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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Build 14 Beta 1

I have one question i once did port royal takeover and demanded money but i immediately got 12 million. But i'm an Horror of the HIgh Seas so i can only sail two days and than there is mutiny. So can someone tell me how i can get rid of that quick. By become more honest how do i get more honest. I only did some fights. But i did many fights for the french. (Character Jackie Sparrow + Ship HMS Endeavour, Black Pearl, Cursed Galleon,Ghost Galleon.) So what can i do???? No one wants to trade with me.
Ok, let's see how this works. It was mainly the runs between Martinique and Puerto Rico where I was hauling shiploads of gold and silver that were giving the huge profits. The trigger for mutiny is at the $1,000,000 piaster mark and the farther you get above it the faster the crew wants to mutiny. Once past the 2million P mark by the time you are done trading the crew is already talking mutiny. But you need 1-2 million P just to fill your holds. And that was with small ships.

Still, it was a lot of fun. I had never gotten so rich so fast before. Usually it take 3 times that long to amass that much loot.

Hylie: Did you use the above goods trade and trade mission fix? I ask because it should fix exactly what you are describing.
AGH; don't know WHAT went wrong with my last uploaded version, but here's another for you to try:
I tested this in my game and I do see weapons on my player character.

Note that the 1 million gold morale issue is 1 million ABOVE your monthly estimated salary.
The reason this was added is to encourage players to switch to "divide the plunder" mode,
which offers a bit more of an interesting game experience and also helps to keep the amount of money you get down.

To keep your crew from mutinying because you have too much money you can pay them, put the money in your ships chest, or give it to a loan shark. Whatever it takes to get it down around $1million piasters.

Sulan: I have been using your fix. New game required. I was struggling just to make ends meet and profit was hard to come by. That is fine! Another new game is in my future now.........:cheers
Sulan: I have been using your fix. New game required. I was struggling just to make ends meet and profit was hard to come by. That is fine! Another new game is in my future now.........:cheers

Great, thanks for testing! Pieter, could you add the TradeEconomyPatch to your files for the next patch, please? It seems to be better balanced than my first shot
Two hours into a new game and I'm nowhere near ready to buy a new ship. I keep making bad choices and hardly make any profit at all. I might make class 6 Captain before I have the money to buy a class 6 ship.

Two issues have surfaced.

When you meet a random street merchant who says "Psst! I have something you might want." he has nothing. It is blank.

Also something has happened to Britain. See screenie.
Two hours into a new game and I'm nowhere near ready to buy a new ship. I keep making bad choices and hardly make any profit at all. I might make class 6 Captain before I have the money to buy a class 6 ship.

You mean it could be too hard now? Investing in commerce skill / abilities should help. At least I was able to make a decent, but not overwhelming profit with Skill 4 and all three Trader abilities.

Two issues have surfaced.

When you meet a random street merchant who says "Psst! I have something you might want." he has nothing. It is blank.

Also something has happened to Britain. See screenie.

I noticed the random street merchants as well - they seem to be broken at least since Patch 6.

The English / British seem to have an identity-problem, never noticed that before - which period / adventure are you playing? Do your logs say anything regarding this issue?

No, it's not too hard at this point. I'm at commerce skill 2 and it's about normal. I made a lucky guess and now have enough money to buy a ship, but the shipwrights aren't selling anything I want. I'm playing as some young kid who is young dumb and full of cum and I'm supposed to struggle. My main concern is that it doesn't get too easy later on, like it always has. Making it harder and more fun later is the challenge.

The street merchants were broken before? That is news to me. Just before the latest patches were presented I was getting guilded curriasses and really nice swords from them. Methinks they were good 2 days ago.

The missing word in the screenie is only 2-3 days old or so. It causes no problems and is not in the logs.
I'm still merging the prices in the new initItems.c file, but one thing that just occured to me is that with new 'DisableWeaponsMod' system, if the player picks to play without the weapons mod(that option is still available in the menu i think) will that cause the lack-of-weapons thing maybe?

I notice all the axes have that setting at '1' but all the other swords in the bigger table have it set to '0'. Also all the guns are set at '0' except for the Musketoon, Musket and Pumpshotgun that are set at '1'.

So with these codes set like this what happens if i play with/without the weapons mod? There is no second table now.....hmm.

I'm thinking with this new arrangement we need to ensure all the weapons are the same value(1 or 0?) AND you can't disable the weapons mod?
Umm, there are lots of weapons in the shops and street merchants. It's just the ones wandering the streets that are empty. And they aren't completely empty. I bought a guilded cuirass from one at level 3, but that is it so far.

I'm still struggling with this economy. Trade runs that used to be profitable now aren't.
Consider the Trade Economy Patch included for the next release. :yes

Why would the random street merchants be broken? They worked pretty recently
and I don't recall anything being touched that has anything to do with them.
Unless it's too difficult now for the game to find any high-end items now that their stats have been decreased.
But that was only AFTER Patch 6.

I suspect the missing nation name for England/Britain comes from Sulan's recent changes to nations_init.c .
Note that I modified them a bit further, because I noticed the "worldMapShip" was changed too
and that would make all English ships disappear from the worldmap.
I suspect the missing nation name for England/Britain comes from Sulan's recent changes to nations_init.c .
Note that I modified them a bit further, because I noticed the "worldMapShip" was changed too
and that would make all English ships disappear from the worldmap.

That's a serious accusation, mate! Do you have any evidence to support your statement?

Well, I think, you're right...

I'll try and fix it.
Might be that common.ini wasn't updated accordingly. It's the only reason I can think of, but it might also be because of my changes to your changes. :whipa
I'm still merging the prices in the new initItems.c file, but one thing that just occured to me is that with new 'DisableWeaponsMod' system, if the player picks to play without the weapons mod(that option is still available in the menu i think) will that cause the lack-of-weapons thing maybe?

I notice all the axes have that setting at '1' but all the other swords in the bigger table have it set to '0'. Also all the guns are set at '0' except for the Musketoon, Musket and Pumpshotgun that are set at '1'.

So with these codes set like this what happens if i play with/without the weapons mod? There is no second table now.....hmm.

I'm thinking with this new arrangement we need to ensure all the weapons are the same value(1 or 0?) AND you can't disable the weapons mod?
No, you've gotten that completely wrong. I'll try to explain again.

There is still a toggle for the WeaponsMod. It is in the functions InitBlade and InitGun now. It says:

if(ENABLE_WEAPONSMOD && (NoWeaponsMod == 0))  // This means: If the player uses the WeaponsMod and the weapon has a '0' in the column 'NoWeaponsMod'
[...] // use different qualities for this weapon => This weapon comes as broken, badly worn, worn, average, good, fine and excellent variant
else // The player either does not use the WeaponsMod or the weapon has a '1' in the column 'NoWeaponsMod', which means it has no textures for different qualities
[...] // use only the standard quality for this weapon

As you can see, no game mechanics have been changed and nothing is broken.

Edit: Maybe it's better I explain more details what I did and why.

Initially we had this:
if ( WEAPONS_MOD) use table 1, table 1 calls function 1 to initialize the item with qualities
else use table 2, table 2 calls function 2 to initialize the item without qualities

Now we have:
use table, table calls function, in function we have the above mentioned code.

So we have less functions, less tables and still the same functionality.
Might be that common.ini wasn't updated accordingly. It's the only reason I can think of, but it might also be because of my changes to your changes. :whipa

You're right, captain! For some reason the common.ini only knows Britain, not England. Just insert the following line before line 980 in common.ini:

string = gen_England,"England"

Edit: And to the section below:

string = adj_English,"English"

Fixed. Attached the file. Put it into POTC\RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH


  • common.ini
    64.4 KB · Views: 101
ok i understand(finally!) re the weapons mod. So for example the reason things like 'Boarding Axe' didn't have an 'icon description' for 'badly damaged'/'Excellent' etc is just to it not having the textures for those states. So the boarding axe would have a 'weaponsmod' value of 1 to show this.

thanks for that as that clears it all up completely.

So do these weapons actually have a 'damaged' state even though they won't tell you in the items inventory screen(no textures for it etc)? I'm sure i've seen a boarding axe 'break' and dissappear during combat before, so this is why i ask?(this is assuming you use the weapon mod to have damage to blades etc)

In terms of the new trade prices for trade goods. Have these been tested out on the small ships? I know Hylie Pistoff tends to keep a flotilla of medium ships to test with, so if he is having problems making money with large cargo capacity how does that play in a lone Lugger etc? I'm still readjusting my modded files to all the new stuff, so have yet to fully play a new game(other than start one up to see the swords are there etc).
DAVY JONES? I sure hope it'll be Will Turner! Don't trust that particular Jones guy! :shock
(I do trust INDIANA Jones, by the way. :rolleyes: )
pieter is this a new continuation of build 14? or a new mod added in build 14? is this new? im getting mind head aches arrrr!
I started a new game, so started off in the Lugger. The margins are tight. Really tight. I lost money on many trade runs, and it is flat out impossible to make money on certain runs. On some trade runs I don't carry any personal cargo at all because I would lose money. I got really lucky and a class 3 pinnace of war surrendered next to me. I used that money to buy two barque longue's and am now making a small profit with each run.
Two things to try:

1. Open PROGRAM\SEA_AI\AIGroup.c and set:
#define MAX_SHIP_GROUPS		64
to a higher number, such as 128 or so and see if that helps.

2. Open PROGRAM\CCCdirectsail.c and find:
string groupname = "Directenc"+rand(100);
Replace with:
	// PB -->
//	groupname = "Directenc"+rand(100);
if(CheckAttribute(rPlayer, "DirectSailEncounterGroup")) rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup = sti(rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup) + 1;
else rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup = 1;
if(rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup > 20) rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup = 1;
groupname = "Directenc" + sti(rPlayer.DirectSailEncounterGroup);
// PB <--
This should reuse the same 20 groups for DirectSail encounters and hopefully prevent us from going over the max.
This is not tested, but you can try and see what gives.

Done. I set the max ships to 248 for good measure. Now to go play!

EDIT: Didn't get anywhere. There is a problem with the last line of your addition in CCCdirectsail.c

COMPILE ERROR - file: CCCdirectsail.c; line: 1393
Undeclared identifier: groupname

EDIT2: I got a ctd with the error

RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIGroup.c; line: 106
invalid index 64 [size:64]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIGroup.c; line: 106
function 'Group_FindGroup' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sea_ai\AIGroup.c; line: 29
Using reference variable without initializing

I don't have the knowledge to fix this.

Moved this from another post to this topic. Or would it be better to discuss technical in another post, or the bugtracker?

Most of the code creating Directsail encounters is copied from the original code that loads the mapencounters to seaview.
IIRC this is supposed to work like this:

Step 1

string groupname = "Directenc"+rand(100);chooses a random name for the group of ships that you will encounter next

Step 2, some lines down

rGroup = Group_GetGroupByIndex(Group_CreateGroup(groupname));creates a shipgroup with that name. The following line

Group_DeleteAtEnd(groupname);should delete the group after you leave this scene, so there SHOULD be no problems with too many encounter groups (but who knows).

To test your assumption that "Directenc"+rand(100) is the culprit you could change it first to "Directenc"+rand(2) and then -after testing if this causes more or less crashes - to "Directenc"+rand(10000) and to "Directenc" without any number. If your assumption is right you should notice a difference.

To get more debug data add the line

Trace("Directsail encounter groupname: " + groupname );so that the groupnames will be logged in the debugfiles. Then you can look if a certain groupname -or sequence of groupnames- occurs before CTDs.

But I don't think the number in rand(100) vs the maximum number of AI groups is a problem, for three reasons:

1. As said, the group should be deleted by Group_DeleteAtEnd, so there should never more than one Directenc... group.

2. rand(100) doesn't count upwards till you get over the 64 AIgrouplimit. Instead it picks random numbers, like 65, 3, 98, 18, 3again...

3. string groupname creates a TEXTstring, like "Directenc65". For the program that is a word like "DirectencJones", not a number.

So I don't see any number there that could violate any limit like the AIgrouplimit.

It just MIGHT be possible that the double use of the same name causes problems. That can be checked easily if you use always the same name:

string groupname = "Directenc";If doublenames are a problem this should crash at the second encounter.

But judging from the posted errorlogs I'd also say that somehow the directsailencounters cause thie problem. To disable them outcomment the line

// DirectEncounter( stf(Login.PlayerGroup.ay) );

in the function SeaLogin(ref Login) in SeaAI\sea.c.

And have you tried Pieter's proposal No.1 only, without adding the second fix:

1. Open PROGRAM\SEA_AI\AIGroup.c and set:
#define MAX_SHIP_GROUPS		64
to a higher number, such as 128 or so and see if that helps.
I found gold at 894 per cwt and silver at 1025 per cwt in Speightstown, is that normal for silver to be worth more than gold? Or does it just depend on the colony perhaps?

From what Hylie reports we might need some tweaking on the trade goods update some more!(but this is why we beta test) :nk