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Need Help Updating the Russian Translation

No, 7:47 is day. Although the tavern makes you sleep until 10:00, day begins at 6:00.

What time did you visit Beltrop? Have you a saved game from shortly before you visited Beltrop?
No, 7:47 is day. Although the tavern makes you sleep until 10:00, day begins at 6:00.

What time did you visit Beltrop? Have you a saved game from shortly before you visited Beltrop?
Here's the save before I go into the tavern and talk to the innkeeper.


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For some reason, the doors of the Maginot Merchant are now closed. After meeting the pirate leader on Bonaire, I need to pick up the paperwork for Maginot's store, but his store is closed.

Also, after I opened the door using the console command, he greets me 2 times. This happened in my last playthrough, but it really catches my eye.
Locations[FindLocation("Marigot_port")].reload.l6.disable = 0;
The first time he says lines 1 and 10, and the second dialogue is 31 and 32 "France Trader_dialog.h". It’s probably better to make sure that there is no standard dialogue, but 31 and 32 at once.


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For the open window in Smugglers Lair, edit "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.c". In case "blaze_exit_from_beltrop", delete this part:
            if (GetTime() >= 22.0 || GetTime() < 8.0)
                Locations[FindLocation("Smugglers_Lair")].reload.l6.disable = 0;
It's supposed to open the window if you went to Beltrop's house at night, and it's opening the window for you because it has the wrong time and you were in Beltrop's house before 8:00. And it's not needed at all because quest case "beltrop_back_to_hovernor_type" also opens the window if you went to Beltrop's house at night, it has the correct times, and it also sets attribute "PChar.quest.main_line" correctly.

After the third mission, when you went to Marigot, did Suzanne Maginot talk to you?
After the third mission, when you went to Marigot, did Suzanne Maginot talk to you?
Yes. Here's the save, you just need to dock in Marigot. After talking with Suzanne, the store will be closed. Perhaps you missed something when transferring the quest to free play.
Here is the last case that worked.
Quest name fourth_mission_to_jean FOUND in SideQuestComplete


  • -=ночное ремесло=- Открытое Море 18-е Декабря 1750г.7z
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What exactly happened during mission 2? The door should either have been locked during the mission and unlocked at the end, or not locked at all. It's locked if you're arrested by soldiers, to prevent you from avoiding arrest by going straight back into the store.
What exactly happened during mission 2? The door should either have been locked during the mission and unlocked at the end, or not locked at all. It's locked if you're arrested by soldiers, to prevent you from avoiding arrest by going straight back into the store.
I surrendered to the soldiers and was imprisoned, after which I went to Beltrop.
Looking at "Desmond Ray Beltrop_dialog.c", if you report that you were imprisoned, it triggers quest case "second_mission_money_not_delivered_to_beltrop". If you don't surrender, it triggers "second_mission_money_delivered_to_beltrop".

Quest case "second_mission_money_delivered_to_beltrop" includes a line to re-open the store. Case "second_mission_money_not_delivered_to_beltrop" does not. Add this to case "second_mission_money_not_delivered_to_beltrop":
Locations[FindLocation("Marigot_port")].reload.l6.disable = 0;
Yes. Here's the save, you just need to dock in Marigot. After talking with Suzanne, the store will be closed. Perhaps you missed something when transferring the quest to free play.
Here is the last case that worked.
Quest name fourth_mission_to_jean FOUND in SideQuestComplete
I tried that save and immediately ran into trouble. The fort fired at me. The reason is often shown in "compile.log", as it was this time - the fort remembered me as British. You must have been somewhere near Saint Martin flying a British flag and forts can see a long way. So when I ran away from Marigot, went to worldmap, sailed clear of the island, raised a British flag and then returned to the island to sail to Philipsburg, the fort there fired at me because it had seen me with a French flag. So you can't land at Marigot or Philipsburg. At least, not until you get a different ship because the forts remember you in that particular type of ship. You have a British Letter of Marque - use it! Capture a French or Spanish ship, keep it and sell your existing ship, then make sure you're always flying a French or Spanish flag when you approach Saint Martin.

However, I have my own play through "Tales of a Sea Hawk" with saves from every time I was about to talk to Beltrop. So I loaded the one where I was about to report completing the first mission, then played the second mission and went to prison, then completed the third mission, then sailed to Philipsburg - I've always approached under a British, Dutch or Portuguese flag, so Marigot will attack me but Philipsburg is safe, and there's a tunnel between Philipsburg and Marigot. Sure enough, the store was closed. I added that line to "second_mission_money_not_delivered_to_beltrop", then did it all again, and this time the store was open.

Also, after I opened the door using the console command, he greets me 2 times. This happened in my last playthrough, but it really catches my eye.
Locations[FindLocation("Marigot_port")].reload.l6.disable = 0;
The first time he says lines 1 and 10, and the second dialogue is 31 and 32 "France Trader_dialog.h". It’s probably better to make sure that there is no standard dialogue, but 31 and 32 at once.
He shouldn't be using line 1, partly because he should be starting with dialog case "second time" which begins with lines 7 and 8 (or with line 9 if you have a bad reputation), but mainly because line 1 is the "DLG_TEXT" declaration! Line 2 is used by dialog case "First time" but he should only use that when you talk to him for the first time. After that, he's set to use "second time" by default, and quest case "fourth_mission_acepted" also sets him to use "second time".

So he starts by greeting you as a customer. That way, if you land at Marigot and need to buy supplies for your ship, you can buy them from him before saying line 15. That leads to the dialog about Beltrop's mission.
I separated the code from the text and tested it. Now everything is translated and works well. The only thing is that the diplomat’s name is not translated, since it changes and I don’t know how to do it correctly. The diplomat appears in the mansion building.


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Look at your new "b_mansion.c", case "nations2":
            chr.name = "Envoy from";
            chr.lastname = GetNationNameByType(sti(chr.nation));
You'll want to translate "Envoy from". And put 'XI_ConvertString' round the lastname:
            chr.lastname = XI_ConvertString(GetNationNameByType(sti(chr.nation)));
Nation names are already translated in "common.ini".
Look at your new "b_mansion.c", case "nations2":
            chr.name = "Envoy from";
            chr.lastname = GetNationNameByType(sti(chr.nation));
You'll want to translate "Envoy from". And put 'XI_ConvertString' round the lastname:
            chr.lastname = XI_ConvertString(GetNationNameByType(sti(chr.nation)));
Nation names are already translated in "common.ini".
Additional files for diplomat translation.


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1) The ships in Bartholomew's story are not translated: "La Chanceuse" and "Juno".
2) If I don't have 160 sandalwood for Luke Merin, he'll just keep quiet, instead of saying you don't have all the goods.
3) After the meeting in the bay, he gives me the silk, but there is no entry in the quest log and if I sail to Eugene Martin, he will not want to talk to me.


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1: Add "La Chanceuse" to "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\Bartolomeu\storyline_strings.txt". Also add "Santiago", "l'Insouciante", "Perla Negra", "Anaconda", "The Fickle", "Fancy", "Victory", "A Faisca", "El Diablo", "Santa Maria", "Reina Isabella", "Sirena", "San Martin", "Galicia", "New Santiago". Those are the names of ships assigned by various "GiveShip2Character" lines. The current version of "PROGRAM\NK.c" includes a version of "GiveShip2Character" which translates ship names.

Add "Juno" to "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt". In "PROGRAM\Characters\init\IslaMuelle.c", find the entry for Vigila Mendes and add 'TranslateString' to his 'ch.Ship.Name' line. Vigila Mendes is a sidequest, not part of the "Bartolomeu" story, so you need to fix this for all stories.

2: Then go away and get the goods! Did you sell some of the sandalwood which you were supposed to take to him? Remember you're on a time limit - if you don't take the sandalwood to Luke and then bring the silk back to Eugene in time, you fail the mission and end the story.

3: How much silk did you get? Luc Merin will try to give you 160 silk, but if you've been filling your cargo hold with other goods and don't have enough room, you may not have enough room for the full amount. Do what you're being paid to do, don't try carrying extra cargo at the same time - you only have a small ship! Or, wait until you have the return cargo, then use whatever space you have left for other things.
Add "Juno" to "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\Storyline\storyline_strings.txt".
This ship was already there, you just needed to add 'TranslateString' to "PROGRAM\Characters\init\IslaMuelle.c".
2: Then go away and get the goods! Did you sell some of the sandalwood which you were supposed to take to him? Remember you're on a time limit - if you don't take the sandalwood to Luke and then bring the silk back to Eugene in time, you fail the mission and end the story.
I just thought there should be a cargo check like there was in many other plot stories?
3: How much silk did you get? Luc Merin will try to give you 160 silk, but if you've been filling your cargo hold with other goods and don't have enough room, you may not have enough room for the full amount. Do what you're being paid to do, don't try carrying extra cargo at the same time - you only have a small ship! Or, wait until you have the return cargo, then use whatever space you have left for other things.
The fact is that I have it at 160 and the storyline does not continue.
The last thing written in the task log is line 4 in the file "ArrivedatPOP.txt".


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I just thought there should be a cargo check like there was in many other plot stories?
There is. The dialog file just doesn't contain much dialog if you don't have the cargo. If you have the 160 sandal, he starts by asking why you are in his house. If you don't have at least 160 sandal, he just says "......".

The fact is that I have it at 160 and the storyline does not continue.
The last thing written in the task log is line 4 in the file "ArrivedatPOP.txt".
That's odd because quest case "revoireug" is where you lose 160 sandal and gain 160 silk. The same quest case also sets Eugene Martin's dialog to "begin_11":
    case "begin_11":

            dialog.snd = "Voice\CLLA\CLLA004";
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[20];
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[21];
            link.l1.go = "begin_12";
            RemoveCharacterGoods(pchar, GOOD_SILK, 160);
            Pchar.quest.voyage_timer1.over = "yes";
            dialog.snd = "Voice\CLLA\CLLA002";
            dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[54];
            link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[55];
            link.l1.go = "exit";

If you have at least 160 silk, he should say "Aha! Here you are. Did the voyage go well?" and then the conversation continues. He pays you and then gives you the next job. If you don't have 160 silk, he should say "What are you doing here?"

There is no further entry in the questbook until you have delivered the silk and been given that next job - line 5, or "text.t4", is the one about delivering linen to Elias Bartels in Bonaire Pirate Fort.

When you take your 160 silk to Eugene Martin, what does he say?
When you take your 160 silk to Eugene Martin, what does he say?
Yes, Eugene Martin talks to me when I have 160 silk. I'm sorry, for some reason I decided that there should be an entry in the quest log on the shore. Everything is too confusing for beginners.
Beginners can always look at the walkthrough:
Bartolomeu o Portuguese Walkthrough

Besides, this quest is very straightforward provided you do what you're told. Take sandal to Luc Merin, bring silk back to Eugene Martin. Beginners shouldn't be trying to do other things on the way, they should just follow that simple instruction. The only problem I recall is that one player couldn't find Luc Merin's house.
Attached are text files for a new quest which I've written for FreePlay social climbers. If you could please translate them, I'll include the translations in the next update.

Also please upload anything you've done for the "Bartolomeu" storyline, then I can include that too.


  • Climber Translation.zip
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Attached are text files for a new quest which I've written for FreePlay social climbers. If you could please translate them, I'll include the translations in the next update.

Also please upload anything you've done for the "Bartolomeu" storyline, then I can include that too.
I have uploaded all my files and you can download them.