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Brigantine Castell Friedrichsburg 1688, upgraded to 16 guns

POTC does not run in windowed mode.

That is a possibility. Overall this ship is a mess and I can see why I bailed out on it 4 years ago.
Why does PotC not run in windowed mode? I use it successfully all the time.

Anyway, an alternate method would be to make a save on the worldmap so you get those cleaner log files.
Different hardware. POTC has been running progressively worse for me for 2 years now, and it looks like I will only be able to play it for 1-2 more years. Maybe less.
Got another CastelF and tried it out. So far changing the rey_a2 for one from another ship causes POTC to crash while loading. Using the stock one causes POTC to crash when enter direct sail from the world map. I can board from land, sail all around, go to the world map and then it crashes when going back to direct sail every time. Here are the logs. The system log is all the polacca. The error is new.


  • compile.log
    26.7 KB · Views: 390
  • error.log
    141 bytes · Views: 344
  • system.log
    18.7 KB · Views: 312
That error log is in the SeaAI_SwapShipsAttributes function, which suggests you did some sort of ship swapping.

I've never seen this system.log entry before though:
Can't loading cubemap mip 0 (side: 2), not loading it.
Cube map texture resource\textures\AMMO\EN3.TGA.tx can't loading (size: 64, num mips: 6, format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8), not loading it.
Does the CastelF use "EN3.tga" according to the GM Viewer?

I suspect that might be the cause; if so, she might require re-exporting from Maya.
Might @Armada possibly be willing to have a look at that if necessary?
If it's just a missing texture, can't you create (or copy) a blank one with the same name?
It sounds similar to the col.tga file that used to darken the stock Black Pearl's deck. I never did figure out how that worked through the Maya export settings. :read
Missing textures don't cause such weird error messages nor do they cause the game to crash. :confused:
Cube map texture resource\textures\AMMO\EN3.TGA.tx can't loading (size: 64, num mips: 6, format: D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8), not loading it.
Why would a ship use a texture from the AMMO folder? :confused:

Why would a ship use a texture from the AMMO folder? :confused:
Beats me. Not even sure if that IS the ship asking for that texture. But it does for sure make zero sense.
I figured perhaps the texture assignment confuses the game so much that it just ends up looking in the first texture folder.
Doesn't make that much sense either though.
Since the CastelF and the Polacca are very similar in size and shape I copied the Polacca section from ships.init.c and renamed some things to CastelF. That is the only ship swapping done. It has been a very long time since I last attempted to import a ship and it is very possible that I have missed some little detail. I also have not installed the walk file yet but that should not cause any problems.

Neither the CastelF nor the Polacca use that texture that I know of. The Polacca does have a lot of barrels and stuff laying around on the decks, so maybe that is where it comes from, although it does not show up in GMViewer.

Further testing showed that when just sailing along the "sail ho!" message also causes a CTD.

There are actually 2 sails not showing also. Both rey_a1 and rey_a2 sails are missing although the a1 yard moves with the wind while the a2 yard is stationary. What really bugs me is that they work fine in GOF2.
POTC CAB 2015-08-17 21-42-08-50.jpg start 2015-06-11 16-20-51-72.jpg
I tried the CastelF again today and got a little farther along by getting the flags and pennants to work. The constant CTDs are very discouraging.
POTC4 2015-12-24 13-51-35-25.jpg POTC4 2015-12-24 13-51-54-03.jpg
Could possibly @DF5 do a re-export from Maya?
If there is no clear reason for the crashes, I think that is the only thing that might solve that. :facepalm

Maybe @Armada has some thoughts though?
Your guess is as good as mine as to why this ship crashes the game. This model has always been troublesome for reasons unknown, but a re-export can't hurt.
Hi all. The link for download this model is not work. Who can reload this model on new server? Please give me a link?
Yes, the Castell Friedrichsburg is in PoTC:NH, and has been for a while. It's also in the GoF mod for CoAS.
I got the job of doing the interface pictures for the various national types, while I was working on the "Ardent" storyline. In fact, I was working on the part where you take on a payroll ship, and had yet to decide which ship to use. It had to be a transport, so basically a merchant; but it also had to be naval to allow for the security troops. What I needed, then, was something tier 6-7 so that it wouldn't be too tough to attack that early in the game, nor too much of a gift to the player after taking it; and it had to be dual purpose.

As well as doing the interface pictures, I took a look at the data for the Castell Friedrichsburg. Tier 6, dual purpose, and legal for "Golden Age of Piracy". If I'd given the collective talent of Pirates Ahoy the exact specification for what I wanted for the storyline and asked them to design a ship for me, they probably couldn't have come up with a better fit. So, here was a new ship looking for some action to bring it to players' attention, and here was a storyline looking for exactly that ship. The Spanish version duly went into the storyline as the payroll ship.
As well as doing the interface pictures, I took a look at the data for the Castell Friedrichsburg. Tier 6, dual purpose, and legal for "Golden Age of Piracy". If I'd given the collective talent of Pirates Ahoy the exact specification for what I wanted for the storyline and asked them to design a ship for me, they probably couldn't have come up with a better fit. So, here was a new ship looking for some action to bring it to players' attention, and here was a storyline looking for exactly that ship. The Spanish version duly went into the storyline as the payroll ship.
It's brilliant when coincidences line up juuust right! :bow
While this thread is up front, I recently upgraded the CastelF sailing properties. The reason why is because I had a Polacca and a CastelF and the Polacca was sailing circles around the CastelF. I didn't know I had messed it up so bad.

So I changed 3 lines in shipsinit.c and it is much better now. Try it and let me know if I went too far.


  • Ships_init.c
    856.5 KB · Views: 291