• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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Another Error sure you guys can figure it out :woot
Looks like you do have the most recent version as I actually had to upgrade myself to find which line it refers to.
Turns out it's this one:

I'm a bit surprised that the first reference to 'romance_model' from the top in that file is a line to use it and not set it.
Many storylines are written chronologically from top to bottom. But that isn't necessarily the case, so this might mean nothing.
Either way, it's @Grey Roger's storyline and I'm certain he'll know what to do. :yes
That is not the cause of your problem, though it is a bit annoying to me as I thought I had finished debugging that story! It happened some time ago, when Lucia finished writing the letter to her father. You have been playing a lot further since then. (But I've fixed the bug anyway.)

The real problem is one which occurs randomly when you try to enter port and the game complains about a locked locator. Because it only happens very infrequently, it's very hard to fix and we haven't managed it yet.
I'm a bit surprised that the first reference to 'romance_model' from the top in that file is a line to use it and not set it.
Many storylines are written chronologically from top to bottom.
Not if they have branching plot lines, which this one does. ;) The attribute is set if you follow one particular method for the kidnap which results in Lucia changing into a cloak, and that line changes her back. Easy enough fix - check that the attribute is set before changing model; if its not set then Lucia never changed into the cloak, so doesn't need to change back. The attribute is needed because it won't be Lucia doing the changing if you're playing as Helen - we don't want Edmundo changing into Lucia's dress! xD
The real problem is one which occurs randomly when you try to enter port and the game complains about a locked locator. Because it only happens very infrequently, it's very hard to fix and we haven't managed it yet.
Which problem is that? It doesn't sound familiar to me...

Not if they have branching plot lines, which this one does. ;)
I figured as much. :cheeky
I am playing a the AUG 3 version and have discovered that even though I have set the shotgun to 0 in internal settings Clint still has the shotgun in the arcade mode. I tried with both with setting on 0 and 1 and he has the shotgun in both settings.

Lie the new Perks.
I am playing a the AUG 3 version and have discovered that even though I have set the shotgun to 0 in internal settings Clint still has the shotgun in the arcade mode. I tried with both with setting on 0 and 1 and he has the shotgun in both settings.
Did you change that setting before or after starting your new game?
I think it is only initialized at game start, so it won't update in an already running game.
Which problem is that? It doesn't sound familiar to me...
This is the report at the end of "compile.log":
Reload: Process started for locator_name =  and lockedReloadLocator =
Reload: Continue despite locked locator. Please post your compile.log file at piratesahoy.net!
Can't reload...
Reload locator '' in current location  not found!
That came from "PROGRAM\reload.c":
    if(locator_name == lockedReloadLocator)
       if(CheckAttribute(PChar, "ForceReload")) // PB: To fix potentially getting stuck
           TraceAndLog("Reload: Continue despite locked locator. Please post your compile.log file at piratesahoy.net!"); // PB: For testing
For some reason it appears to be trying to reload to a blank locator. "locator_name" and "lockedReloadLocator" are both empty. For that matter, so is the current location because the last line of "compile.log" is from a few lines further down in "reload.c":
    if(i == num)
//       if (Locations[FindLoadedLocation()].id == locator_name) return 0; // KK
       trace("Can't reload...");
       trace("Reload locator '" + locator_name + "' in current location " + current_location + " not found!");   // LDH added location 11Mar09
//       PlaySound("knock");//MAXIMUS
       return 0;
Ah, THAT one! But I only ever remember that one happening in 3D Sailing Mode.
It was also VERY rare and I don't remember anyone mentioning it for ages...

Digging further in my memory, I think it usually happened if you started reload from Sea to Shore, but then an enemy ship approached during the anchoring process.
Normally you can't reload to shore when an enemy is near, so your reload gets cancelled and you end up stuck.
I am playing a the AUG 3 version and have discovered that even though I have set the shotgun to 0 in internal settings Clint still has the shotgun in the arcade mode. I tried with both with setting on 0 and 1 and he has the shotgun in both settings.
Could you upload your version of the file "PROGRAM\Characters\init\QuebradasCostillas.c"? That is the file which assigns Clint his weapon, based on realism mode and the "CLINT_SHOTGUN" variable.
Ah, THAT one! But I only ever remember that one happening in 3D Sailing Mode.
It was also VERY rare and I don't remember anyone mentioning it for ages...

Digging further in my memory, I think it usually happened if you started reload from Sea to Shore, but then an enemy ship approached during the anchoring process.
Normally you can't reload to shore when an enemy is near, so your reload gets cancelled and you end up stuck.
That is consistent with what appears just before the error message at the end of "compile.log":
SEA: Error: Sea_LoginGroup sGroupID = CrQuebradasCostillas5, but group doesn't contain any quest ships!
SEA: I am deleting empty group 'CrQuebradasCostillas5'
Some routine stuff, then:
FLAGS: The HMS 'Tickler' has spotted us at 451.41 and will remember us as Pirate in CastelF with visibility=950.
Sea_FirstInit done
SETTING MUSIC: music_sea_battle
SETTING MUSIC: music_spokplavanie
SETTING MUSIC: music_day_sailing
== Directsail called at 15:14
== Directsail called at 15:29
So at a guess, @Nightmare was trying to approach Nevis Pirate Settlement and was caught by a British warship just as he was trying to moor.
Could you upload your version of the file "PROGRAM\Characters\init\QuebradasCostillas.c"? That is the file which assigns Clint his weapon, based on realism mode and the "CLINT_SHOTGUN" variable.

Here you are.

A couple of other things I have noticed in the current version. The screen loading seems significantly slower, and on Cayman the would be rapists and their victim either walk or don't move at all.


  • QuebradasCostillas.c
    44.5 KB · Views: 131
Odd. That's the correct version, and this is the code which should give Clint his weapon:
   if(iRealismMode == 0 && CLINT_SHOTGUN ==1)
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol10"); // Shotgun
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol10";
       //JRH ammo mod -->
       if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD) {   // LDH change
           TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
           TakenItems(ch, "pistolgrapes", 6);
       //JRH ammo mod <--
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol25"); // Brace of 4 Horse Pistols
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol25";
       //JRH ammo mod -->
       if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD) {   // LDH change
           TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
           TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
Or, in plain English:

If you're playing in Arcade mode and have set CLINT_SHOTGUN to 1, give him the shotgun (plus ammo if needed), otherwise give him the brace of horse pistols (plus ammo if needed).

As for the other problems, perhaps the PC is running slowly? Rapists and victim shouldn't be any slower than in previous versions, and certainly shouldn't be slower in any particular location. And there shouldn't be any difference with the loading screens from any previous versions.

Could you upload "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists?
Well, the screen loading is just perfect in my game.
No problem with Eastwood's gun atall.
That is consistent with what appears just before the error message at the end of "compile.log":
Good! At least it isn't a new problem then.

What I know is that it is a really rare problem that is difficult to trigger. Because it is difficult to trigger, it is difficult to test and fix.
@pedrwyth (I think) and me made various alterations to the code in the hope for forcing the reload to continue, but it still doesn't work.
Neither of us knows what else we can try, so we're stuck.

The good news is that it IS rare and that it is also completely random, which means that when you reload from the last save, at least it isn't likely to happen again.
Odd. That's the correct version, and this is the code which should give Clint his weapon:
   if(iRealismMode == 0 && CLINT_SHOTGUN ==1)
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol10"); // Shotgun
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol10";
       //JRH ammo mod -->
       if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD) {   // LDH change
           TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
           TakenItems(ch, "pistolgrapes", 6);
       //JRH ammo mod <--
       GiveItem2Character(ch, "pistol25"); // Brace of 4 Horse Pistols
       ch.equip.gun = "pistol25";
       //JRH ammo mod -->
       if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD) {   // LDH change
           TakenItems(ch, "gunpowder", 6);
           TakenItems(ch, "pistolbullets", 6);
Or, in plain English:

If you're playing in Arcade mode and have set CLINT_SHOTGUN to 1, give him the shotgun (plus ammo if needed), otherwise give him the brace of horse pistols (plus ammo if needed).

As for the other problems, perhaps the PC is running slowly? Rapists and victim shouldn't be any slower than in previous versions, and certainly shouldn't be slower in any particular location. And there shouldn't be any difference with the loading screens from any previous versions.

Could you upload "compile.log", "system.log", and "error.log" if it exists?
No Logs sorry. it could be as Pieter suggests I changed the settings after starting the game. So I will try again.

Just a quick question:

The Black Pearl-storyline, is it also available on "Free play"-characters or is it Nathaniel Hawk-exclusive?

Also, can you capture cities like in CoAS, only that you have to "learn" it before?
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