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Where I can download 1.03 patch?

I do not know of any such patch. In any case, New Horizons overwrites so much of the base game that any such patch is probably redundant.
I have this patch, indeed it exist. However patch is for Polish version and i don’t know if this doesn’t mess your game. If you dare to try it i can upload somewhere this patch.
On the other hand, I do not have the patch, I have version 1.0 of the original game, and New Horizons works fine for me. Who says that New Horizons requires 1.03?
There's a patch 1.03 for seadogs 2000. Only patches I've seen for potc are the beta 14 ENB fixes or the Jan update files.
I have premiere Polish version on 2CD bought 20 years ago (time flies fast). This version has problem with showing morale, reputation and they patched it via patch 1.03 (also they changed size of the fonts). Russian version also has patch 1.03.
I have this patch, indeed it exist. However patch is for Polish version and i don’t know if this doesn’t mess your game. If you dare to try it i can upload somewhere this patch.

I have premiere Polish version on 2CD bought 20 years ago (time flies fast). This version has problem with showing morale, reputation and they patched it via patch 1.03 (also they changed size of the fonts). Russian version also has patch 1.03.

Hi, could you please send me this patch so I can play it on my Polish stock game version? Until now, I was convinced it existed only for the Russian version. Still, having actual Polish POTC on CD, I'd love to try it since patch 1.03 features quite a lot of cut content, including a mini questline that's not present even in New Horizons. Pozdrawiam;)
Could you share more info about it?
Thanks for the link.

It adds some things that New Horizons added later anyway, like the option to take surrendered enemy captains captive and ransom them.

It also unlocks some hidden side quests that NH unlocked as well (for example, the Clair Larrouse quest). Those quests were in the original game's code, but they don't work without the patch or the New Horizons mod.

Adds a few new abilities like the musket salvo. Also slaves and ship cargo of gold and silver. It also enables you to speed up time on land.

Most of these things (or very similar) were added by the New Horizons mod anyway, but there is a mini-questline called "Night's Craft" (I don't know if it even had an English name since that's just the translation from Russian). It starts when you return to Redmond after breaking into Rheims' house on Conceicao in the main story. A smuggler approaches you on the street and says that their leader Camilo Machado wants to see you. It leads to a couple of short quests during which you can get a unique "Hurricane" sword if you complete everything OR a unique first-class ship "Fearless" if you betray him.

As I said above, I didn't even know that patch 1.03 existed also for Polish version, so all the info I provided in this post is based ONLY on the Russian version videos that I've seen on YouTube. I will provide the links below:

Quest starts at 13:44

Second part

Unique ship "Fearless"

It would actually be awesome if someone experienced added that quest to the New Horizons mod. Even if it was never translated, there's not that much text in it.

I'm curious to see if it's also present in the Polish version of the patch.
Most of these things (or very similar) were added by the New Horizons mod anyway, but there is a mini-questline called "Night's Craft" (I don't know if it even had an English name since that's just the translation from Russian). It starts when you return to Redmond after breaking into Rheims' house on Conceicao in the main story. A smuggler approaches you on the street and says that their leader Camilo Machado wants to see you. It leads to a couple of short quests during which you can get a unique "Hurricane" sword if you complete everything OR a unique first-class ship "Fearless" if you betray him.
Wasn't there some quest that changed you into Jack Sparrow too?
I think this patch is where the "depp.gm" model came from...
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Wasn't there some quest that changed you into Jack Sparrow too?
I think this patch is where the "depp.gm" model came from...
You may be right about the model. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that he was supposed to replace Jurcksen after his death in the Khael Roa sea battle and take over leadership of Quebradas Costillas settlement.
Last edited:
Thanks for the link.

It adds some things that New Horizons added later anyway, like the option to take surrendered enemy captains captive and ransom them.

It also unlocks some hidden side quests that NH unlocked as well (for example, the Clair Larrouse quest). Those quests were in the original game's code, but they don't work without the patch or the New Horizons mod.

Adds a few new abilities like the musket salvo. Also slaves and ship cargo of gold and silver. It also enables you to speed up time on land.

Most of these things (or very similar) were added by the New Horizons mod anyway, but there is a mini-questline called "Night's Craft" (I don't know if it even had an English name since that's just the translation from Russian). It starts when you return to Redmond after breaking into Rheims' house on Conceicao in the main story. A smuggler approaches you on the street and says that their leader Camilo Machado wants to see you. It leads to a couple of short quests during which you can get a unique "Hurricane" sword if you complete everything OR a unique first-class ship "Fearless" if you betray him.
OK, now I'm interested. Almost all of that is indeed already in "New Horizons" but I'd like to see "Night's Craft". It would probably need everything to be translated from Russian (or Polish) into English, partly so I can understand it and partly because the English version is the source used by other translators. And then I'd need to see if I could incorporate the quest code into "New Horizons".

First step - where can I get the 1.03 patch? xD
OK, now I'm interested. Almost all of that is indeed already in "New Horizons" but I'd like to see "Night's Craft". It would probably need everything to be translated from Russian (or Polish) into English, partly so I can understand it and partly because the English version is the source used by other translators. And then I'd need to see if I could incorporate the quest code into "New Horizons".

First step - where can I get the 1.03 patch? xD
Here is the patch itself, but it does not have a PROGRAM folder, it seems to me that this quest appeared 1.02b2, so it’s easier to drop the folder from the already installed game 1.03. If you need anything from the resource folder, write and I will upload it.
#QUEST smuggler_line - this is how the quest is defined.
Night craft.
Also, you may have missed this post with errors. Need Help - Updating the Russian Translation


  • patch v1.03.7z
    14.4 MB · Views: 167
  • PROGRAM.7z
    717.5 KB · Views: 76
Thanks for the "PROGRAM" folder - there seems to be nothing to do with the quest in the "patch v1.03" zip.

Questbook file "smuggler_line" is missing - could you upload and translate it?

Where is character "quest_smuggler_02" defined? Could you translate files "PROGRAM\dialogs\Russian\quest_smuggler_02_dialog.h" and "PROGRAM\dialogs\camilo machado_dialog.h"?
Here is the Russian and English version! This quest is located somewhere at the end and has 63 lines. If something is spelled incorrectly, correct it.


  • quests_texts.txt
    93 KB · Views: 58
  • quests_texts-en.txt
    91.2 KB · Views: 65
  • 1704720779030.png
    18.4 KB · Views: 56
  • quest_smuggler_02.7z
    76.3 KB · Views: 65
Thanks! First of all I needed to copy the "smuggler_line" part into a separate file, then convert it into the format used by "New Horizons". For example, instead of:
My first assignment is to deliver a load of sandalwood, to a shopkeeper in Falaise De Fleur.
"New Horizons" says:
text.t4=My first assignment is to deliver a load of sandalwood, to a shopkeeper in #sFalaise de Fleur#.
All the "#TEXT*" separate lines are replaced by "text.t*=" at the start of the text line.

Place names such as "Falaise de Fleur" need to be replaced with placeholders like "#sFalaise de Fleur#" for towns or "#sisland_Falaise de Fleur#" for islands.

Looking at some of the text, it's going to involve Arnaud and Sabine Matton, which means it will conflict with the existing Sabine Matton quest:
Sabine Matton

And all references to Camilo Machado will have to change because in "New Horizons", his name is Desmond Ray Beltrop. You're not on first name terms with him - the last time you saw him, he told you to keep out of Rheims' house, which you immediately disobeyed. So the first time his name is mentioned in the questbook, call him by the full name Desmond Ray Beltrop. All other times, when the original file says either "Camilo" or "Machado", replace both with the surname "Beltrop".

Any reference to Danielle needs to be a placeholder, as does any "she". That's because "New Horizons" allows you full choice of your own character, and if you play as a female, you'll meet Nathaniel instead. (The storyline text even suggests that you can play as Danielle.) It won't mean changing the character - if you play as female, character "Danielle" is renamed to Nathaniel Hawk, given one of the "Blaze" models and changed to male. But it does mean that when quest code calls for questbook lines 14 or 15, it will need some "Preprocessor_AddQuestData" lines to fill in the placeholders.

The attached file should work for the questbook. Importing the quest code into "Tales of a Sea Hawk" is going to be harder...


  • smuggler_line.txt
    10.5 KB · Views: 53
I still haven't even managed to check if the quest works in Polish version and you guys have already translated the quest to English and are implementing it into NH. Great job:onya
Thanks! First of all I needed to copy the "smuggler_line" part into a separate file, then convert it into the format used by "New Horizons". For example, instead of:
My first assignment is to deliver a load of sandalwood, to a shopkeeper in Falaise De Fleur.
"New Horizons" says:
text.t4=My first assignment is to deliver a load of sandalwood, to a shopkeeper in #sFalaise de Fleur#.
All the "#TEXT*" separate lines are replaced by "text.t*=" at the start of the text line.

Place names such as "Falaise de Fleur" need to be replaced with placeholders like "#sFalaise de Fleur#" for towns or "#sisland_Falaise de Fleur#" for islands.

Looking at some of the text, it's going to involve Arnaud and Sabine Matton, which means it will conflict with the existing Sabine Matton quest:
Sabine Matton

And all references to Camilo Machado will have to change because in "New Horizons", his name is Desmond Ray Beltrop. You're not on first name terms with him - the last time you saw him, he told you to keep out of Rheims' house, which you immediately disobeyed. So the first time his name is mentioned in the questbook, call him by the full name Desmond Ray Beltrop. All other times, when the original file says either "Camilo" or "Machado", replace both with the surname "Beltrop".

Any reference to Danielle needs to be a placeholder, as does any "she". That's because "New Horizons" allows you full choice of your own character, and if you play as a female, you'll meet Nathaniel instead. (The storyline text even suggests that you can play as Danielle.) It won't mean changing the character - if you play as female, character "Danielle" is renamed to Nathaniel Hawk, given one of the "Blaze" models and changed to male. But it does mean that when quest code calls for questbook lines 14 or 15, it will need some "Preprocessor_AddQuestData" lines to fill in the placeholders.

The attached file should work for the questbook. Importing the quest code into "Tales of a Sea Hawk" is going to be harder...
I uploaded the full version of the game to the site to make it easier to work with files.
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