• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Easily enough fixed - it just needs a quick edit to "PROGRAM\globals.c". I'll re-upload the whole thing again, but for now, just put this into "PROGRAM".

It shouldn't affect the game anyway - it's more for our convenience so that, when someone runs into trouble and posts "compile.log", we can see which version they're using.


  • globals.c
    13.6 KB · Views: 275
Also, could you please delete the file \RESOURCE\MODELS\Ships\PiratFrigateSat\PiratFrigateSatdnd.gm
I left it there accidentally, it doesn't affect the game and it is useless.
Last edited:
It shouldn't affect the game anyway - it's more for our convenience so that, when someone runs into trouble and posts "compile.log", we can see which version they're using.
That bit is VERY convenient though.
Trying to troubleshoot certain issues without knowing which version people play is virtually impossible.
Here's the new start for the family story quest.
@Grey Roger, use Winmerge before to check the files, please. I use an old version of POTC.
When I have time, I'll update my POTC version....


  • new start.zip
    8.1 KB · Views: 256
Merry Christmas to everyone.
Is New Horizon have problem with Win 10?
I want to start a new game with Dec'18 update, but it continuously crashing on 1st start(beginning). 1st with free play mode then with Woodes Rogers! Cant start any new game! My installation is fresh after a while. Please see the attachment. Thanks in advance.


  • system.log
    374 bytes · Views: 209
  • compile.log
    6.9 KB · Views: 188
  • engine.ini
    35.2 KB · Views: 159
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Strange. "compile.log" shows a lot of lines such as:
WARNING!!! Item id bladep2 not implemented
Almost all the reported items are specific to "Woodes Rogers". Can you upload the same files after trying to start a "FreePlay" game? Also, if "error.log" exists, please upload that.
Thanks for reply.
@Grey Roger, please see the attachments. It is meant to free play as you asked. No error log is created. All the time its saying POTC New Horizon stopped working. In between I tried Bartolomu. Problem is the same. I am using Nvidia.



  • engine.ini
    35.2 KB · Views: 166
  • compile.log
    4.5 KB · Views: 147
  • system.log
    376 bytes · Views: 154
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I'm not sure what is going wrong. That "compile.log" shows no reports about items. It does show some colonies changing nation - are you trying to play in "Revolutions" or "Napoleonic" period? That shouldn't cause problems but would explain why Sao Jorge, Santo Domingo and Eleuthera all have new owners.

Perhaps something here might help?
Build Support & Troubleshooting

Where did you install the game - in which folder? Which anti-virus software are you using?
Yes I am trying to play Napoleonic period. But in any given period problem is the same. And with others as well. I tried Bartolomue & Rogers. :modding
I installed it in C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Pirates of the Caribbean.
I usually use Avast antivirus. But recently I did uninstalled it for a reason. Currently using Malwaresbytes.
See what happens if you disable Malwaresbytes. For preference, disconnect your PC from the network before disabling the anti-virus software, and enable it again before re-connecting to the network, so that your PC doesn't get something nasty during the experiment.
Tried, no luck :modding

I am going to uninstall it. Will install it again sometime. When will be new installation will come out in new year?
Note: CTSupermod (standalone) of Sea Dogs-Caribbean Tales running fine. Have some problem with starting videos but game running well. But it has no charm like New Horizon :no
Hi im new here and want to ask something. Is it possible add mods for example mega.nz?
Because transfer here and other paths like there(www.moddb.com) are bad and it's impossible download with weak internet, 2gb mod for example i need 10h+ to download but often after 3-4h process fail and must try again many people have the same problem like me. I want try test your mods but i can't :/ and I will repeat my request could you upload mods on service with good transfer like mega.nz ?
I would be grateful :)
Ahoy @Angar,
Everything is possible, of course!
But first, you could also try these links:

Build 14 Full Part 1: Installation Wizard
LATEST VERSION (from opening post)
Mirror 1 (older version; should be the same as on ModDB)
Mirror 2 (older version; should be the same as on ModDB)

Build 14 Beta 4.0 Part 2: Contents Archive
Mirror 1
Mirror 2

Maybe you have better luck with one of those?
They're all regular 'http' links, which means that a Download Manager program should be able to 'resume' if the connection is lost somewhere along the way.
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