That's why I think we should limit the decreased XP on sailing to Auto Skill System off; then things stay the same as they were in Beta 1 for Auto Skill System on.
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BB, we know that. you just keep confusing wether we mean skill xp or leveling xp. pieter was referring to skill xp.
// Adjust the skill gained by character level, skill level and uneven gain in skills
// Experience in each skill is worth more at low skill levels
skillExp = skillExp * (11 - sti(_refCharacter.skill.(expName))); // this produces 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
// Adjust for uneven gain in skills
int expMult = 1;
if (_exp < 1000)
switch (expName)
// case "Leadership": expMult = 3; break; // LDH 30Apr09//BB adjustments for 'rpg' skill increases - aim to make skill increases a bit quicker - Aug 2011
case "Fencing": expMult = 1; break; //BB was 3
case "Sailing": expMult = 1; break; // included for completeness//BB was 1
case "Accuracy": expMult = 1; break; // included for completeness//BB was 1
case "Cannons": expMult = 1; break; // included for completeness//BB was 1
case "Repair":
expMult = 30; // repair is a lot of small skill gains, minimum of 20 sent by repair functions//BB was 50
if (sti(_refCharacter.rank) < 3) // keeps player from getting repair skill 5 or 6 in the tutorial - 25Feb09
expMult = 20;
case "Defence": expMult = 1; break;//BB was 6
case "Sneak": expMult = 1; break;//BB was 3
// Things we don't handle in the exp<1000 test above
if (expName == "Leadership") expMult = 1; // LDH moved outside of test - 30Apr09//BB was 3
if (expName == "Grappling") expMult = 1; // grappling is always high experience but doesn't happen often. - 30Apr09//BB was 4
if (expName == "Commerce") skillExp /= 2; // commerce is usually high, we're cutting it in half here so above test is wrong for this//BB was 2
skillExp *= expMult;
// Level the skill gains across ranks. Experience is worth more at lower rank.
// limit to 2 * experience - 01May09
skillExp = makeint(makefloat(skillExp) * retMin(2.0, 4.0 / stf(_refCharacter.rank)) + 0.5); // 2.0, 2.0, 1.3, 1.0, 0.75, 0.67 etc
// If you think skills are gained too slow or too fast, here's where to tweak the overall rate.
// Higher number gives faster gain for all skills.
float SkillTweak = 1.0; //BB was 1.0
skillExp = makeint(makefloat(skillExp) * SkillTweak);
int curSkill = sti(_refCharacter.Experience.(expName));
if (_exp < 500)
curSkill += skillExp;
curSkill += makeint(skillExp / 2.0); // LDH this is from the old code and I'm not sure why it's used - 03Apr09
// Adjust for uneven gain in skills
int expMult = 1;
if (_exp < 1000)
// Baste - critical hit calculation changed -->
float critical = 0.0;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(attack, "SwordplayProfessional"))
if(rand(100) <= 25)
critical = damage*2.0;
if(IsCharacterPerkOn(attack, "CriticalHit"))
if(rand(100) <= 10)
critical = damage*2.0;
if(rand(100) <= 5)
critical = damage*2.0;
damage = damage*0.3;
critical = critical*0.3;
Yes, there are other swords with wrong pictures, like the small sword, the swept hilt rapier, and others.
As to penetrating blocks, the swords generally used to have higher block values up into the 90% range. Now the best swords are at 43%. Would that have anything to do with it?
If you need help I can take a break from working on the big ships and start a new game.![]()