Yes, that's also the reason that in one dialog at Aruba it says "You can make it to #sisland_Douwesen# in so many days", because #sisland_Curacao# doesn't give any island name in Early Explorers and hard-coding one, there would have to be an actual name first.
You can't land on Curacao anyway. It wasn't colonised in the 16th century so, like several other islands, it's blocked. Saint Martin and Antigua are also off-limits, which is why, if you play the "Angelique Moulin's Father" sidequest in "Early Explorers", you'll have to go somewhere else to find the sword at the end.
Easy enough, but do I get from finding one to typing the required code into the line ch.Ship.Type = "FleutWar2"; (in the character file)? In this example, it wouldn't say "FleutWar2" in the new game interface, would it?
Look at the description. Then search for it in "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\ShipModels_descriptions.txt". For example, maybe you found a sloop to your liking which says "Adaptable vessel with varnished wood, sails good against the wind". Searching for that in "ShipModels_descriptions.txt", you find:
Sloop4_Descr{Adaptable vessel with varnished wood,
sails good against the wind.}
So the ship you want it "Sloop4".
I see, so I presume I could check for if (GetSquadronFreeSpace(PChar, GOOD_GOLD) >= 100 && (PChar GOOD_SILVER) >= 200) if I want to give the player 50 cwt of gold and 100 cwt of silver (assuming silver also weighs 2 cwt each, I haven't checked that yet).
Yes, silver also weighs 2 cwt per unit. But that condition won't work, partly because of the typo - it should be
if (GetSquadronFreeSpace(PChar, GOOD_GOLD) >= 100 && GetSquadronFreeSpace(PChar, GOOD_SILVER) >= 200). And partly because that will pass if you have enough for 200 silver only and no space for gold as well - they both weigh 2, so if you have 400 cwt available then the part checking for gold will pass and so will the part checking for silver. Fortunately, since gold and silver weigh the same, you can check for enough space if the whole lot were gold:
if (GetSquadronFreeSpace(PChar, GOOD_GOLD) >= 300)
And that will pass if you have enough space for 300 units of gold, which is 600 cwt. If you want to give the player 150 cwt total (50 cwt gold, 150 cwt silver) then check for 75, not 300.
Also how do I change the music of a town (smuggler's lair copy) and a tavern to pirate town / pirate tavern again?
Isn't Smugglers Lair a pirate town already?
The background music for a location is controlled by the
locations[n].type line. For Smugglers Lair, that's:
locations[n].type = "town";
And for the tavern:
locations[n].type = "tavern";
The music for any type is in "PROGRAM\sound\sound.c", function 'SetSchemeForLocation', which check's a location's "type" attribute and sets the sounds for that. For "town", it also checks the location's nation and sets the music accordingly, which is why Sao Jorge also has
locations[n].type = "town"; but has different music because it's Portuguese (or British in the last two periods) while Smugglers Lair is pirate. 'SetSchemeForLocation' also checks the nation for location type "tavern", but almost all nations use the same tavern music except Pirate and Personal. And that's why, if you play "Tales of a Sea Hawk", you'll notice all the music in Bridgetown changes when you temporarily capture it to free Clement Aurentius. Bridgetown is normally British, so it plays British music, but it becomes Personal when you capture it.
So, if you want pirate music in the town and tavern, the town needs to belong to the pirates.