Black Bart: No worries, mate. I didn't get offended or anything.
I actually have separate installs of build 11, build 12.1, build 13, and build 14.

There are several reasons why I'm not using a build as my primary version, but one is that my computer sadly isn't so modern anymore and I don't have enough money to build a new one. Build 13 and 14 have higher system requirements and they run quite slow on my computer, and this of course makes them quite unplayable. However, I did test my changes in build 14 as well and I now tested them again, and they seem to work fine.

I fought in the Oxbay/Speightstown dungeon because I don't get any lag there, and I tested at several levels and difficulty levels but I didn't have much trouble. Sure, it was harder on the higher difficulty levels because enemies are at higher levels and have more HP, but I still won.
I can't think of any specific time when percentages work oddly in the game, but maybe there are some times.
You're welcome.

I hope the change to "0.6" works better for you.
Hylie Pistoff: Hehe, the code can be complicated sometimes.
There should have been some critical hits. I didn't touch the way HP works, but enemies are at higher levels and have more HP on higher difficulty levels, but 2400 HP?! That means he was quite a bit above level 200!

Seems like a too large difference.
Did you try it with the Professional Fencer damage decrease code set to "0.6"? If so, did it make any difference?
I thought of another thing that affects damage in the Build Mod: The Luck skill - The higher Luck you have the more damage you do, in addition to the Melee Combat skill.
This was the settings I used when I tested my changes:
Area: Oxbay/Speightstown dungeon
Difficulty level: Apprentice and Swashbuckler
Level: 8 and 20
HP: 121 and 253
Melee Combat: 10
Luck: 10
Abilities: Basic Defense, Advanced Defense, Toughness, (Improved) Critical Hit, Professional Fencer, Rush, Gunman, Professional Gunman
Melee weapon: Asiatic Broadsword ("Asiatic"? Seems like a strange alternate word. Why not "Asian"? It also doesn't look very broad to me.) - Named "Squall" in the stock game, and I think it's the best sword in the stock game.
Range weapon: Scrapper pistol - I think this is the best pistol in the stock game, and I used grenades sometimes after I took them from killed enemies in the dungeon.
Armor: Golden Armor - I first went through the dungeon with armor and then went through it again without armor.
Party: Just me alone
Miscellaneous: 10 Small healing potion and 10 Healing elixir - I also found some bandages and potions in the dungeon.
With these settings it went fine. It was easier with the armor, and on Swashbuckler it was harder and I had to be more careful and tactical, but still managed to win. I tried to use realistic settings but I don't know if these settings are realistic in the Build Mod. With realistic I mean what an average player would have on these levels. So, which settings are you both using - difficulty, level, weapons, and so on? If I try it again with your settings I might get different results, so it would be interesting to know.