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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Hahaha, alright, makes sense!

Think i'll go at it again after next update then :) nathaniel hawk's storyline with the interceptor as starting ship and privateering for the British royal navy as to have a more diverse selection of end game ships :)

Come to think of it, the Interceptor did have some odd quirks.. The cannons are placed so low on the hull, you can practically only shoot them in calm seas, else the waves are higher than the cannon's position. I also recall it being rather difficult to near-impossible to reach the rear upper deck, as the ladders have odd hitboxes. But dunno if whoever modeled it is still active.
The first update of 2019 is now out:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_25May_updates.zip

For anyone who completed the "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" sidequest and wanted the ex-Satanist ship to look less evil now it's under new management, alternative colour schemes are available for all the variants (the ex-Satanist Kreyser is from @The Nameless Pirate):
FleutWarExSat.jpg Frigate_Ex_Sat.jpg piratfrigateexsat.jpg unsat_essex.jpg

@Nita has provided us with some new female models, one of which was promptly put to work as an item trader in Havana port:
Lukreci.jpg gipsygirl.jpg havana_trader.jpg

And @pieloverdud has given the Wicked Wench a figurehead:

@Bartolomeu o Portugues has revised his "Family Story" sidequest for José Joaquín Almeida. Instead of triggering at Grenada (where José probably won't go as he's an American privateer in the War of 1812), the quest now triggers at Eleuthera (where he probably will go for exactly the same reason).

@Jack Rackham has lit a few fires in San Juan and Bridgetown, but not to burn down the towns! Several chimneys are now smoking, so the citizens have evidently lit either their ovens or their fireplaces and are now a bit warmer.

It's been reported that some evil pirates have been going into the bedrooms of some mansions, killing the lady inside, and stealing her jewels. If you're one of them, be warned - there will now be consequences! :whipa


  • fixes.txt
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It's been a long while since I played this. Got a new computer rig now. Question is, how does this work with Windows 10? It there a compatibility issue about which I should know?
The most important thing is probably:

Do not install the game into the "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files (x86)" folders.

Windows security is liable to do silly things if you install the game into "Program Files". It's annoying because the game wants by default to go into "C:\Program Files (x86)", so you have to change the pathname. Put it pretty well anywhere else - I've installed mine into "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean", for example.
So does one simply install the opening post files, then download this update file, copy and overwrite mod folder?
1 copy stock potc
2 download Build14_installer_21052018 (program) and b14_beta4_final (tar) and place them in the game folder
3 run installer
4 download the latest update , copy and overwrite the game files
I don't have the installer, the archive or the update zip in the same folder as the game. In fact, they're not even on the same drive. The game is in "C:\Games\Pirates of the Caribbean" and the various parts of the mod are in "D:\PoTC\Build 14". That way, when I re-install the game, I don't need to copy the mod files into the game folder again.

In fact, I have two installs. One is the version which I play, do my modding work, and at various times can contain experiments, unfinished quests etc. The other is a straight install of the game, the mod and the update, and should be identical to what everyone else has if they've downloaded and installed the mod. Neither of them ever contained the installer, archive or update zip.
I believe thats what he meant, but worded it awkwardly.

Personally i have an empty partition just for PotC. It only has the stock game folder PotC, a PotC NH folder where i copied stock game + latest build install, a NH Download folder with the latest build files and archives and backups of options and global.c files should they get corrupted, and another copy of the stock game folder for a future build update that requires a new install.
A long time ago the instruction was to place the installer and the archive in the game folder.
That's why I worded it this way.
A long time ago the instruction was to place the installer and the archive in the game folder.
That's why I worded it this way.
It used to be the case that having the installer inside the game folder would cause weird stuff during the installation process.
But I fixed that a few years back and now you can place the files wherever you want; as long as they're next to each other and the archive has the correct name.
Oh a new update, brilliant! Quick question - would I need to start a new game after each update, or could I continue my save? I read about the massive update at the beginning of the thread, however that was back in 2016 and irrelevant to this. I just want to be sure, would wan't to brake my game now would I?
That depends on your game installation. If you did not install the December update then you'll probably need to start a new game.

If you've installed the previous update then you can probably continue after installing this one, though not everything will take effect. Pressing F11 should put the new ships into the game, most of which are alternative paint schemes for the ship which you meet at the end of "Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago". You won't see the new character models or the new trader in Havana until you start a new game. The fix for women in bedrooms should take effect without needing a new game.
Arr! Glad to know everyone is still playing and modding in 2019! I've been playing Sea Dogs 2, I would love to pick up this mod and start playing again.
Hey @Grey Roger, am I correct in noticing the sale price of Contraband Ebony has been reduced by 50-60% in this update? If so, then great :)

The self-proclaimed fastest brig in the game is still one of the slowest vessels available though. Even Tartanes outrun it with generally a 15-16+ speed listed in the shipyard. Only pure merchant ships appear to be slower, like the light pinnace, light fluyt and their bigger higher tier brethren.
The self-proclaimed fastest brig in the game is still one of the slowest vessels available though. Even Tartanes outrun it with generally a 15-16+ speed listed in the shipyard. Only pure merchant ships appear to be slower, like the light pinnace, light fluyt and their bigger higher tier brethren.
You play on the default Realistic Game Mode, right?
In that case especially, the weight, manoeuvrability, BestPoint and ClosestPoint would also make a substantial difference in the actual speed you can do.
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