try to talk to them, I can not bribe them, and one time it even crashed.
@Grey Roger, do you know what might be going on there?
Alrighty then, here.

Also, two minor mistakes in ship-naming:
The Centurion is called a fourth rate, while it's actually a third rate in PotBS. The Fleuron (Where did you get that name from, if I might ask?) is a third rate here, but a fourth rate in PotBS, as it's the Valiant there.
not seeing any music related probs, so theres no missing files per se. could you upload the music_standard.c from PROGRAM\sound\ALIAS?
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