• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

My game seems to crash everytime I talk to a tailor. Might be because I updated it and didn't make it clean before.
However not entirely sure so I thought I'd say it here.
please provide the error.log and I think its because you did an update indeed.
Yeah, I visit tailors all the time with no ctds, although there was a time over a month ago when they were causing ctds.
Altough I think the resurection in jail wouldn't be such a problem. It would be a check if you are killed by a soldier. If so you resurect in jail. It would mean a little quest then but maybe in the end it would be a lot nicer because you could play on ever after you for example failed a boarding. It would damage the morale of your crew and probally will cost you a lot of money to bribe everyone but you could go on. It would especially be interesting if you are playing an ironman playstyle.

And if you are killed by pirates you find yourself marrooned on an island which could open up things also.

Well i think we can only make the game better and suggesting is free. Yes there is loads of work im not sure if it's worth it and all the issues it will raise. Yes we need some studio to take the idea on board and get it on as our amateur group can only get so far at snail pace. Hearts of oaks is a massive project and it's going to take forever unless it's taken onboard by pros. The other thing is to announce in forums and the web for volunteers and people with experience who can come on board and help in project. Many hands make light work!! I'll try help in what i can. There is the assasins new game out soon and its on pirates,can that be a plus or bad for us? My idea for a hearts of oak is a skyrim style open world with almost endless possibilites set in historical period of age of sail and not constricted to the Carib but different areas. Well we can dream no? No idea how to change that period costume thing,seems quite difficult and puzzling but game turn off to have a governor of some island dressed as a 1600's gentleman in what is the napoleonic age. The question is do we continue with POTC HS or do we try COAS 2 GOF and improve that or just mend a few things in the current one and leave it and concentrate on HOO? Consider POTC is 10 years old now,what one can do on the new engines and direct 10/11.
..uhm..click upload just beside the post reply button? -log files are in the main game folder (compile/error/system)

EDIT: Making conversation with a tailor is fine with October 8, 2013 update: seadogs2_0000.jpg seadogs2_0001.jpg seadogs2_0003.jpg seadogs2_0005.jpg
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Well i think we can only make the game better and suggesting is free. Yes there is loads of work im not sure if it's worth it and all the issues it will raise. Yes we need some studio to take the idea on board and get it on as our amateur group can only get so far at snail pace. Hearts of oaks is a massive project and it's going to take forever unless it's taken onboard by pros. The other thing is to announce in forums and the web for volunteers and people with experience who can come on board and help in project. Many hands make light work!! I'll try help in what i can. There is the assasins new game out soon and its on pirates,can that be a plus or bad for us? My idea for a hearts of oak is a skyrim style open world with almost endless possibilites set in historical period of age of sail and not constricted to the Carib but different areas. Well we can dream no? No idea how to change that period costume thing,seems quite difficult and puzzling but game turn off to have a governor of some island dressed as a 1600's gentleman in what is the napoleonic age. The question is do we continue with POTC HS or do we try COAS 2 GOF and improve that or just mend a few things in the current one and leave it and concentrate on HOO? Consider POTC is 10 years old now,what one can do on the new engines and direct 10/11.
The New Horizons mod has become what it is over the course of ten years of volunteer work. Even though almost none of the original modders from the early days are still here, it's a testament to this community's ability to keep working on big projects no matter what. That bodes well for Hearts of Oak, especially since the more modern engine and tools should make things much easier for us.

With that said, we're certainly not going to outsource any of our work to a professional development studio. We'll only have the level of freedom and control that we want if we make the game ourselves; enthusiastic volunteers with the right experience will speed things up. If anyone wishes to discuss this further, please take it to the Hearts of Oak forum (though we've been over it all before).

Anyway, my point regarding your suggestions for PotC is that, generally speaking, the modding appears to be slowing down now, and probably for the best.
This just means we can't implement so many big, ambitious ideas any more. Fixes and small features, yes, but otherwise we're trying to head towards a 'final', relatively stable release.
Ideas are still welcome for how to improve features, of course. :)
A couple of things. I have auto hire crew set to 0 but when I go to shipyard my crew fills up.

When boarding French and Spanish ships the soldiers I encounter all armed with the same weapons muskets and lower level baledares or light tizonas. Graphically. They are holding a variety if high quality blades but when you loot the corpses they all have the same low level blades. This a new development and from my point of view not a positive one.
Okay, I recreated the bug but I don't got an error.log. Yesterday I did have an error.log but now I haven't got one.
I can't upload the save file.
no extension is not a supported extension.. :)


  • compile.log
    3.2 KB · Views: 132
  • system.log
    1 KB · Views: 125
Ok then, here's my safe file. It's from Jean La Fitte storyline. :)


  • -=Player=- Bonaire.rar
    567.9 KB · Views: 126
A couple of things. I have auto hire crew set to 0 but when I go to shipyard my crew fills up.

When boarding French and Spanish ships the soldiers I encounter all armed with the same weapons muskets and lower level baledares or light tizonas. Graphically. They are holding a variety if high quality blades but when you loot the corpses they all have the same low level blades. This a new development and from my point of view not a positive one.

I have noticed in the shipyard when I buy a ship it comes fully crewed. Also when recruiting crew in the tavern it is now possible to hire many more crew than is there. I think one time I hired 215 more crew than there was there to hire.

I have only boarded English ships and their soldiers are all equipped with dirks, which makes it easier.
I have noticed in the shipyard when I buy a ship it comes fully crewed. Also when recruiting crew in the tavern it is now possible to hire many more crew than is there. I think one time I hired 215 more crew than there was there to hire.

I have only boarded English ships and their soldiers are all equipped with dirks, which makes it easier.

Yes Hylie,
So if you have automatic hire set to 0 should that be the case? It wasn't in the most recent game I was playing. Seems to me... clearly broken.

That is how English town guards are equipped and that is not how crew( soldiers) on the ships have been armed in earlier versions and it not very good for playability. They should be armed with a variety of weapons appropriate to you levl'
What I have found is if you buy a ship it comes fully crewed, but if you take it in for repairs the crew is not replenished and I must go to a tavern to hire more.

The soldiers having weak weapons just makes them that much easier to kill. The Pirates have the best weapons.
The soldiers having weak weapons just makes them that much easier to kill. The Pirates have the best weapons.[/quote said:
I get that but I think that I must not be making myself clear. This a change from what we had before and I do not think it is a positive one. Always before this version the crew of national merchant ships had the same variety of weapons as the pirates and if you look at them when you engage them they are showing a variety weapons in their hands and it only when you loot the corpses that you discover they all have the same low level weapons.

I don't know why or how this was changed but I thing it should be fixed. And if we are going to changing how enemy crew are equipped we could try to equip them with more accurate boarding weapons.

I play at adventurer level and and level 30 don't really have any problems killing crew on any vessel.
You are making yourself clear but I don't know that anything can be done about it as the soldiers weapons seems to be a global setting. A coder would need to look at this. :shrug