• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Mamless Pirate Here is compile log.

Gauging: StartGauging
Gauging: starting init
Gauging: interface
Gauging: Storylines
Gauging: Profiles
Gauging: starting init
==> BuildSettings: Sets to default
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load build settings
Gauging: periods
InitNations: NATIONS_QUANTITY=7, bGuest1NationExists=1, bGuest2NationExists=0
Gauging: nations
Gauging: preprocessor
Init encounters complete.
Gauging: enc
Gauging: cann
Gauging: goods
Gauging: ships
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Init weathers complete. 0 weathers found.
Gauging: weather
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 100 entries.
Alias_Init: standard music loaded
Alias_Init: 4 optional soundtrack files detected
Alias_Init: file 0 = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 1 = 'music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_hearts.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 2 = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 3 = 'music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_stock.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: sound
Main_LogoVideo() 0
Main_LogoVideo() -1
Gauging: initgame start
Gauging: createlayers
Gauging: stores
Gauging: sound
Gauging: delete sea env
Gauging: towns
Number of locations: 831
Gauging: locations
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Gauging: wdmap
Gauging: dialogs
Gauging: teleport
bool CreateParticleEntity()
Gauging: particles
Items initialization complete. Loaded 1503 items.
Gauging: items
Gauging: quests
Gauging: sea ai groups
Gauging: questmapenc
Gauging: landenc
==> BuildSettings: Sets to default
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load options
Gauging: models - Total number of models: 1187
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 100 entries.
Alias_Init: standard music loaded
Alias_Init: 4 optional soundtrack files detected
Alias_Init: file 0 = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 1 = 'music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_hearts.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 2 = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 3 = 'music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_stock.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: infoshow
Gauging: initgame done
Init character names complete.
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
UpdateSound: musicName = 'music_main_menu'
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 100 entries.
Alias_Init: standard music loaded
Alias_Init: 4 optional soundtrack files detected
Alias_Init: file 0 = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 1 = 'music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_hearts.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 2 = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 3 = 'music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_stock.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
UpdateSound: musicName = 'music_main_menu'
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 100 entries.
Alias_Init: standard music loaded
Alias_Init: 4 optional soundtrack files detected
Alias_Init: file 0 = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 1 = 'music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_hearts.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 2 = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 3 = 'music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_stock.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
UpdateSound: musicName = 'music_main_menu'
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 100 entries.
Alias_Init: standard music loaded
Alias_Init: 4 optional soundtrack files detected
Alias_Init: file 0 = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_DaisyMusic.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_DaisyMusic.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 1 = 'music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_hearts.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_hearts.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 2 = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_PotCMovie.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_PotCMovie.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
Alias_Init: file 3 = 'music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: Attempting to load 'sound\alias\music_option_stock.c'
Alias_Init: fname = 'music_option_stock.c', music_file = 'sound\alias\music_standard.c'
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: starting init
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load build settings
Gauging: periods
InitNations: NATIONS_QUANTITY=7, bGuest1NationExists=1, bGuest2NationExists=0
Gauging: nations
Gauging: preprocessor
Init encounters complete.
Gauging: enc
Gauging: cann
Gauging: goods
Gauging: ships
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Init weathers complete. 0 weathers found.
Gauging: weather
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: sound
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
storyline\standard\SL_utils.c was loaded, unloading now...
storyline\standard\quests\both_reaction.c was loaded, unloading now...
storyline\standard\quests\quests_reaction.c was loaded, unloading now...
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
And Error Log

RUNTIME ERROR - file: sound\alias.c; line: 49
Invalid function call
RUNTIME ERROR - file: sound\alias.c; line: 49
function 'Alias_Init' stack error
Ahoy! I have downloaded and and installed the latest (Oct 8) update. The game won't start in Free Play, and after non start, when I try to start a new game, I get the runtime error. Also when I tried to configure the game I got and error message that said, Engine.ini or options file missed.
Hmnn..I just installed the latest update as well and tried a new game on Freeplay. seadogs2_0000.jpg seadogs2_0002.jpg It works. No error .log. I have a save game if you want to try.

From what version did you install the latest update? Unless you did some edits yourself before updating it might've conflicted. That's why I separate another install myself. :p Capture.PNG


  • compile.log
    11.2 KB · Views: 181
  • -=Player=- Nevis. Pirate Settlement port. May 14th, 1682.7z
    438.2 KB · Views: 192
Last edited:
Can anyone check if the Woodes Rogers storyline shows up if you make a clean install and DON'T select Unfinished Storylines?
That option isn't intended to affect it; but for me, it looks like it does.

I get the impression the "storyline registering routine" isn't fully working the way it should.
That ZZ.c file that @Jack Rackham added should never have been needed in the first place either... :modding
Can anyone check if the Woodes Rogers storyline shows up if you make a clean install and DON'T select Unfinished Storylines?
That option isn't intended to affect it; but for me, it looks like it does.
I can, but later, the laptop that I am now on doesn't have much space left. (R.I.P. Old larger HDD) :(
Can anyone check if the Woodes Rogers storyline shows up if you make a clean install and DON'T select Unfinished Storylines?
I just did that and tested WoodesRogers and FreePlay and both started ok.
I just did that and tested WoodesRogers and FreePlay and both started ok.
So that's with the file "DevlinOpera_off.c" INSTEAD of "DevlinOpera.c"?
That's weird. When I tested earlier today on my new install, Woodes Rogers was just completely invisible.
Didn't show up at all.
Until I removed the "_off" suffix; and then it did. o_O
Yep, just finished installing it again and Woodes Rogers is indeed available.
Went to investigate it anyway and found that there WAS a bug.
Caused by, who else, me.

Then @Jack Rackham added "ZZ.c" to counter my bug.
That caused a bug elsewhere. Which @Grey Roger fixed.
And then all was good; as long as you DID install the "Unfinished Storylines".
If you didn't (on a clean install), Woodes Rogers would be invisible.
Ahoy! I have downloaded and and installed the latest (Oct 8) update. The game won't start in Free Play, and after non start, when I try to start a new game, I get the runtime error. Also when I tried to configure the game I got and error message that said, Engine.ini or options file missed.
I am happy t0 report that I have reinstalled the update and things are working fine, except in the port of Marigot on Saint Martin's when I rob a merchant and defeat all the guards, I still can't the locked exits to release. the flashing red continues and the combat music. In the interior on St Martin's you have to destroy the tower to overcome this is there something in the port like that?
It used to be correct before I renamed the file from "post_25May_updates" to "post_25May_updates_081020".

So the link needs to be updated to work, but I can't edit the post.
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