It's not the structure of the savegame, but there's a lot of changes that are made to the beginning of the game,
or in intitialization code and stuff like that. My apologies if this sounds like gibberish to you,
but I'm not quite sure how to word it in any clearer way. :wacko:
We do have a Reinitialize functionality in the mod, which allows you to update a lot of things in your savegame.
For example, if you add a ship to ships_init.c, you don't need to start a new game to be able to use her.
Just a simple pressing of F11 will do. However, this trick only works for fairly simple additions.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which way you look at it), many of our changes are too complex for that.
In the Jack Sparrow storyline, we actually have a character in the opening tavern (with cheatmode on),
who will allow you to skip ahead to various parts of the quest.
Something similar can be done for other storylines with some code added into the console.
This requires some prior coding knowledge though, to know what code to put in.
But we can certainly help you with that if you feel the need to skip ahead somewhere.