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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 2.4 Test Versions

When I try that it is fine untill I try to change it to full screen and then it reverts to 800x600. My issue is what happened to to being able to run at 1600x12 at full screen?
I haven't the foggiest. The game did crash when I tried to run at 1600x1200 on my computer, but then my computer is 1600x900 so I figured that was the reason.
Is 1600x1200 your desktop resolution? I always run the game in "windowed" mode at 1600x900, which appears full-screen, but allows me to Alt+Tab in and out at my leisure.
Really works much better than ordinary full-screen.
Oh yes I remember McAfee used to do it to me, windows update if I'm aware does pop up for 30 seconds saying computer is about to restart but sometimes you do miss it... ANNOYING AS HELL!
Oh yes I remember McAfee used to do it to me, windows update if I'm aware does pop up for 30 seconds saying computer is about to restart but sometimes you do miss it... ANNOYING AS HELL!
^ THAT! :whipa
It's when the cure is worse than the ailment. Not because the ailment is not bad, but because the cure is HORRID!
Just so everyone has an idea of what I'll be trying to accomplish over the next couple of days (weeks?), this is my to-do list at the moment:
Corvette Interface Pictures: FastMerchantman2, RN_Corvette, PiratCorvette and CrimsonBlood
Open Sea Mod [M] Interface
Separate Realism Options
tradeHigh cannons sell for double price
Leadership skill increase on Divide the Plunder
Storyline adjustments to ensure free play in ALL periods (awaiting further comments on the forum)
Fixing Pirate Hunting Quests (awaiting further test results from Hylie)
Pirate_KK Code Base (awaiting missing texture files)
WISH LIST (prefer NOT having to do these myself):
Rebalancing promotion weapons + US promotion rewards (in progress by Don Lasagnetti)
Fixed spankers on SteamFrigates
Sidequests in non-Standard storylines
Anything I'm missing out on? Any further suggestions?
Offers of help are welcome too. I think for many of the above, I know as much about them as anyone else, so I don't have much of a head-start on you! ;)

Oh... and that "Sidequests in non-Standard storylines" is technically not difficult to do; only requires moving code and not writing anything new.
I don't think they add much.

New Issues

1. When you encounter ships on the map, it won't let you pass on the engagement. The only button that is working is engagae.

2. In the pirate shipyard on Nevis, I tried to upgrade canonons and when I got to the cannon screen every thing was greyed out.

3. When I divided the plunder on PR it sent me out with the right amount of rum ammuntions and repairs but 1 unit of food and some extraneous cargo that wasn't there before.

And I wonder why my signature magically reappered after months in absentia.
after installing, and activating cheat's (just so i can start a new game and get all my stat's back) the F4 button (quicksave) also let's me open some sort of teliport function allowing me to teliport to any of the port's shops and such. is this normal?
after installing, and activating cheat's (just so i can start a new game and get all my stat's back) the F4 button (quicksave) also let's me open some sort of teliport function allowing me to teliport to any of the port's shops and such. is this normal?
Please reset your controls to default. I changed it to F6 in the Beta 2.4 Test Version 2 release.
1. That is very much intentional. It was like that even in the stock game, if I recall. We lost that by accident and we finally figured out how to put it back.
However, it shouldn't always be greyed out. It depends on your ships' speed compared to those you are encountering:
void CalculateEncInfoData()
    ref mainCh = GetMainCharacter();
    mainCh.ShipEnc = "none";
    mainCh.CanEscape = 0;
    float modifier = 1.0;
    if(checkAttribute(mainCh,"Perks.List.ShipSpeedUp")) { if(sti(mainCh.Perks.List.ShipSpeedUp)) modifier += 0.2; }
    if(checkAttribute(mainCh,"Perks.List.ShipTurnRateUp")) { if(sti(mainCh.Perks.List.ShipTurnRateUp)) modifier += 0.15; }
    if(checkAttribute(mainCh,"Perks.List.SailingProfessional")) { if(sti(mainCh.Perks.List.SailingProfessional)) modifier += 0.65; }
    ref MyShipType = GetShipByType(GetCharacterShipType(mainCh));
    aref arship; makearef(arship, mainCh.ship);
    float SpeedMod = stf(GetLocalShipAttrib(arship, MyShipType, "SpeedRate")) / 12 / stf(mainCh.EncSpeed);
    float sailmod = sqrt(GetSummonSkillFromName(mainCh, SKILL_SAILING)) * 16 * modifier * SpeedMod;
    if(sti(sqrt(GetSummonSkillFromName(mainCh, SKILL_SNEAK)))!=0)
        if( rand(100) / (sqrt(GetSummonSkillFromName(mainCh, SKILL_SNEAK)) * 3.2) > sailmod ) { mainCh.CanEscape = 0; }
So as your skills increase and your ships' speed does too, the "Skip" button should show up again. Let me know if it really doesn't.
Edit: According to agentad, it does work.

2. Do you have a screenshot of that? I'll be trying to fix some stuff with the Cannon Buy interface anyway, so can have a look at that too.

3. That is.... weird. Anyone else ever seen that??? :shock

I prefer seeing working signatures over not-working ones. So I fixed it for you. ;)
Corvette Interface Pictures: FastMerchantman2, RN_Corvette, PiratCorvette and CrimsonBlood
Open Sea Mod [M] Interface
Separate Realism Options
tradeHigh cannons sell for double price
Leadership skill increase on Divide the Plunder
Storyline adjustments to ensure free play in ALL periods (awaiting further comments on the forum)
Fixing Pirate Hunting Quests (awaiting further test results from Hylie)
Pirate_KK Code Base (awaiting missing texture files)
WISH LIST (prefer NOT having to do these myself):
Rebalancing promotion weapons + US promotion rewards (in progress by Don Lasagnetti)
Fixed spankers on SteamFrigates
Sidequests in non-Standard storylines
I think I'm as far as I will get with US promotion rewards and sword balancing until I receive more input from others who tested them! Unfortunately, I don't really know how I'd go about adding new swords, so US Commanders simply receive the US Cavalry Saber, which is a pretty useful weapon, but not unique.
Also, I noticed that the other promotion swords should show up occasionally, their rarity is between 0.05-0.10 and their min-levels between 10-15, but I've been playing a lot and never found one of them, whereas I found a good number of Russion Cossack Shashkas with a rarity of 0.01 and min-level 28.
Might have to do with the Periods, but they should be available in several of them too...
And I might move on to copying some Sidequests, but can't promise I'll get to all of them
I think I'm as far as I will get with US promotion rewards and sword balancing until I receive more input from others who tested them! Unfortunately, I don't really know how I'd go about adding new swords, so US Commanders simply receive the US Cavalry Saber, which is a pretty useful weapon, but not unique.
I always thought that all presentation blades should be unique. So should we make the US Cavalry Saber unique too?

Also, I noticed that the other promotion swords should show up occasionally, their rarity is between 0.05-0.10 and their min-levels between 10-15, but I've been playing a lot and never found one of them, whereas I found a good number of Russion Cossack Shashkas with a rarity of 0.01 and min-level 28.
Might have to do with the Periods, but they should be available in several of them too...
Probably has to do with this:
bool IsWeaponUnique(string id)
  bool isUnique = false;
    case "blade18":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Saber of Nicholas Sharp    - Quest only blade
    case "blade24":   isUnique = true;        break;  // English Officer's Saber    - English presentation blade
    case "blade22":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Corsair's Pride            - English presentation blade
    case "blade23":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Dutch Admiralty Sword      - Dutch presentation blade
    case "blade26":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Solingen Rapier            - Dutch presentation blade
    case "blade9":    isUnique = true;        break;  // French Admiralty Rapier    - French presentation blade
    case "blade25":   isUnique = true;        break;  // French Nobility Sword      - French presentation blade
    case "blade33":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Moorish Saber              - Spanish presentation blade
    case "blade14":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Spanish Nobility Longsword - Spanish presentation blade
    case "blade29":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Portugese Officer's Sword  - Portugese presentation blade
    case "blade32":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Damascus Shamshir          - Portugese presentation blade
    case "blade34":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Dragon's Head              - Pirate special blade
    case "pistol10":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Shotgun
  return isUnique;
That will override whatever is in the table with rare = 0.00 and minlevel = 99.

And I might move on to copying some Sidequests, but can't promise I'll get to all of them
I'd already be happy with anything more than zero. ;)

I found a Shashka only once ever, I think it was in jungle laying somewhere there.

But I remember I got the french admirality sabre once right at the beginning of stormy start in the standard storyline. It was in the ships chest I think. Pretty nice weapon to start with.
I always thought that all presentation blades should be unique. So should we make the US Cavalry Saber unique too?

That will override whatever is in the table with rare = 0.00 and minlevel = 99.
Ah, alright, that explains that! Yes, making the US Cavalry Saber would work, there's quite a few blades that are about equal, the Knights Templar Sword, Polish Huszar Szabla and Russian Cossack's Shashka, so it wouldn't be missed too much, I assume. It's only available in two periods anyways, I think!

Would I simply add this line:
   case "blade34":   isUnique = true;        break;  // Dragon's Head              - Pirate special blade
case "blade42":  isUnique = true;        break;  // US Cavalry Saber    - US presentation blade
case "pistol10":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Shotgun
or is something else required too?
And should it be renamed and the description edited?

I found a Shashka only once ever, I think it was in jungle laying somewhere there.
But I remember I got the french admirality sabre once right at the beginning of stormy start in the standard storyline. It was in the ships chest I think. Pretty nice weapon to start with.

Well, the Shashka is one of the rarest blades statistically, especially since it can't be found before level 28, from what I saw
Ah, alright, that explains that! Yes, making the US Cavalry Saber would work, there's quite a few blades that are about equal, the Knights Templar Sword, Polish Huszar Szabla and Russian Cossack's Shashka, so it wouldn't be missed too much, I assume. It's only available in two periods anyways, I think!

Would I simply add this line:
  case "blade34":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Dragon's Head              - Pirate special blade
case "blade42":  isUnique = true;        break;  // US Cavalry Saber    - US presentation blade
case "pistol10":  isUnique = true;        break;  // Shotgun
or is something else required too?
That should do it. :yes

And should it be renamed and the description edited?
Those are in RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\ItemsDescribe.txt if you want to edit them.
Ok, first thanks for fixing the signature. I prefer it working but confess I don't know how to fix it.

1. I am playing at level 30 with a pirate frigate, max speed which I just got. I will let you know if the no engage button works as I play more.

2. When went back to that point in the game to get the screen shot everything was fine. :shrug
I get the distinct impression there is a lot of confusion going on with different versions of code files lately, so I decided to upload ALL code files that I changed since Beta 2.3.
See attached. To be extracted on top of the file from the opening post. New game required.

Over the next few days, I'll try to finish some more of the coding work on my to-do list and post a complete version of this, including all new RESOURCE files.
Ship updates and other resource-heavy changes are not included in this release (because I want to go to BED, dammit! :whipa ).
Didn't have time for a changelog either; that'll come later.


  • b14_beta2-4_wip3.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 872
Hm, seems I either discovered another bug, or something with my game is wrong (again).
Arnaud Matton on Martinique tells me to get out before he calls the guard, despite me being neutral towards France...
Is it possible that he is linked to another nation, that he is bugged or that this is because he is a quest NPC? (Baldewyn Coffier & Arnaud Matton, Sabine Matton quest)
I found this in his Dialog file, so maybe he's indeed from the wrong nation?
"No, I won't be needing your services... at least, not as long as you're sinking Spanish ships.",