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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Is background profession has an impact on crew fighting abilities??

This question maybe sound funny. But I did notice that if background profession selected as merchant then crew can't fight well on boarding. Mostly they have 1 to 3 in fighting skills and they wont goes up anymore.

But if select as corsair's or naval officer then their fighting skills starts with 4 or 5 and goes up to 10, as time passed.

Well it's acceptable if it depends on Hero's background profession. Corsairs and Naval crews must fight well.

But another question is, if background profession selected as Rebel/Rogue/Sword master/Adventurer/Social climber/Army veteran/Engineer then what will be crew's fighting skill? And will they go up to 10??

Note: I am talking about normal crew, not fellow officers.
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Is background profession has an impact on crew fighting abilities??
There are a few things that do affect your crew performance in boarding:
- Number of your crew vs. number of enemy crew
- Morale of your crew vs. morale of enemy crew (you can increase this by paying them; or using Divide the Plunder mode and doing well)
- Equipment in your Weapon's Locker

This question maybe sound funny. But I did notice that if background profession selected as merchant then crew can't fight well on boarding. Mostly they have 1 to 3 in fighting skills and they wont goes up anymore.
How can you tell your crew's skill points? You don't get to see that.
On every new boarding deck, you get 'brand new crew members', so they're not the same characters who can level-up throughout the game.

You have me wondering now if your player "Captain Type" somehow affects the crew you get though...
You have me wondering now if your player "Captain Type" somehow affects the crew you get though...
Very likely. Here's the code in "PROGRAM\Loc_ai\Lai_boarding.c" which spawns the boarder:
       string officertype = GetBoardingCrewType(mchr);
           chr = LAi_CreateFantomCharacterExOt(true, officertype, GetBoardingCrewRank(mchr), false, 0.0, model, "rld", chLocType + locnum);
           // do SPAREBLADE inside EquipFromLocker() NK 05-07-18
           CheckCharacterCurse(chr); // PB: Cursed Coins
           chr = LAi_CreateFantomCharacterExOt(true, officertype, GetBoardingCrewRank(mchr), true, BOARDER_HAS_GUN_PROB, model, "rld", chLocType + locnum);
So it appears that both the type and the skill level of the boarders are based on your own. This would explain why boarders are less capable if you're a merchant, and quite rightly. (I'm not sure what 'GetBoardingCrewType' will do for characters such as Adventurer, Rogue etc. Possibly if the function can't identify you as merchant, navy, pirate or privateer, then it gives a general default type.) In any case, if your boarders' level is based on yours then they'll go up when you do.

Of course, if you're a merchant and you're planning on doing much boarding, you'll want to get a Letter of Marque, at which point you become a privateer and your boarders are presumably boosted accordingly. Or you keep boarding ships without a Letter of Marque, you become a pirate and your boarders are boosted accordingly.
I'm not sure what 'GetBoardingCrewType' will do for characters such as Adventurer, Rogue etc. Possibly if the function can't identify you as merchant, navy, pirate or privateer, then it gives a general default type.
Background profession only affects your starting conditions.
It does not persist throughout the game.

It is the "Captain Type" that matters; which can indeed change in mid-game depending on what you do.
There are five of them:
OFFIC_TYPE_CAPMERCHANT if you have a Merchant License; with OFFIC_TYPE_SAILOR boarders
OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY if you are Professional Navy; with OFFIC_TYPE_GUARD boarders
OFFIC_TYPE_CAPPIRATE if you joined the Brotherhood; with OFFIC_TYPE_PIRATE boarders

Different character types get different skill, ability and HP distributions.
Morale of your crew vs. morale of enemy crew (you can increase this by paying them; or using Divide the Plunder mode and doing well)
- Equipment in your Weapon's Locker

I am aware of these. Always put fine/excellent quality weapon & armor in weapon locker. As well as health items.
And always keep watch on morale. Never let it done below good.

How can you tell your crew's skill points? You don't get to see that.
On every new boarding deck, you get 'brand new crew members', so they're not the same characters who can level-up throughout the game.

Because there is an option to know that. Pressing 'O' can revels other NPC's characteristics. ;)
And I always check that during boarding. Even in other places.

Very likely. Here's the code in "PROGRAM\Loc_ai\Lai_boarding.c" which spawns the boarder:

Thanks @Grey Roger for confirming this. So I am somewhat right about it and did notice it correctly.
Because there is an option to know that. Pressing 'O' can revels other NPC's characteristics. ;)
And I always check that during boarding. Even in other places.
AH! Smart.
I completely forgot that feature existed. :rofl

Thanks @Grey Roger for confirming this. So I am somewhat right about it and did notice it correctly.
Yep; you're right.
There is indeed a difference in your boarding crew based on what kind of 'captain type' the game sees you as.

See PROGRAM\Characters\officertypes\init_officertypes.c for the exact distributions for Sailors, Guards, Boarders and Pirates.

Perhaps some tweaking might be required.
Merchant boarders never going over 2-3 in Fencing skill does sound like it could be pretty bad.

Of course merchants aren't supposed to be initializing any boarding actions; as you're not supposed to be taking any prize ships.
But you could still board pirates without penalty; and if you don't, THEY might; and you're going to have to defend yourself...

Doesn't this mean that if you get a Merchant License AND a LoM, your boarding crew becomes stronger?
Doesn't this mean that if you get a Merchant License AND a LoM, your boarding crew becomes stronger?
I would expect so, because when you get the LoM you become "OFFIC_TYPE_CAPPRIVATEER". Mind you, their level is still based on yours, so don't try boarding a big warship while you're still only level 5!
The real life East India Trading Company did it.

Well, sort of. The Merchant Licence is a game mechanism to avoid having to divide plunder when you have over 1000000 in gold, though unless you get it for free by starting as a merchant, it's going to cost you that 1000000. The EITC probably didn't have a licence like that. But it did get LoM's for its heavy ships so that they could legally take prizes.
Both LoM and Merchant License together!
Never knew that!
It's a good combo. ;)

Well, sort of. The Merchant Licence is a game mechanism to avoid having to divide plunder when you have over 1000000 in gold
Additionally, when you have a Merchant License, skills don't affect store and item trader prices anymore; so you're likely getting a better deal there:
float GetCharPriceMod(ref ch, int priceType, bool summ, bool bShipyard)
   float skillModify = 1.0;
   float skillDelta;
   if(summ) skillDelta = GetShipSkill  (&ch,SKILL_COMMERCE);
   else skillDelta = CalcCharacterSkill(&ch,SKILL_COMMERCE);
       skillModify = 1.4 - skillDelta*0.019;
       if(CheckOfficersPerk(&ch,"AdvancedCommerce"))   { skillModify -= 0.2; }
           if(CheckOfficersPerk(&ch,"BasicCommerce"))   { skillModify -= 0.1; }
       bool bCheckSkills = true;
       if ( IsMainCharacter(ch) )
       /*   if (IsInAnyService())      // Levis: Professional Navy and LoM pay commission, but are not affected by skills
               bCheckSkills = false;
               if (bShipyard)       skillModify = SHIPYARD_SHIP_SELL_MULT;                                                           // skills don't affect shipyard transactions
               else               skillModify = makefloat(((SHIPYARD_PIRATEDSHIP_SELL_MULT+SHIPYARD_BOUGHTSHIP_SELL_MULT)/2));   // 50% commission
           if (!bShipyard && HasMerchantPassport(ch))   // PB: Honest merchants don't pay commission outside the shipyard
               bCheckSkills = false;
               skillModify  = 1.0;                                                                                                   // skills don't affect store transactions
       if (bCheckSkills)
           skillModify = 0.75 + skillDelta*0.019;
           if(CheckOfficersPerk(&ch,"AdvancedCommerce"))   skillModify += 0.05;
   return skillModify;
From PROGRAM\Characters\CharacterUtilite.c .
It's a good combo.

Well will use it then.

// Levis: Professional Navy and LoM pay commission, but are not affected by skills

It's maybe for naval officers to use shipyard service. Like in Antigua :read

it's going to cost you that 1000000

Know that it cost heavy. But did not know it can be use together with LoM.
Somewhere I played like that, if any merchant license holder will attack/defend against any ship of enemy nation then merchant license will be gone.
Maybe in COAS or TEHO.

Want to play as a pirate. Never tried that in those years :keith
Any suggestions? Like how to join? or starts as pirate(corsair)? or starts normally then join with them?
The easiest way is certainly to pick "Corsair" as your starting career, then choose the pirate flag as your nation. I'm not sure off-hand whether that automatically puts you in the Brotherhood but you can soon find out. Look at the "International Relations" screen, particularly the line for Pirates - if it says "Member of Brotherhood" then you're in, if it says "Friendly" then you're not.

You can also pick "Named" or "Specific" in the character selection menu, then choose from some pre-set pirate characters, including several characters from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" films.

Otherwise, if you're not already friendly to Pirates, go to Turks Island or La Tortue and talk to the governor. Or attack lots of ships that you're not legally allowed to attack due to not having a Letter of Marque. When Pirates are non-hostile, go to Nevis Pirate Settlement and talk to the boss pirate to join the Brotherhood.
It's maybe for naval officers to use shipyard service. Like in Antigua :read
Except that you can't sell ships at Antigua. Not even if you're British - the dockyard will repair your ships but won't buy them. If you have any prize ships to sell, do it at Charlestown before proceeding to Antigua.
Looks like it.
Not entirely sure why it's commented out.
Don't remember doing that...
For one thing, that code only applies to selling. If you're buying, this code applies:
       skillModify = 1.4 - skillDelta*0.019;
       if(CheckOfficersPerk(&ch,"AdvancedCommerce"))   { skillModify -= 0.2; }
           if(CheckOfficersPerk(&ch,"BasicCommerce"))   { skillModify -= 0.1; }

For another, it means honest privateers can't trade, though pirates can. Privateers would get significantly less for any cargo they sell due to that 50% rule, regardless of whether they looted or bought it, while pirates get the standard price modified by their commerce skill and perks. (Naval officers can't trade either, but then naval captains weren't supposed to use their ships for private trade, though some did anyway.)
The easiest way is certainly to pick "Corsair" as your starting career, then choose the pirate flag as your nation.

It only said friendly. Not a member. Need to join.
Seems like best option is to start as adventurer and make some good money and finish some mission before join to pirates.
Later it will be hard to enter any port after joining. Not sure about back door entry though after being recognized or well known.

naval captains weren't supposed to use their ships for private trade, though some did anyway

As I do :rofl
For one thing, that code only applies to selling.
Good point.
Not sure if that makes sense.
For merchants either...

For another, it means honest privateers can't trade, though pirates can.

I do wonder though...
Should there not be a DIS-advantage also to having both a Merchant License and a LoM?
Wouldn't the nation(s) you're serving be expecting some part of the loot?
So being a straight merchant would end up being more profitable?

Not sure how to deal with pirates.
Picturing them doing profitable honest trading on the side does seem a bit (very!) weird.

It only said friendly. Not a member. Need to join.
PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c confirms that is intentional:
           if (iNation != PIRATE)
               if (GetMySimpleOldName(PChar) == "José Joaquím Almeida" && GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS)
                   iNation = AMERICA;
                   SetRMRelation(PChar, iNation, REL_NEUTRAL);                                       // Encourage play for America
                   SetRMRelation(PChar, PIRATE, REL_AFTERATTACK);                                   // But are still neutral to the pirates
               SetRank(PChar, iNation, 0);                                                           // Non-pirate corsairs get a Letter of Marque
Can't remember why I added the exception on pirates; but clearly I thought it was a good idea at the time.
I assume to allow players the choice on joining them or not...

Also, @Grey Roger and @Bartolomeu o Portugues, I'm a bit surprised seeing this line:
if (GetMySimpleOldName(PChar) == "José Joaquím Almeida" && GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS)
Pretty sure that when I wrote it, that was for "Jean Lafitte".
Is it intentional that it applies to JJM now?
If so, should it not apply to both characters?
I do wonder though...
Should there not be a DIS-advantage also to having both a Merchant License and a LoM?
Wouldn't the nation(s) you're serving be expecting some part of the loot?
So being a straight merchant would end up being more profitable?
Easiest would probably be to change that condition to:
if (!bShipyard && HasMerchantPassport(ch) && !IsInAnyService())
So you don't get the maxed out selling price if you have a LoM, but you can still accumulate wealth without being forced to sign articles.

Not sure how to deal with pirates.
Picturing them doing profitable honest trading on the side does seem a bit (very!) weird.
If they really want to pay for cargo instead of stealing it, let them. There's still the risk of the storekeeper recognising them and refusing to do business, unless the pirate is "Hero" (everyone loves a hero) or "Horror of the High Seas" (if he's in your shop trying to buy and sell stuff instead of pointing a gun at your head and simply taking all your stuff, you don't argue).

Also, @Grey Roger and @Bartolomeu o Portugues, I'm a bit surprised seeing this line:
if (GetMySimpleOldName(PChar) == "José Joaquím Almeida" && GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS)
Pretty sure that when I wrote it, that was for "Jean Lafitte".
Is it intentional that it applies to JJM now?
If so, should it not apply to both characters?
No, it seems to have been like that since Beta 3.5, which is when "FreePlay" was introduced. The only mention of Jean Lafitte is a lot earlier, when it's setting up Malcolm Hatcher, and then only if Lafitte is an Agent:
       case PLAYER_TYPE_AGENT:
           // Admiral
           ch = CharacterFromID("Malcolm Hatcher");
           ch.Dialog.Filename = "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c";
           if (GetMySimpleOldName(PChar) == "Jean Lafitte" && GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS)
               iNation = AMERICA;
Which probably won't take effect because in "initModels.c", Jean Lafitte is set by default to be a Smuggler. It also means that the code for José Joaquím Almeida could never have been for Jean Lafitte. He's not a Corsair. ;)
Easiest would probably be to change that condition to:
if (!bShipyard && HasMerchantPassport(ch) && !IsInAnyService())
So you don't get the maxed out selling price if you have a LoM, but you can still accumulate wealth without being forced to sign articles.
Ah! That sounds about right, yes. :onya

No, it seems to have been like that since Beta 3.5, which is when "FreePlay" was introduced. The only mention of Jean Lafitte is a lot earlier, when it's setting up Malcolm Hatcher, and then only if Lafitte is an Agent:
       case PLAYER_TYPE_AGENT:
           // Admiral
           ch = CharacterFromID("Malcolm Hatcher");
           ch.Dialog.Filename = "Robert Fletcher_dialog.c";
           if (GetMySimpleOldName(PChar) == "Jean Lafitte" && GetCurrentPeriod() >= PERIOD_REVOLUTIONS)
               iNation = AMERICA;
Which probably won't take effect because in "initModels.c", Jean Lafitte is set by default to be a Smuggler. It also means that the code for José Joaquím Almeida could never have been for Jean Lafitte. He's not a Corsair. ;)
Ah! Seems my memory is failing me again.
Must be getting old... :facepalm

I did write "Encourage play for America" for Jean Lafitte; but indeed that was in the both_reaction.c section.
I must've then included something very similar for Almeida; but in StartStoryline.c .
Can't remember now why this is done in two different sections of code for the different characters.
But oh well... as long as it works. :shrug
Here's my latest (and final) update for WoodesRogers part 2.
New jump starts for part 2 added and tons of bugs fixed.
By that it should be playable. The walkthrough coming later. :treasure:

I also have added a list of files I hope could be removed from the game. Not sure if that should
happen in the next installer or where...


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