• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

It is currently compiling. Then I have to upload it. (And check that it is actually OK).

I need to get all the modders back on the same page, so this is an important update. ;)
Another WIP? OK, I just finished Cozumel! :guns:
Beta3 2014-11-09 03-25-41-29.jpg
You captured the Black Pearl, eh? Can you confirm if she un-cursed properly this time?
That was a bug that should have been fixed for real pretty recently, but I'd like to know for sure.
Is the Black Pearl uncursed? Yes and no. As you can see her sailing next to the Wicked Wench, she is indeed uncursed.

But the boarding decks are worse than ever. This is the Plack Pearl boarding deck.Beta3 2014-11-09 03-12-21-27.jpg
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Can you make a Bug Tracker entry for that Black Pearl boarding deck? That is indeed a known bug that I haven't touched in forever.
Arr Pirates,

I am back after a while of absence, and I'm puzzled which version I shall play now.

3.0 or 3.3 - which is most actual and stable?

Cheers and thanks,
My first impressions to 3.3 WIP:

- I really like all those new options for your character role (corsair, gunner etc.) my idea: Add one starting-item for each different role (e.g. for a gunner a better starting pistol or for the marine a better sword)

- New Charlestown port looks great, but I fear very large ships (like the MoWs) will get stuck between those two cliffs :D

- New speed up times are really nice, especially the 20x replacing the 30x. 30x always ended up in a CTD^^

UPDATE: After playing a few hours, and only one CTD (Engine couldnt handle the 20x I guess) I am very impressed about the very high stability now.

- What happened to the Capture Colony Mod? :( I always liked that

- Melee fights are IMO still unmanagable without balancing the weapons (and maybe enemy levels)

- Bug: After looking into the Weaponslocker to put some new swords in, I found some strange objects which had the icon of letters. I couldnt move them and they somehow blocked my inventory, so I couldnt put any weapons in or out of the locker, because I only had my money and my compass left to select (My inventory was still there after exiting the locker). I got around by switching both inventories, but now I carry those error-objects with me, and every time I want to exchange something with my officers, I have to do this procedure again^^
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Most starting player tips already do get special items.

Capture Colonies is still there and should be working.

What difficulty level are you on?

Sounds like you are somehow getting BuildingSet items but that should not be possible.
Can you upload a Savegame? And how and when did they show up?
Ah okay - nvm then :D

Ah now I remember, I read it earlier.. it is off during the standard storyline, right?

The easiest and I still get frustrated every time in the jungle when I block and it just pierces through and I am dead..^^ I massevily changed the block-stats of all melee weapons and now it is better for me.
I also reduced the starting HP and HP increase per level, so my enemies dont have those ridiculous 300hp anymore. Most guys are now dead in 2 to 3 hits, which seems more realistic/logical to me.

Uhm.. could it be, that it produces an error when I have ammunition in my locker and then turn off the gunpowder mod? Because I did that before. Makes sense, there are 3 error-items, and before turning off the gunpowder mod, I had 3 ammunitions in the locker (pistol, grape and musket)

and here's my savegame ;)


  • -=Player=- Barbados.zip
    764.6 KB · Views: 151
Ahh. I remember the gunpowder being turned off messed with many things including treasure chests.
Ah now I remember, I read it earlier.. it is off during the standard storyline, right?
For the original game towns, indeed you cannot capture them until after the main quest (to prevent messing it up).
All other mod-added towns are still fair game though.

Uhm.. could it be, that it produces an error when I have ammunition in my locker and then turn off the gunpowder mod? Because I did that before. Makes sense, there are 3 error-items, and before turning off the gunpowder mod, I had 3 ammunitions in the locker (pistol, grape and musket)
That is very possible indeed. I remember the game getting messed up with you switch off the ammo mod after starting a new game.
If indeed you do not want that mod enabled, I recommend starting a fresh new game to rule out that particular problem. :yes
Well it doesnt bother me much - I know how I have to handle it^^

But you could try my 'modded' meleefights with my savegame ;)
Uhm.. in the standard-storyline, Rheims gets always shot when He and Danielle heading into the jungle xD
Eh? At Bonaire? I don't think I have ever seen that and I played that part just 2 days ago.
Update: He was shot 2 times, by those random encounters, I managed to get around that by drawing my sword, so that Danielle couldnt speak with me, and killed all guy around :D

But then, another Bug occured: Danielle and Rheims are running till the end of the section and then they just stop.. if you just run on through the jungle, Rheims house will be empty and you will be unable to walk, which leads to reload a previous savegame
The 2 can be convinced to go on by walking slowly towards them :D