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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Whelp, bollocks, me lads. I have a new rig and a fresh install directly from the discs. Threw the Build 14 Beta 4 install on top using the installer and archive as listed in the updated first post of this thread. And then overwrote the files from the 20Feb update zip file. But alas, upon selecting a character and attempting to load the game, I get CTD every time.

I've got all new hardware to include a Coffee Lake CPU and an RTX 2070 while running windows 10. Is there a compatibility issue about which I should be aware?
Whelp, bollocks, me lads. I have a new rig and a fresh install directly from the discs. Threw the Build 14 Beta 4 install on top using the installer and archive as listed in the updated first post of this thread. And then overwrote the files from the 20Feb update zip file. But alas, upon selecting a character and attempting to load the game, I get CTD every time.
Have you tried the Intel Fix?
Otherwise, post the .log files from your main game folder.
Ohoy, Pieter. It's been a long time. I intentionally selected the nVidia graphics processor to run with the executable instead of the onboard intel graphics. But if the fix might change things, I will try it. However, I cannot find the .log file in the main game folder.
I intentionally selected the nVidia graphics processor to run with the executable instead of the onboard intel graphics. But if the fix might change things, I will try it.
Worth a try. Sometimes it can be virtually impossible to convince the game to run on the correct processor. :facepalm

However, I cannot find the .log file in the main game folder.
That's strange. Did you install outside "Program Files"?
No, I installed in the normal location. I guess I am not sure what I am looking for. In the base file, I am not seeing anything that looks like a detailed log.
Ah Yes, I did find those. I also did manage to get the fracking thing working.


  • error.log
    642 bytes · Views: 168
  • system.log
    15.2 KB · Views: 163
  • compile.log
    243.9 KB · Views: 163
That's from @Levis' added diagnostic dialog to allow you to examine a character's stats. It probably doesn't do any harm, especially since dialog code file "Debug.c" doesn't use "Debug.h", it has a couple of hard-coded text lines instead. Neither "error.log" nor "system.log" show any problem with other dialog files. Besides, the real indication of a dialog problem would be if you talk to someone and get a blank box instead of text.
Pieter Can you Put a link of EXE Launcher cause
i have

COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters.h; line: 46
define redefinition: PASSENGERS_MAX

and also 1 Problem

In SAVE folder

The folder is EMPTY

Like no

Pieter Can you Put a link of EXE Launcher cause
i have

COMPILE ERROR - file: characters\characters.h; line: 46
define redefinition: PASSENGERS_MAX
How exactly did you install the game? "PASSENGERS_MAX" should not be in "characters.h" in "Pirates of the Caribbean" unless the installation has gone wrong.
and also 1 Problem

In SAVE folder

The folder is EMPTY
There's an entry about that in the FAQ:
New Horizons FAQ | PiratesAhoy!
i gat a problem with perks an their names after instalation. They are changed
Any one have the same?
i didnt start a new game after instalation. This may be the reazon?

I solved with a New instalation of Build 14 and the new update.
And of course a new game start.
Last edited:
Several perks were indeed changed as part of the update. The old "Ship Defence" perks, which covered both hull and rigging, are now split into "Damage Control" for hull and "Patcher" plus "Sail Master" for rigging. There are also new "First Aid" perks to help save your crew.

If you've added in the update archive, starting a new game is a good idea anyway because some of the fixes won't take effect until you do. In particular, the new perks won't work correctly until you start a new game. You can press F11 to re-initialise various things, including perks, but if you or your officers had any of the old perks, they'll still have them. Those old perks just won't show up any more, you won't get the new ones to replace them, and you won't get your ability points back.
It's about time to release a new update. I hope to do this by the end of next week.

@Jack Rackham: if you have files to upload, now would be a good time so I can merge them in.
@Mafeking Smalls: if you have any revised dialog text which you want included, please upload it soon.
It's about time to release a new update. I hope to do this by the end of next week.

@Jack Rackham: if you have files to upload, now would be a good time so I can merge them in.
@Mafeking Smalls: if you have any revised dialog text which you want included, please upload it soon.
I could provide an file too if you want. I'm working on some stuff. it's not yet done but I can disable the impact for the players already. It would force them to start a new game again. But else it would be next time :p.
When will you do it? I've got friday and saturday a lot of time so I hope to finish up some stuff. Maybe I can complete part of what I'm working on (a new small sidequest) before then.
Yes, I have the upgrades to Santiago, and added a few of my own - three extra permanent citizens, an outdoor blacksmith, and an item trader on one of your new "merchant" locators.

In the new batch, "PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c" wants to give "pistolpdart", the poisoned throwing knife, a new icon - is there a reason for this? In any case, WinMerge shows an odd character in the "itm.picTexture" line. The same peculiar character shows up in the definition of "pistoldart", the quest-specific unpoisoned throwing knife, which also uses the new icon. The character is invisible in Notepad but you can tell it's there because if you use the arrow keys to move along the line 'itm.picTexture = "ITEMS_JRH28";' you have to press the arrow twice to go from "S" to "_" as the cursor moves across the invisible character. The odd character is easily deleted by moving right to the "_", skipping the character, then pressing Backspace to remove it.

A useful shortcut: instead of:
if (CheckAttribute(char, "thing") && char.thing == value)
you can have:
if (GetAttribute(char, "thing") == value)
'GetAttribute' is defined in "NK.c". It uses 'CheckAttribute' to see if the attribute exists, returns the attribute's value if it does, or returns "-1" (as a string, not a number) if the attribute does not exist. It will return a false positive if you're looking for the attribute to be set to "-1", otherwise it's a bit neater than doing the 'CheckAttribute' yourself. I haven't changed any of your code, this is just for information in case you want to use 'GetAttribute' in future.
When I made a new knife (BBDagger) using the same model (PoisenedDagger) as pistolpdart
I also made a new picture. So I took the chance to change pistolpdarts picture as well. (the old picture didn't look like the model used at all)

That was a strange thing with the "S". Wonder how that happened?
Thanks for the Attribute info! :doff
True, the existing icon for the poisoned throwing knife does not look much like "PoisenedDagger". What now occurs to me is to copy your icon into "items_ccc" and add a drop of poison similar to the current version. The one in "ITEMS_JRH28" stays as it is. So the poisoned throwing knife gets an improved icon and it's slightly different to the one for your unpoisoned version. Any objections to me copying your icon to do this?
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