• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 3 Progress

It's not all that confusing, really. It's just so we can set up different cases and switch between them without having to comment/outcomment a lot of stuff.
You can make your own cases as well and add those. I added those explanatory comments on purpose to show what the various numbers do.
The default of "0" is so that you can just press F12 when you get stuck during the game without having to make any code modifications.

Just been playing for days on Build Mod. 1 thing that I noticed, which I am not sure if intentional, is that the Cursed Aztec Gold can sometimes be found on ships and looking at the compile log it has a random chance of spawning as loot.

Not to sure if I agree with this because as just happened to me character, because I looted the chest on a ship which contained some items and Aztec gold or mysterious coin which I did not take btw, my character got cursed!
None of the crew is affected or my ship but I am. Just wanted to know if this was supposed to be there to force you into the return of the gold but at the same time surely that means I would either have to return all coins, which I do not have except a random spawned one as loot and assume are still in the chest on Isla De Murta? :p

Is there a console command to remove the effect? Also will this spawning of cursed coins be removed or kept ? Just thought it would defeat the whole 882 coins because does that not mean there is now 883 coins? or possibly more that could spawn :S

My suggestion is to maybe add some code or that which would only put the curse on you or whatever, if you physically take the coin from the loot chest? Would make much more sense as technically I didn't touch it :p
which story line are you playing?
Could you provide me with the logfiles?

I'm with you on this one.
Sure, I am playing the Jack Aubrey one, modified to my liking/preferences. Basically changed to Colonial Powers and made in British Navy starting etc. Nothing major. Hopefully the change in period has nothing to do with it :/ Anyway here are log files. They are quite long, just search "Curse" and you'll see the coins in the random loot spawning. Towards very bottom my most recent encounter which I found the blasted thing in that damned ship chest:p


  • compile.log
    57.3 KB · Views: 129
The cursed coins are a new addition and a good idea however some changes may be warranted. When you get the coin (if you want it or not) you get cursed and at night everyone is your enemy on land however your are not immortal and this causes problems early in the game play. If we are to keep it, immortality should be given whilst every one wants to kill you - it would then be useful. I agree that there should be an option as well to take and keep it or to leave it alone.
Well I thought of this.

1. Basically if it IS kept as a loot item that has a chance of spawning then, if possible, make the curse effective only when you take it from that chest that it has appeared in. Instead of as it is now when you open a chest and it is in there you get the full curse whether you take it or not.
2. Same as No.1 except possibly add a separate alternative pop up message or something says you have found a mysterious coin, do you want to take it, with the options yes or no basically.

I agree with your above suggestion, the immortality could be between a certain time at night or even permanently on only if YOU are attacked perhaps? who knows, I don't use the coins anyway, avoid that cursed island and obviously I was unfortunate to run into a spawned coin :p Else I would be still playing now
I have tried the beta 3 for a little while and give my compliments to the team for a much improved game - no CTD's on boarding and looting chests anymore and much improved balance in the game.
I have a couple of comments/ issue -

One which may have been an issue for a long time but only came on it in game play for the first time. Standard Storyline.
Completing the Animists quest and have the letter for Father Bernard. Went into the tavern on Port Royal to meet Danielle for the first time but the dialog from her was wrong and the quest couldn't continue - had to reload a saved game and give the letter to Father Bernard and then went to the tavern and quest progressed as usual.

The locator for Edgar Attwood in the Port Royal Jail is sometime occupied by the guard and Edgar cannot get to the locator to begin his dialog.

I find the costs for upgrades to the ships to be unrealistic - no upgrade to a ship should cost more than the ship costs if you buy it from the shipyard. If it does then the ship should be worth considerably more when you sell to the shipyard. At present there is a very large difference between buying and selling and the upgrade costs seem very excessive.

I have just moved to a new PC with windows 8 - tried twice with clean install of stock game and beta 3 (installer and zip in a folder on the desktop) to a game folder on my D drive. Game loads, gets through the new game set up OK but terminates before actually getting the first scene up.

System log as follows - no error log.

Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 180 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 750948276 ticks.
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value

Hope that this helps as I have seen that others are using W8 without issue????
About the cursed coin:
It appears randomly and can appear anywhere, anytime. It does not matter if you want it or not, you are stuck with it and the only cure is to put it in the chest with the other 881 cursed coins. After the first time you can sell the thing, which I do ASAP.
When you are cursed you are stronger but early in the game you still die if you get caught out at night. I have spent time circling an island until dawn so that I could then land and take care of business.

As you have discovered, sometimes the dialogs for the Animist quest and the Standard quest do get mixed up. I have learned to play the Animists mostly and let the Standard go for a bit to get the dialogs to work better. You have already found the solution for when the dialogs get confused.

Edgar Attwood has been working ok for me for quite some time.

Ship upgrades are indeed very expensive. Too many players were commenting on how easy it is to make too much money, so things have been tweaked to make the game last longer and be more interesting. I personally avoid the military ships because they cost a LOT more than the civilian ships. Officers also cost a lot more than they used to as you might have noticed. Even so, it is still fairly easy to collect lotsa loot.

You have POTC working ok on another computer? Perhaps you could transfer your working POTC from one to the other PC.

Or, you could move the installer folder off of your desktop. I have the installer folder in my "downloads" folder and it works flawlessly, but I am on win7. The main thing is to avoid any and all chances that windoze security will block the install process.
Thanks for your comments Hylie - do have it working on my old Vista machine - already tried copying the entire folder from this to the W8 machine and still a no start - W8 is obviously doing something that I cannot determine. The installer works fine from the desktop with no errors. I have been into the folder and tried changing all files to be writable and changed the security settings on all files for all users but no better result.
Thanks for the comments :) I guess its not that bad, as long as the curse is removed if I take that wretched coin to this mysterious island and put it in that Chest which I assume would have 1 coin missing :O Hopefully I can find this island as I have no clue what bearings to set :p Guess this will delay my promotion to a Captain in the RN temporarily then haha
As far as I remember the curse should only be cast when you take a coin from the stone chest. Not from somewhere else. I should only trigger that you are attacked by cursed pirates because they want the coin back. Maybe something to change in the Future. Maybe someone can make a topic about it so we can share our idea's. I should be able to change it as soon as we know where to change it to.
Well I do agree that the system could be changed possibly? I understand the whole returning thing but when it appears randomly on a ships deck chest and you do NOT touch it like I did, and yet it automatically appears in your inventory, isn't that just a bit not right. If I took it fair enough you deserve the curse, but if you leave it and don't touch i don't think you should personally
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Thanks for the comments :) I guess its not that bad, as long as the curse is removed if I take that wretched coin to this mysterious island and put it in that Chest which I assume would have 1 coin missing :O Hopefully I can find this island as I have no clue what bearings to set :p Guess this will delay my promotion to a Captain in the RN temporarily then haha

Island should automatically appear on the World Map when you are given an item by Mr Gibbs. ;)

Island should appear West of Aruba.
It is very small

Mr Gibbs should be sitting in Tortuga Tavern :yes

I have just moved to a new PC with windows 8 - tried twice with clean install of stock game and beta 3 (installer and zip in a folder on the desktop) to a game folder on my D drive. Game loads, gets through the new game set up OK but terminates before actually getting the first scene up.
Two questions:
1. Which storyline did you try to start?
2. Does your new PC use Intel integrated graphics, or AMD/Nvidia graphics?

Ship upgrades are indeed very expensive. Too many players were commenting on how easy it is to make too much money, so things have been tweaked to make the game last longer and be more interesting. I personally avoid the military ships because they cost a LOT more than the civilian ships. Officers also cost a lot more than they used to as you might have noticed. Even so, it is still fairly easy to collect lotsa loot.
Does anyone think the upgrades should instead be calculated as a percentage of the ship's base cost? Indeed it doesn't make sense that an upgrade could cost more than the ship it's being installed on.
Or are the upgrade costs already dependent on the ship's cost?
I would say that logically it would make sense for the ship to cost more than the upgrades but whatever fits the mod better I would say. The more historically accurate the better I say :p. I suppose percentage calculations would work.

@Talisman that makes sense and thank you for letting me know. At least now I have an idea on how to get rid of this nasty curse :L
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I think the price of the updates should depend on the ship cost at least.
I dunno where they are depended on, should look it up later ....

upgrade costs seems to be tied to ships cost, but not like being a fracture of it, but a multiple.
So upgrading a ship of the line is much more expensive than upgfrading a sloop, but both upgrades surpass the ships overall cost, and I agree this doesn't seem to be logical.

I am not sure how this is best be solved.
I think the idea behind the immense costs is to make upgraded ships rare and upfgrades at all more valuable. But upgrades being more expensive than entire ships simply doesn't make much sense.

I see two solutions that would solve it without being grossly illogical.

One way may be to simply greatly increase the costs of a ship.
If anything in an age of sails game shall be really expensive, it's the ship itself.
The upgrade costs then can be rduced to a fraction of the ships cost.
Of course, this means taking ships as a way of getting them becomes more important rather than buying them.

Another way would be to make upgrades generally unavailable at shipwrights, but make them sort of blueprints or secrets that have to be found. Could be done in rare books in treasure chests, or something like that. Once you found the recipe for the upgrade, you can do this upgrade at any shipwright. Of course this would require a lot more coding. But it would also move an upgrade from something that anyone can get with sufficiant money to something only few captains know because of their long adventures and experience ... I think I'd like this one more. But again, mcuh more efford to get there for you modders and coders
I like the second idea there. You could also tie the upgrades to national standing perhaps? So if your like a Captain of a certain Nation you unlock certain upgrades as you advance? Or even simply the whole blueprint discovery idea, meeting people who have them or know of them would suffice.

I see no issue with the first either, would make the game more challenging in a sense, but for those who wouldn't want it to be that accurate you could leave the way it is as now as an option to choose between the current setting and whatever new setting may be implemented. I agree would be up to the modding community and coders if this is possible or not :D

Good ideas :onya