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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Hey @Grey Roger, am I correct in noticing the sale price of Contraband Ebony has been reduced by 50-60% in this update? If so, then great :)
I have not touched cargo prices. Apparently I didn't need to. xD

The self-proclaimed fastest brig in the game is still one of the slowest vessels available though. Even Tartanes outrun it with generally a 15-16+ speed listed in the shipyard. Only pure merchant ships appear to be slower, like the light pinnace, light fluyt and their bigger higher tier brethren.
I don't know where a tartane is getting a 15+ speed. "Ships_init.c" lists the speeds for "Tartane1", "Tartane2", "Tartane50" and "Gunboat" as 7.0 for "Realistic" and 10.0 for "Arcade". "TartaneWar" has 9.0 for "Realistic" and 10.0 for "Arcade". None of the national modifiers are anything like 50%.

On the other hand, "HMS_Interceptor" now gets 14.5 for "Realistic" and 15.5 for "Arcade".
I supposedly chose the installation version that has no unfinished quests, but it appears one snuck through. Side quest - Help the Lady (which is an amazing quest as to how far it leads right now) currently appears to have a dead end :( is however wrote that quest so far still active? It was a blast so far!
Oh! Speaking about quests, I declined rescuing the governor's daughter and Patrick and the idols quests, as I thought that I'd be able to start them at another point in the game, now after quite a bit of playing I'd like to start them, unfortunately I can't. Patrick and the idols is finished in my questbook and the governor's daughter stays as a ''?'' where it says that I've declined it. Is there any way to restart these quests?
The self-proclaimed fastest brig in the game is still one of the slowest vessels available though. Even Tartanes outrun it with generally a 15-16+ speed listed in the shipyard. Only pure merchant ships appear to be slower, like the light pinnace, light fluyt and their bigger higher tier brethren.
I can not confirm this. Starting with "HMS_Interceptor" and an army character so I have minimal "Sailing" skill:

This is "RN_Interceptor", with more realistic, lower speed than "HMS_Interceptor", though you'll only get this one in "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" periods:

But I always play in "Realistic" mode. Here's "HMS_Interceptor" in "Arcade" mode:

It's actually a fraction of a point slower than in "Realistic", though still over 15. By contrast, tartanes didn't show speeds over 8.0.
I supposedly chose the installation version that has no unfinished quests, but it appears one snuck through. Side quest - Help the Lady (which is an amazing quest as to how far it leads right now) currently appears to have a dead end :( is however wrote that quest so far still active? It was a blast so far!
That was actually the first custom quest anyone (@CatalinaThePirate) ever made and finished.
She added in a sequel-hook/cliffhanger with the intention of expanding it one day, but that never happened.
Unfortunately she hasn't been seen in these waters in quite some time, so unless somebody else decides to make a continuation, what you played is all there is.

Oh! Speaking about quests, I declined rescuing the governor's daughter and Patrick and the idols quests, as I thought that I'd be able to start them at another point in the game, now after quite a bit of playing I'd like to start them, unfortunately I can't. Patrick and the idols is finished in my questbook and the governor's daughter stays as a ''?'' where it says that I've declined it. Is there any way to restart these quests?
Not without messing around with the code and/or console, I think.

For virtually all quests, there's no harm in accepting them when you first get the offer.
The quests in this game generally aren't big on time limits, so mostly you can finish them whenever you feel like.
For virtually all quests, there's no harm in accepting them when you first get the offer.
The quests in this game generally aren't big on time limits, so mostly you can finish them whenever you feel like.
I had the same problem.. wanted to trade with that merchant on martinique, but in stead I apparently declined the patric and the idols quest:(
I can not confirm this. Starting with "HMS_Interceptor" and an army character so I have minimal "Sailing" skill:
View attachment 33830

This is "RN_Interceptor", with more realistic, lower speed than "HMS_Interceptor", though you'll only get this one in "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" periods:
View attachment 33831

But I always play in "Realistic" mode. Here's "HMS_Interceptor" in "Arcade" mode:
View attachment 33832

It's actually a fraction of a point slower than in "Realistic", though still over 15. By contrast, tartanes didn't show speeds over 8.0.
Interesting, then perhaps the HMS was doing what it was supposed to, but the others were not :p
You do need to be a bit careful on Martinique. If you help Patric, or more precisely help Turpin Cabanel with smugglers (which you do by taking Patric's quest, then he points you to the house where you find the smuggler), you won't be able to do the "Smuggling for Thomas O'Reily" sidequest.

The problem with both Patric and the governor of Cayman is that they have general roles apart from the quests, so if you choose to decline their quests, the game thinks you mean it. They're therefore free to become normal trader and governor respectively.

There's another item trader further along from Patric. He has no quest associated with him, so he's safe to trade with at any time.
Interesting, then perhaps the HMS was doing what it was supposed to, but the others were not :p
I did check a couple of tartanes though I didn't get screenshots. They showed suitably low speeds consistent with their definitions in "Ships_init.c".

The other "Interceptor" variants are supposed to be realistic, which is why they're slower, and also why they're restricted to "Revolutions" and "Napoleonic". HMS Interceptor in the film is actually Lady Washington, a replica of an American brig which, being American, didn't exist before the US, therefore not before "Revolutions". :p You can play the actual Lady Washington, it's in the game as "US_Interceptor".
I ran in to a particularly odd shipyard on an island that can't be found and he was selling the interceptor as well, albeit with very low speeds.. it was the slowest ship in his arsenal somehow. And I haven't edited any files.. so odd :D

As for Martinique, I talked with the dockyard dude, ignored his line about smuggling and the one about the pirates and then just took the one for Fred Bob, did not expect that you could decline a quest you didn't activate by simply talking to the quest character while not having the quest active. Assumed he'd function as a trader at least until you accepted or even heard about his issue.
I ran in to a particularly odd shipyard on an island that can't be found and he was selling the interceptor as well, albeit with very low speeds.. it was the slowest ship in his arsenal somehow. And I haven't edited any files.. so odd :D
Savegame? o_O
As in, you'd like me to upload a savefile from that campaign? I think I have one just before reaching that particular island, as I wasn't sure as to what one would encounter there :D
It would appear the speed is randomly generated. I went back to that save, and this time the speed was 15.7 as opposed to 17.8 for my spiegelretourschip. However my Spiegelretourschip has all upgrades apart from Corsair, as opposed to the Brig not having any.

Then I loaded the save again, sailed to the island again and this time the Brig had a reinforced hull and 16.8 speed. Then did the same, but this time it had 14.0 speed and no upgrades.. So I guess it's somehow possible it has really low speeds due to RNG?
As in, you'd like me to upload a savefile from that campaign? I think I have one just before reaching that particular island, as I wasn't sure as to what one would encounter there :D
Yes. You'll need to zip it first. The recommended archiver is 7-Zip, which is free to download and use.
Yes. You'll need to zip it first. The recommended archiver is 7-Zip, which is free to download and use.
Here you go :) but as I said, each time I reach Isla de Muelle and go to Vanderdecken, the stats and installed upgrades on the brig (and presumably all other ships) are different.


  • -=Player=- Open Sea September 3rd, 1751.7z
    683.4 KB · Views: 453
"Different" is one thing. If they don't have "unique" set, there could be some variety.
But it's not supposed to be completely all over the place. o_O
Suggestion for future update: Make Professional Fencer a locked ability, to be unlocked by completing a fetch quest for a blacksmith.

Make it possible for the blacksmith on pirate settlement to upgrade multiple weapons at once rather than one by one

On a sidenote: earlier Pieter mentioned completing a fetch quest for the Pirate settlement blacksmith should unlock professional gunman, it does not (sadly), making that near impossible to unlock, as it can literally take years before RNG decides the gunsmith on Sao Jorge needs help..:(
On a sidenote: earlier Pieter mentioned completing a fetch quest for the Pirate settlement blacksmith should unlock professional gunman, it does not (sadly), making that near impossible to unlock, as it can literally take years before RNG decides the gunsmith on Sao Jorge needs help..:(
Looks like you're right, but Turks also has a Gunsmith.
Does that help anything?
Simple solution: edit "PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h" and find this:
#define   ALLOW_LOCKED_PERKS               1       // BOOL    - Default = 1, If 1 perks can be locked. If 0 no perks can be locked.
Change the 1 to 0. No more locked perks, no more chasing round fetch quests or trying to track down the elusive books. :D
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