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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

1) Roxanne's ship "La Joyeuse" is not translated, like other ships located in the file PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\characters\init\TempQuest.c
2) File - "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\dialogs\Oweyn McDorey_dialog.c"
Why is "DLG_TEXT[24]" needed in this line? - "d.Text = DLG_TEXT[30] + DLG_TEXT[24]; // ccc 15oct04 shipyard waiting"
3) In the case of "rencrox", you need to remove the fast travel to the ship, otherwise you can miss the conversation with Emilio on the street.
4) (Mary Wood_dialog.h) The sentence is missing a punctuation mark at the end - "You are not a pirate, #sladlass#, and you will regret your intrusion",
And also here - "1 day will be enough",


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1: There are also some ships in "Story.c" whose names need to be translated. Attached are "Story.c" and "TempQuest.c" with 'TranslateString' added to ship names, and Russian "storyline_strings.txt" with all the new ship names, though those are still in English.
2: It shouldn't be there! 'DLG_TEXT[24]' is also your answer on the 'Link.l1' line below. Remove it.
3: There should not be a conversation with Emilio. As far as I can tell, case "rencrox" puts Roxanne Lalliere and Pedro Rivera in the tavern. Roxanne talks to you, triggering case "rencpedro", in which Pedro talks to you. That triggers "directmaestra" and "viagem_timer1". Case "viagem_timer1" just sets a timer; if you haven't arrived at Rocky Shore within 20 days, the quest fails. Case "directmaestra" makes Pedro Rivera follow you, sets Roxanne Lalliere as a companion ship, and sets a trigger for case "surmaest" when you reach Rocky Shore, at which point Roxanne Lalliere talks to you and cancels "viagem_timer1". None of these quest cases do anything to Emilio.
4: Also line 37 "We shall see" and line 43 "All things considered, it will be for another time. I will think about it".

And then do the same to "Roche at QC_dialog.h" which you'll find in the "Bartolomeu" storyline dialogs. I found Roche Brasiliano when I was looking for ship names to translate and wondered what he is doing in "Bartolomeu". Part way through the story he appears in Nevis Pirate Settlement tavern, where he does the same as Mary Wood in Tortuga tavern - offers to join you provided you split enough loot with him later. His dialog is almost a copy of Mary Wood's, including the missing punctuation.


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In the case of "informateur29", another person may be sitting in Bartholomew's place during the quest.


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At case "informateur_tavern", add:
Locations[FindLocation("Turks_Tavern")].vcskip = true;

At cases "cherchargent" and "natcharles", add:

That should block random characters in the tavern when you go to sit with Walter Foreman. If you don't pay what he wants, you can return and talk to him again later but I don't think you'll sit again, so it won't matter if someone else is sitting there. If you do pay, he'll disappear after you leave the tavern. Either way, the 'vcskip' attribute should be removed so that the tavern returns to normal.

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: any objection to this?
On Nevis in Charlestown, if you choose 1 option of dialog with the owner of the shipyard, the story will not continue, because the option about the caravel will no longer appear if you talk to him. (case "natcharles5")
This dialog uses lines 41, 20 and 36 of the file "Hugh_Chadman_dialog.h".


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Try this version of "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\dialogs\Hugh_Chadman_dialog.c". Option 1 of the dialog is no longer an option. :D


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Did someone change the galleon to a flute in the Bartolomeu plot? In lines 10 "Bad_Blaze.txt" and 2 "Anaconda_Capture.txt" it's still a galleon.


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As far as I can tell, Anaconda has always been "PO_Fleut50". You also get the same type of ship if you start a FreePlay game as a Gambler or Rogue, go ashore for a duel, escape from jail and refuse to pay the jailer. You end up disguised as a priest and take over the ship, and the questbook also describes it as a "Spanish galleon".

Line 2 in "Anaconda_Capture.txt" describes the ship as a light galleon. That is effectively what a fluyt is in this game. Even "Ships_init.c" describes "PO_Fleut50" as a light galleon. Most of the other galleons in the game, especially those available to Spain, are larger and more powerful - and remember that at this point in the storyline, you're only in a little ketch.
1) In the case of "renforts", when Benoit Belcour and Adriance Blind talk to me, random robbers may attack me.
2) Fast travel are available when we bring back Fluyt. Also, if you board and then go back to the port, a black screen will appear, since most likely the temporary location no longer exists. Attached a save if you need it.


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Last edited:
1: At case "renforce_6", add:
Locations[FindLocation("Buccaneers_Camp")].vcskip = true;
That should prevent thugs and any other random characters from appearing. Then, at case "renforts_4", add:
That puts Buccaneers Camp back to normal.

2: There are probably plenty more places in "Bartolomeu", and in other storylines, where fast travel will break the game. Useful hint - don't use fast travel when you're in the middle of a quest, whether part of a storyline or a general sidequest. If I had my way, it would be removed completely!

If you board the Anaconda and then go back to port, you deserve to lose the game - the Spanish would not expect anyone to be that stupid but would be glad to hit the pirates over the head and then throw them into the sea! Ideally a proper land-based end game should happen, but a black screen is just as good.
Update: I've now tried that savegame a few times. It begins in Santo Domingo town, where fast travel is disabled. After going to the port, I talk to and then fight the soldiers by the ship, talk to officers, then teleport to the first cargo hold. After fighting more soldiers, I teleport to the second cargo hold, talk to a crewmember, then teleport back to port. There's another talk with officers, then the "Anaconda's Capture" quest ends and fast travel is enabled. So you can now fast travel if you like.

The port is actually a quest location, not the regular Santo Domingo port location, which is why boarding the ship and then going straight back doesn't work. The ship's deck has not yet been properly re-initialised. If you're really determined to do the exact opposite of what the story wants, go all the way to sea, then moor again. That should link the deck back to the real Santo Domingo port.

The reason a quest version of Santo Domingo port is used is to prevent you from going to the port, then turning around and going straight back into town. The guards by the ship are fantoms who will disappear if you leave the area. After returning from the second cargo hold, you go back to the quest port instead of the real port, presumably to prevent you from going back into town when you're supposed to be sailing away. Of course, if you go to sea and then return to port, you can then go back into town anyway. There is a saying, "It is impossible to make anything foolproof because nature creates better fools". What that means here is that any players who are that determined to break the game will always find some way to do it. If that's their idea of fun, let them do it. :D
Rereading that, I reckon I may have inadvertently insulted you, so just to be clear:

I'm not calling you a fool! You're trying to find bugs - good. :cheers And you'll be credited for it in the documentation.

A player who is not trying to help debug the story but who does strange things anyway - that player is the fool who is going to break the game, however hard we try to make it foolproof. Such a player has only himself to blame if the story doesn't work because he is not trying to follow it.
If soldiers kill me when I run back to the wall behind the church, then the quest will break if I find myself in the tavern.


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At case "Beforepraca2", add:
PChar.quest.disable_rebirth = true;
That should prevent resurrection to the tavern.
At case "verdouwesen", add:
PChar.quest.disable_rebirth = false;
This is when you return to the outskirts, you've told l'Ollonais what you learned, and you're about to return to the ship to sail to Curaçao. Normal resurrection can now be allowed.

Incidentally, while you're in the town centre, can you teleport back to your ship?

@Bartolomeu o Portugues: have you any objection to this fix?
Incidentally, while you're in the town centre, can you teleport back to your ship?
A fast travel to the ship is only available in the commander's building and not on the street.
Also location "Isla Muelle. Center." - Not translated.


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At the same two cases, add:
... and:
... to disable and re-enable fast travel.

In "PROGRAM\Storyline\Bartolomeu\Locations\init", find the entry for "Major_house". Change this:
Locations[n].reload.l1.label = "Isla Muelle. Center.";
... to:
Locations[n].reload.l1.label = "#stown_name#. Center.";
This will only have any effect in a new game, and it might not work even then - we've had problems with reload labels like that before. The reload does not really lead back to the town centre. So perhaps that entire reload should be commented out. @Bartolomeu o Portugues - any thoughts? You're not supposed to turn round and go back out, you're supposed to go upstairs into the bedroom, from where you'll escape through the window.
For some reason, the question about the tailor does not appear in the dialogue with the resident in Villemstad. (case "town")


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Did you try scrolling beyond the third choice? The line for the tailor is "Link.l5" and "Link.l5.go".

Otherwise, upload "system.log", and also "error.log" if it exists, after you have asked for directions and got this dialog.