• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Screenshots thread

I'm fairly certain one of the first things they teach in fencing school is to duck, mon capitan. Though my navigator will need to get that ankle looked at before he returns to active duty.

Actually, that looks quite good. I'll give it a look in-game this evening. By the way, in case you don't hear it enough; thank you for jumping into the modding game here. I enjoy the improvements you're bringing. The game is richer with your ideas added to those of the other dedicated modders. And for all the modders, I know of no other game that has seen such an enriching transformation as PotC. Thanks all around.
heres hopefully the proper diffuse-rayed sun, also added the files for automatic narrow- or widescreen sun and corrected ocean reflection colors for the new tex :onya I think my post-processing graphics makes the sun a bit more blownout that standard, but I might be wrong so let me know how it looks xD


  • sunglow diffuse.rar
    650.9 KB · Views: 160
You can use TOOL to resize items. I did a bit of experimenting with this when I tried importing a couple of weapons from CoAS:GoF - in the end I decided the models weren't up to PoTC:NH standard and weren't going to add much to gameplay, but the experience was worthwhile. Click on "Scene" -> "Edit Scene" (I know, it's not a scene, but this is how it works...) and you'll find size controls in there.
its not quite as huge as it looks, its a bit of an optical illusion cuz of the angle and the very wide field of view of the freecam :p its bout the length of a longsword I think. it does need a bit of a downsize tho, its a 1h weapon so the hilt shoul fit relatively snugly to the hand, but Ill probably do it directly in maya since tool confuses me so is for emergencies only. also its approx 9th century so probably of limited use for now :p I do maybe have a plan with it tho :ninja
It's possible to have swords set up so that they aren't available for sale or in random chests. Look through "initItems.c" for everything relating to "blade18". That's the Sabre of Nicholas Sharp, there's only one in the game, and you get it from doing the "Saving Toff's Daughter" side quest. Or look for "bladeFD", which is Francis Drake's sword and you only get that for completing the "Find Angelique Moulin's Father" quest.
It's possible to have swords set up so that they aren't available for sale or in random chests. Look through "initItems.c" for everything relating to "blade18". That's the Sabre of Nicholas Sharp, there's only one in the game, and you get it from doing the "Saving Toff's Daughter" side quest. Or look for "bladeFD", which is Francis Drake's sword and you only get that for completing the "Find Angelique Moulin's Father" quest.
thanks, gonna be very useful :onya

That is one doozy of a cheese slicer! I like it. :thumbs1

Oh my God. Do you mind sharing your files?
sure! on my phone rn, but Ill post it soon as I get back!
Oh my God. Do you mind sharing your files?
alright here we go, with a short tutorial too just in case

first download d3d8to9 from here then reshade 3.0 from here and put/install them into your potc directory. the d3d8.dll from d3d8to9 will overwrite the enb one that comes with NH if you installed that one. also download the shaders when the reshade installer asks

then just copy my attached .ini into the potc directory too and choose it from the in-game reshade menu when the tutorials done and you should be good to go xD just ask if theres any problems or wishes tho!


  • DaisyPOTC.ini
    7.3 KB · Views: 178
alright here we go, with a short tutorial too just in case

first download d3d8to9 from here then reshade 3.0 from here and put/install them into your potc directory. the d3d8.dll from d3d8to9 will overwrite the enb one that comes with NH if you installed that one. also download the shaders when the reshade installer asks

then just copy my attached .ini into the potc directory too and choose it from the in-game reshade menu when the tutorials done and you should be good to go xD just ask if theres any problems or wishes tho!
Thanks, girl. You're the best. xD

I actually managed to get it to work and play around the wide range of settings reshade offers but couldn't find anything suitable or without some graphical bugs. I liked your screenshots and are going to try your settings right now.
Is that better than the default ENB settings included in the mod installer?
If so, perhaps it should be considered as a replacement for that. :cheeky
alright here we go, with a short tutorial too just in case

first download d3d8to9 from here then reshade 3.0 from here and put/install them into your potc directory. the d3d8.dll from d3d8to9 will overwrite the enb one that comes with NH if you installed that one. also download the shaders when the reshade installer asks

then just copy my attached .ini into the potc directory too and choose it from the in-game reshade menu when the tutorials done and you should be good to go xD just ask if theres any problems or wishes tho!
I'm obviously missing something along the line, so please forgive a numpty. Should I uninstall ENB first? Because after installing ReShade 3 and D3D8to9, the game hangs at loading DX8RENDER.DLL.