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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Mamless Pirate Here is compile log.
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Went to investigate it anyway and found that there WAS a bug.
Caused by, who else, me.

Then @Jack Rackham added "ZZ.c" to counter my bug.
That caused a bug elsewhere. Which @Grey Roger fixed.
And then all was good; as long as you DID install the "Unfinished Storylines".
If you didn't (on a clean install), Woodes Rogers would be invisible.
I did a clean install, did not choose "Unfinished Storylines", and was able to select and play "Woodes Rogers", then save and load a game. The install used all default settings apart from the installation folder. (You didn't put yours into "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files (x86)", did you? :p)

The bug which was fixed by adding "ZZ.c" was, if I remember correctly, that you could not load a savegame from "Woodes Rogers".

The only weirdness of this nature which I've noticed is that, if you have savegames in several different storylines, the game picks the wrong one as the default when you next start the game and want to reload your most recent save. This is not a serious problem, you just select a different profile, namely the one for your current game. "Tales of a Sea Hawk" appears twice in the profile selection.
The install used all default settings apart from the installation folder. (You didn't put yours into "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files (x86)", did you? :p)
I did not.
Of course.

It's very strange that none of you can seem to replicate the problem.
It was VERY reproducible on my side. And I can guarantee you that the code was wrong.
(And that I was the one to cause it; when I added the exception for "DevlinOpera_off.c".

Fix is included in: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/b14_installer.exe
And that should remove the need for ZZ.c .

The only weirdness of this nature which I've noticed is that, if you have savegames in several different storylines, the game picks the wrong one as the default when you next start the game and want to reload your most recent save. This is not a serious problem, you just select a different profile, namely the one for your current game. "Tales of a Sea Hawk" appears twice in the profile selection.
Could also be related to that bug I caused and now fixed.
It's very strange that none of you can seem to replicate the problem.
It was VERY reproducible on my side. And I can guarantee you that the code was wrong.
(And that I was the one to cause it; when I added the exception for "DevlinOpera_off.c".
Did the bug start before the current installer? I tried another test install, using the May 2018 installer and not installing the update archive. This also showed the weirdness with loading picking the wrong default profile and "Tales of a Sea Hawk" showing up twice.
Did the bug start before the current installer? I tried another test install, using the May 2018 installer and not installing the update archive. This also showed the weirdness with loading picking the wrong default profile and "Tales of a Sea Hawk" showing up twice.
The bug must've existed since at least 2016, I think. Whenever I changed the way the "Unfinished Storylines" toggle worked.
It used to be that the Installer didn't extract those at all. Now it does, but it just renames "DevlinOpera.c" to "_off" to make it not show up.
I added some code to the PROGRAM folder to detect that.

But I added the 'n++' before the initializing of each storyline; and so all storyline numbers got shifted by 1.
This is probably why the "ZZ.c" was needed. And then you introduced an extra change to prevent error messages.
The root cause though was me shifting the numbers, which was never supposed to happen. :facepalm
For future reference: instead of copying and pasting the entire log, please upload the log file as an attachment. The "Upload a File" button is just next to the "Post Reply" button which you press to send your message. Not all file types can be uploaded directly this way, but log files are among those which can.
Got it. I used to be more facile with this stuff.
Fix is included in: http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/b14_installer.exe
And that should remove the need for ZZ.c .
In "PROGRAM\seadogs.c":
if (FindFile("", "RESOURCE\\*.*", "build14_beta4_final") == "" || FindFile("", "PROGRAM\\*.c", "Leveling.c") != "" || FindFile("", "PROGRAM\\Storyline\\*.c", "ZZ.c") != "")
And in "PROGRAM\utils.c":
if (LoadSegment("Storyline\\" + sfile)) {
    RegisterStoryline(n); // PB: was i
    UnloadSegment("Storyline\\" + sfile);
... what does the double backslash do?

The installer is missing some updates, such as the new sun and moon textures provided by @DeathDaisy in 2017.

But a quick test install, followed by starting and saving several games, does confirm that the bug with the wrong profile being chosen by default for loading a savegame, and with "Tales of a Sea Hawk" appearing twice in the profile selection, does appear to have been fixed.
... what does the double backslash do?
It should do the same thing as a regular backslash; except it doesn't mess up the Notepad++ syntax recognition.

The installer is missing some updates, such as the new sun and moon textures provided by @DeathDaisy in 2017.
That's the 'RESOURCE\Textures\WEATHER\SUN\GLOW' folder then, right?
Odd; I don't seem to have 2017 versions of those at all. Not even in the Widescreen folder.
Do you have both variations? Could you re-upload them somewhere, please?

But a quick test install, followed by starting and saving several games, does confirm that the bug with the wrong profile being chosen by default for loading a savegame, and with "Tales of a Sea Hawk" appearing twice in the profile selection, does appear to have been fixed.
That's great! Thank you for confirming. :woot
It should do the same thing as a regular slash; except it doesn't mess up the Notepad++ syntax recognition.
Double backslash messes up my syntax recognition. xD I'd have thought that it might send the system back up one folder level. It doesn't seem to do that, though, otherwise the game would break while trying to choose a storyline. Still, to remain consistent with the rest of the code, perhaps put it back to single backslash, unless you plan on changing all single backslashes to double. ;)

That's the 'RESOURCE\Textures\WEATHER\SUN\GLOW' folder then, right?
Odd; I don't seem to have 2017 versions of those at all. Not even in the Widescreen folder.
Do you have both variations? Could you re-upload them somewhere, please?
I could, but what it proves is that you have a dodgy installation because they should be in the May 2018 installer. If they're missing, very likely so is other stuff. Checking WinMerge...

... confirmed, you also have obsolete versions of several ship models for a start.
Double backslash messes up my syntax recognition. xD
What editor do you use then? :shock

Still, to remain consistent with the rest of the code, perhaps put it back to single backslash, unless you plan on changing all single backslashes to double. ;)
Do as you wish.
Shouldn't make a difference one way or another.

... confirmed, you also have obsolete versions of several ship models for a start.
I ran across some of that in my checks as well.
It was confusing, because some ZIPs had newer files; but the latest I found were identical to the one in the original TAR archive.

Certainly Tartane50 had two versions:
One with an extra locator in the mast; and one without it.
As far as I can tell, the new EXE should give you the one with the locator.
Even though the file edit date was older.

So definitely a few files worth of confusion there.
I'd appreciate knowing which ones are the REAL correct ones.

Also, for your check install: did you make a clean one?
Or was it an update on a prior version?
I wonder if at some point certain files were included; that were later removed again...
What editor do you use then? :shock
I said "my syntax recognition", not "my editor's syntax recognition". It's messing with my head. ;)

Certainly Tartane50 had two versions:
One with an extra locator in the mast; and one without it.
As far as I can tell, the new EXE should give you the one with the locator.
Even though the file edit date was older.
Originally it had the locator, then for some reason it was removed. It's a geometry locator to place a basket which depicts the miniature crow's nest seen on Jack Sparrow's dinghy in the film. The newest version might also have different flag locators to make the pennant look better.

You also have obsolete versions of "HMS_Victory", "RN_FirstRate" and "RN_Volage".

So definitely a few files worth of confusion there.
I'd appreciate knowing which ones are the REAL correct ones.
Create a new clean install using the May 2018 installer plus the current update archive. That should get you all the correct files.

Also, for your check install: did you make a clean one?
Or was it an update on a prior version?
I wonder if at some point certain files were included; that were later removed again...
I always create a clean install when testing a new installer. So this time I made a new, clean install using your installer, then WinMerged it with my main installation to see what had changed. On that note...

"PROGRAM\seadogs.c": your check for an erroneous install looks for the presence of "PROGRAM\Leveling.c" and "PROGRAM\Storyline\ZZ.c". I'm not sure how "Leveling.c" would get into the top level of "PROGRAM", it should be in "PROGRAM\Characters". But "PROGRAM\Storyline\ZZ.c" will be there if your installer is being used to update an existing installation rather than start a clean one, and it won't have come from messing with an installer. "ZZ.c" is not in any existing installer, it's in the update archive.

"PROGRAM\INTERFACE\shipyard.c": you're exiting "SetFleetAtShipyard" if this is Vanderdecken's place. Was Vanderdecken causing problems here?

"RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Ammo": should not exist, this was submitted by mistake for inclusion in an update and was subsequently removed. The only file in there was moved to its correct folder.
I said "my syntax recognition", not "my editor's syntax recognition". It's messing with my head. ;)

Originally it had the locator, then for some reason it was removed. It's a geometry locator to place a basket which depicts the miniature crow's nest seen on Jack Sparrow's dinghy in the film. The newest version might also have different flag locators to make the pennant look better.
I'd assume the locator should be there; no?
Can't think of any deliberate reason why it should be removed, so I figured it was an accident...

ou also have obsolete versions of "HMS_Victory", "RN_FirstRate" and "RN_Volage".
Thanks for confirming on those.

Create a new clean install using the May 2018 installer plus the current update archive. That should get you all the correct files.
Will try again at some point.
Unless @Mad Jack Wolfe tells me not to bother. :doff

I'm not sure how "Leveling.c" would get into the top level of "PROGRAM", it should be in "PROGRAM\Characters".
As far as I remember, it was in the main PROGRAM folder in the original TAR archive files.
It wasn't moved to Characters until a later EXE installer.
So this is meant to check if left-over files from the TAR archive are present.
If they are, somebody has been doing things (s)he shouldn't.

But "PROGRAM\Storyline\ZZ.c" will be there if your installer is being used to update an existing installation rather than start a clean one, and it won't have come from messing with an installer. "ZZ.c" is not in any existing installer, it's in the update archive.
Actually no; the new EXE installer deletes that file as part of its process.
In theory this should never happen; but it's there in case somebody insists on keeping it.

"PROGRAM\INTERFACE\shipyard.c": you're exiting "SetFleetAtShipyard" if this is Vanderdecken's place. Was Vanderdecken causing problems here?
Because Isla de Muerta doesn't have a town, it cannot have a shipyard.
To avoid errors, I set Vanderdecken to use the Jamaica town instead.
But 'SetFleetAtShipyard' would then teleport your ship to Jamaica if you'd repair there.
Confirmed Bug - Vanderdecken: Teleportation from Isla de Muerta to Jamaica

"RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Ammo": should not exist, this was submitted by mistake for inclusion in an update and was subsequently removed. The only file in there was moved to its correct folder.
Ah! Thanks. Removed from my local installer folder now. :doff
As far as I remember, it was in the main PROGRAM folder in the original TAR archive files.
It wasn't moved to Characters until a later EXE installer.
So this is meant to check if left-over files from the TAR archive are present.
7-Zip can open all sorts of things I'm not supposed to open, such as the current .tar archive. :wp "Leveling.c" is in the "Characters" folder there, and is presumably included in the May 2018 installer only because it had been updated since the 2016 version in the .tar archive.

Actually no; the new EXE installer deletes that file as part of its process.
In theory this should never happen; but it's there in case somebody insists on keeping it.
It's also a useful check in case someone tries to use the "post_25May_updates" archive on the future installer.

Because Isla de Muerta doesn't have a town, it cannot have a shipyard.
To avoid errors, I set Vanderdecken to use the Jamaica town instead.
But 'SetFleetAtShipyard' would then teleport your ship to Jamaica if you'd repair there.
Confirmed Bug - Vanderdecken: Teleportation from Isla de Muerta to Jamaica
OK, I'll include it in an update which will include a few more fixes hidden in your update, then the whole lot can go into the next official installer - yours or @Mad Jack Wolfe's.
Ah! Thanks. Removed from my local installer folder now. :doff
You can get rid of "fixes.txt" too. That's just for use on the forum, to show what people can expect in the update archive. "Build Info.txt" is a more complete list of what's in the installer plus update, so that's the one which I include in the update zip.
7-Zip can open all sorts of things I'm not supposed to open, such as the current .tar archive. :wp "Leveling.c" is in the "Characters" folder there, and is presumably included in the May 2018 installer only because it had been updated since the 2016 version in the .tar archive.
Huh; odd... I know it was moved at SOME point... o_O

It's also a useful check in case someone tries to use the "post_25May_updates" archive on the future installer.
That's the main thing I was going for...
Only it wouldn't work, because seadogs.c is in the ZIP and would overwrite the one that has the check.

OK, I'll include it in an update which will include a few more fixes hidden in your update, then the whole lot can go into the next official installer - yours or @Mad Jack Wolfe's.
Now I wonder what other fixed I hid in there...
I changed a typo in the INI folder somewhere.
But I thought most of what I did was either already included; or I accidentally lost again.
(No worries there... nothing I did was very big.)
Huh; odd... I know it was moved at SOME point... o_O
Possibly in an earlier "b14_beta4_final" archive, "Leveling.c" was at the top level of "PROGRAM".

Now I wonder what other fixed I hid in there...
I changed a typo in the INI folder somewhere.
But I thought most of what I did was either already included; or I accidentally lost again.
Or things which you picked up but I did not. The fix for Vanderdecken's shipyard is one such; so is the fix for "Lair_crewmember.c" to remove the tradecheck.
Possibly in an earlier "b14_beta4_final" archive, "Leveling.c" was at the top level of "PROGRAM".
There was indeed an earlier one; "b14_beta4_full" or something, I believe. Or maybe a Beta 3 one?

Or things which you picked up but I did not. The fix for Vanderdecken's shipyard is one such; so is the fix for "Lair_crewmember.c" to remove the tradecheck.
Huh; I completely forgot about that. :rofl
Update: updated. I have to be careful to change the link in the first post now, and the new update can be found here:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates_161020.zip

A couple of minor fixes from @Pieter Boelen which were overlooked in earlier updates, plus one major new fix - storylines are now correctly registered, which means if you have several savegames from different storylines, you should now get the correct savegame profile by default when you quit and subsequently start up PoTC. And if you noticed that "Tales of a Sea Hawk" showed up twice during profile selection while loading a savegame, that should no longer happen. Remove the file "PROGRAM\Storyline\ZZ.c" which was a dummy file to allow "Woodes Rogers" to save and load games, and which should no longer be needed. You may also need to delete the file "options".

You're fighting a bunch of thugs and suddenly you start losing reputation. What's happened is that the thug you're fighting has just broken his sword and he's trying to run away, so you're being penalised for attacking an unarmed character. In this update, you'll get a warning instead, so you know to change target, but no reputation loss - at least, not unless you kill him, or pull out your pistol and shoot him. Continuing to attack in the heat of battle is excusable, but cold-blooded murder of a defenceless former foe is still naughty!


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Remove the file "PROGRAM\Storyline\ZZ.c" which was a dummy file to allow "Woodes Rogers" to save and load games, and which should no longer be needed.
If you keep it in place, does anything weird happen?
I would expect it might...
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