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Mod Release Build 14 Beta 2.4 Test Versions

I believe you, be sure of it!
On the other hand, I don't doubt what I see, and the effect was very striking. :rumgone
the cannon sound's arent that great. :confused:, sound a lot out of time, and half the time it wont even play any cannon sound's only watersplash effect's
other than that it's pretty cool!
So, if one were to set the accuracy parameter of all the spyglasses to 4, then they would all show what the cheap spyglasses do?

I don't care if they don't have heads as long as they are just random characters wandering about. Don't they have heads in COAS?
While we did recently swap out the actual sound files, the code regarding the playing of them hasn't been touched. :facepalm
So, if one were to set the accuracy parameter of all the spyglasses to 4, then they would all show what the cheap spyglasses do?
I just checked how it is coded and that does indeed appear to be the case. :yes

I don't care if they don't have heads as long as they are just random characters wandering about. Don't they have heads in COAS?
CoAS doesn't even have such a separate head display thing, if I recall.
I haven't yet seen new ship models, but 'm looking forward to them. Playing the latest era, I hope to see one of the new merchant corvettes soon.

The new merchant vessels aren't coded to appear in the last time period; only the three periods preceding it.
It's mostly because I changed the design of the ship, so it's no longer Napoleonic, but more typical of the mid-1700s.

It also seems that the light fluyt has been down rated. The ones I have seen in shipyards are in the 1400-1800 ton range and they used to be in the 1800-2200 ton range.

I just checked this; the stock fluyts have a 2000 tonne capacity, and the Derfflinger fluyts have a 1750 tonne capacity. :shrug

I think the Apostol Felipe texture upgrade you did was included in Hylie Pistof's update of her, right? Because I noticed the hull GM file I have is newer than the one you uploaded.
Also, I think you made a further update to the Battle Interface textures after the original Ship Tier Mod release, because one of my files is newer.
I did think you had the upgraded Apostol Felipe, but just didn't mention the texture mapping, so that's fine. Hylie's upgrades do use the new hull, I think.
The newer Battle Interface texture is probably the one I made for the Centurion and similar ships.

Other related things that still need to be sorted:Would anyone be able to sort our some ship model descriptions that we can add?

I'll look into this; it shouldn't take long. The new corvettes will need updated descriptions, anyway.
I seem to remember that I got you to fix the high camera bug on the Apostol Felipe while I was working on her.

I just checked against another beta 2.3 install and the Derfflinger fluyts have been downgraded from 2000 to 1750 tons and their speed bumped up from 9 to 10 knots.

EDIT: The light pinnace has not been changed.
That explains why I haven't seen one of them since I installed 2.4. I saw quite a lot corvette merchants before. I am just curious, are there any merchants left in napoleonic times larger than a brig?
I did think you had the upgraded Apostol Felipe, but just didn't mention the texture mapping, so that's fine. Hylie's upgrades do use the new hull, I think.
I updated the text now anyway to mention both your efforts. :doff

How do i get the first Version?
It is attached to the second post in this thread: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-2-4-progress.20493/
You don't need it though; the file here contains the same fixes and more and is better all the way. :yes
Just another question.

Has anything been done to the odds of hitting masts in combat?
I ask because since 2.4, I see an increased number of masts shot down. Of course this is ot entirely new, but it seems to happen much more often.

Ok, it may be more often because I play at adventurer now, before it was journeyman - I am not sure if the difficulty level increases odds of that, too.

I'm just curious.
WIP-1 is a zip file. You unzip it with something like 7Zip.
WIP-2 is an .exe file. When it asks for the destination just browse to your POTC folder and then say yes when it asks you about merging files.
It's surely not abut cannons caliber. A Schooner dismasted me with her first salvo as well as a 5th rate ship of the line. Me sailing a frigate.
Say Hylie, you play on Swashbuckler, right?
Perhaps it is really dependant on difficulty level, and me migrating from journeyman to adventurer this very career, maybe that's it.

Strange thing with your governors quests. I don't have any problem with them since 2.4.

Just realized another issue ... but I think this is not new, I remember having seen it before.
At midnight while sailing, I received that daily midnight message about food and rum supply, and crew morale. It told me we are out since 30 days.
Now, ship-crew menu tells me we are out since 230 days.
On first thought, I believed 30 days is possibly related to the time since we last visited a port, but this is also wrong, for that is also wrong. We left port at 1st December, and now we are at 4th December. This is of course not a big issue, just something that looks strange.
I have been dismasted on the first salvo too. It is rare, but does happen even if you are in a big ship. I had it happen to me once with the HMS Victory.
Maybe the Captain of that ship was a pretty good gunner. As you move to the higher difficulty levels your opponents get better and your luck gets worse.
Swashbuckler level isn't even fun to play. Everything costs more to buy and sells for less. Plus, if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all. I only play it on the theory that when testing one wants to push the limits looking for problems.

Yah, for a computer program POTC is remarkably bad at math. :rolleyes:
It did not happen once. If so, I wouldn't have asked about here. Well, from memory ....

Case 1:
Me sailing Unitée class frigate, against Schooner and a bigger pirate ship (didn't make the type exactly). Schooner hit me main mast with 1st salvo. Hit mizzen mast with 3rd salvo. Fight ended with me gunning Schooner to surrender, taking Schooner, and continuing travel with Schooner rather than crippled frigate.

Case 2:
Me sailing with Unitée frigate against a United States class. That was already in battle with another french (like me) frigate. That one had only 1 remeining mast. When I closed in ... guess what ... hit my mast with first salvo.

Case 3:
Just happened on last voyage.
Me - now in Uited States class frigate - against a Pirate 5th rate warship and 3 small ships, Schooner, Brig and Brigantine. 5th rate shot me mast down with first salvo. Minutes after, scenery looked like this ... (please view added screenshot). Dismastied ships.png

Any 2nd salvo in that combat hit a mast, I swear. :pirateraft

Happens way too often to be just bad luck.

But well, perhaps it's really just difficulty ... I'm not so glad with adventurer anyway, melee combat has always been challenging to me, but now it's a plaque. I think I go back to journeyman soon.

There are lots of spyglass settings in PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:

Thanks for that hint. I just looked into it and achieved what I was looking for:
I set all range parameters to 10. Then switched off iron man mode.

Now, with that, even the mastercraft spyglass will not tell my anything about a ship but the distance, even if I am in range to board it. And I still have my world map available ... great.
Hello again,

just looking into some things we discussed here.

I don't think any of the code updates we did should influence game stability and battle distances at sea one way or another. :confused:

It is not battle distances that seem to have changed. They seem to be the same as before.

But, with 2.3, I was able to save a game while being in battle. I was able to do so until very close range. Not bnoarding distance, a bit further, but it was surely in battle. I also had that battle music played then. And I could save the game then, and also go to my cabin.
And this changed with 2.4, I am now sure about it.
If in doubt, try this savegame I attach. I did it when being in battle. When I reload it with 2.4, and try to save immediately after again, this does not work.
Thus, the distance must have been changed somehow, or else that savegame would not be existing

Not a big issue of course, but I think I liked it more as it was before.


  • -=Player=- Open Sea 03-07-1792 3.7z
    451.9 KB · Views: 113
Just realized another issue ... but I think this is not new, I remember having seen it before.
At midnight while sailing, I received that daily midnight message about food and rum supply, and crew morale. It told me we are out since 30 days.
Now, ship-crew menu tells me we are out since 230 days.
On first thought, I believed 30 days is possibly related to the time since we last visited a port, but this is also wrong, for that is also wrong. We left port at 1st December, and now we are at 4th December. This is of course not a big issue, just something that looks strange.

The message is only wrong in direct sailing mode. It is correct in world map mode. Just used world map travel, and it showed the correct 200+ days out.
Really strange on that battle distance. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been touched. Oh well.... :shrug